Search results for ""Author SuzelleDIY SuzelleDIY""
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Recipes
Famous for her hilarious do-it-yourself videos, SuzelleDIY has released her very own cookbook, Recipes. Also available in Afrikaans, the pages are full of delicious recipes that Suzelle has gathered and created over the years, from her ouma’s old classics to her own creative ideas that will get everyone talking at their next dinner party!Recipes by SuzelleDIY is a passion project put together by Suzelle and her team. This project has been a long time in the making and the Sketchbook team cannot wait to finally share the book with the world!Readers will be tantalised with scrumptious desserts, easy dinners, fun and delicious twists on South African favourites (bobotie balls anyone?), as well as a few wonderful recipes from special guests who also wanted their recipes in the book, shame.This cookbook is for everybody! So pop on your aprons people! It’s time to use your own creativity and make some delicious kitchen magic happen. DIY? Because anybody can!
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Resepte
Welkom by Resepte! Hierdie boek se bladsye is propvol geliefkoosde resepte wat ek oor baie jare versamel en opgetower het; van my Ouma se ou klassieke resepte tot my eie skeppings wat almal gaan laat gons oor jou volgende feesmaal! Jy sal heerlike nageregte ontdek, maklike aandetes, asook prettige en smaaklike afdraaipaadjies van Suid-Afrikaanse gunstelinge (enigeen vir bobotieballetjies?), sowel as paar ongelooflike resepte deur spesiale gaste wat ook, ag, shame, so graag in die boek wou wees. Hierdie kookboek is vir almal! Al is jy bobaaskok of beginner; al weet jy kwalik hoe om mikrogolfoond te hanteer of dink dat jou maaltye altyd so bietjie verroes lyk: daar sal iets in hierdie kookboek wees vir jou. Strik jou voorskoot aan, liewe mens! Dis tyd om jou eie kreatiwiteit te volg en die kombuis in gastronomiese betowering te omskep. DIY? Want almal kan!