Search results for ""Author Steve Jamison""
Simon & Schuster Ltd Winning Ugly: Mental Warfare in Tennis-Lessons from a Master
Simon & Schuster Ltd Winning Ugly
He's been called the best in the world at the mental game of tennis. Brad Gilbert's strokes may not be pretty, but looks aren't everything. He has beaten the Tour's biggest names - all by playing his ugly game. Now in Winning UglyGilbert teaches recreational players how to win more often without necessarily even changing their strokes. The key to success, he says, is to become a better thinking player - to recognize, analyze and capitalize. That means outthinking your opponents before, during and much after a match; forcing him or her to play your game. Winning Ugly is an invaluable combat manual for the court, and its tips include some real gems. Ultimately, Winning Uglywill help you beat players who have been beating you.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Coach Wooden's Leadership Game Plan for Success: 12 Lessons for Extraordinary Performance and Personal Excellence
“Each member of your teamhas the potential for personalgreatness; the leader’s job isto help them achieve it.”—JOHN WOODENCoach Wooden’s Leadership Game Plan for Successpresents a unique opportunity to study underthe man ESPN hails as “the greatest coach ofthe 20th century.” Practicing character-basedleadership before the term was invented, JohnWooden consistently led his legendary teamsto victory and has since taught countless businessleaders his fundamentals for achievingand sustaining success.Now, using this hands-on book based on theacclaimed John Wooden Leadership Course©,you can “interact” with Coach to learn andapply his philosophy of world-class leadership.This unique tutorial introduces you tohis core fundamentals of success as a leaderand reinforces them with examples, exercises,quizzes, and quotations. You’ll learn how to Create a relationship of respect andcamaraderie with those you lead Remain alert to opportunity, threats,trends, and changes Act with confi dence—but neverarrogance Practice moderation and balance inall that you do Be a model of poise, grace, and reason—especially under pressure Coach Wooden’s Leadership Game Plan for Successdrives home Mr. Wooden’s trademark 12 Lessonsin Leadership and his famous Pyramidof Success. When you base your leadership style and substanceon Coach’s straightforward attitudes,values, and principles, you’ll lead your teamand business to success the Wooden way.
McGraw-Hill Education The Essential Wooden: A Lifetime of Lessons on Leaders and Leadership
The acclaimed guide to leadership excellence and competitive success from one of America’s greatest coaches: John Wooden "Talent to spare, or spare on talent,” Wooden writes, “a leader's goal remains the same, namely, getting the very best out of the people in your organization." In The Essential Wooden he tells readers how to do this and achieve championship results, whether you lead a small team or run a corporation.When it came to managing a group of individuals and achieving world-class results, no one did it better than Coach John Wooden. This landmark leadership manual presents Wooden’s own hand-picked directives and opinions to help you build a dedicated and driven team that performs under pressure. Coach Wooden unpacks his famous Pyramid of Success and offers new perspectives on achieving Competitive Greatness, filling the entire book with his no-nonsense approach and keen insights on human nature. From Wooden's earliest days as a leader through his historic UCLA dynasty, The Essential Wooden distills a lifetime of learning into the leadership playbook for the 21st century.