Search results for ""Author Stephen M Hart""
Boydell & Brewer Ltd César Vallejo: A Literary Biography
This is the first biography of Latin America's most important poet. the Peruvian César Vallejo. It traces the important events of his life and evaluates his poetry, fiction, theatre, political essays and journalism. This is the first biography of Latin America's most important poet, the Peruvian César Vallejo, who was born in an Andean village, Santiago de Chuco, on 16 March 1892 and died in Paris on 15 April 1938. It traces the important events of his life - becoming a poet in Peru, falling in love with Mirtho in Trujillo, writing Trilce which would transform for ever the avant-garde in the Spanish-speaking world, fleeing to Paris in the summer of 1923 afterbeing accused of burning down Carlos Santa María's house in Santiago de Chuco, falling in love with Georgette Philippart and then with communism, writing his Poemas humanos (Human Poems) and then, shortly before hisdeath, writing his moving poems inspired by the Spanish Civil War, España, aparta de mí este cáliz (Spain, Take this Chalice from Me). This book also provides an objective evaluation of Vallejo's poetry, fiction, theatre, political essays and journalism. Stephen M. Hart is Professor of Latin American Film, Literature and Culture, School of European Languages, Culture and Society, University College London.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Companion to Latin American Film
A history of Latin American cinema, with detailed analysis of the twenty-five best films. Latin American cinema has seen major developments in the past half-century, and some of the most exciting work in contemporary film now originates there. This Companion traces its development from the mid 1890s, with particular attention to the early period when it was dominated by foreign film makers (or foreign models such as Hollywood), through the 1960s when as a genre it found its feet - the New Latin American Cinema movement - and beyond. Detailed analysis of the best twenty-five films of Latin America follows: cast and crew, awards, plots, themes and techniques. The 'Guide to Further Reading' includes important books, articles and Internet sites. FILMS:Que viva México Los olvidados Dos tipos de cuidado Orfeu Negro Memorias del subdesarrollo Lucía El chacal de Nahueltoro Yawar Mallku La batalla de Chile La última cena Pixote: a lei do mais fraco El Norte CamilaLa historia oficial Cartas del parque La tarea Yo, la peor de todas La frontera El viaje Fresa y chocolate Como agua para chocolate Central do Brasil Amores perros Y tu mamá también Cidade de Deus. STEPHEN M. HART is Professor of Hispanic Studies, University College London, and Profesor Honorario, Universidad de San Marcos, Lima.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Companion to Latin American Literature
The evolution of Latin American literature. A Companion to Latin American Literature offers a lively and informative introduction to the most significant literary works produced in Latin America from the fifteenth century until the present day. It shows how the press, and its product the printed word, functioned as the common denominator binding together, in different ways over time, the complex and variable relationship between the writer, the reader and the state. The meandering story of the evolution of Latin American literature - from the letters of discovery written by Christopher Columbus and Vaz de Caminha, via the Republican era at the end of the nineteenth century when writers in Rio de Janeiro as much as inBuenos Aires were beginning to live off their pens as journalists and serial novelists, until the 1960s when writers of the quality of Clarice Lispector in Brazil and García Márquez in Colombia suddenly burst onto the world stage- is traced chronologically in six chapters which introduce the main writers in the main genres of poetry, prose, the novel, drama, and the essay. A final chapter evaluates the post-boom novel, testimonio, Latino and Brazuca literature, gay, Afro-Hispanic and Afro-Brazilian literature, along with the Novel of the New Millennium. This study also offers suggestions for further reading. STEPHEN M. HART is Professor of Hispanic Studies, UniversityCollege London, and Profesor Honorario, Universidad de San Marcos, Lima.
The University of Chicago Press Cultural Dilemmas of Progressive Politics: Styles of Engagement among Grassroots Activists
Despite there having been no significant move to the right in recent years in public political opinion, conservatives have fared much better than progressives. This text explores the reasons for this pattern through examination of case studies of grassroots movements. The book focuses particularly on the economic justice work carried on by congregation-based community organizing and the pursuit of human rights by local members of Amnesty International. The author shows how such groups develop distinctive ways of talking about politics and create characteristic stories, ceremonies and practices.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd No Pasarán: Art, Literature and the Civil War
The six essays collected in this volume are a selection from a number of papers which were given at a one-day colloquium on 'Art, Literature and the Spanish Civil War' which was held in Westfield College on 18 July 1986, preciselyfifty years to the day after Franco's military coup in the Canary Islands, which was destined to have such a decisive effect on the course of Spanish history. Though this date subsequently became a Francoist celebration - the so-called 'Dia del Alzamiento' (Day of the Uprising) - the papers collected here do not demonstrate a Francoist bias. The overall approach is intertextual and interdisciplinary, thereby stressing the international nature of the artistic response to the war. For the benefit of the English reader, all foreign quotations are followed by an English translation.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Gender Violence in Twenty-First-Century Latin American Women's Writing
How do contemporary female authors in Latin America tackle gender violence in their writings? This book analyses the portrayal of violence against women in the works of ten contemporary Latin American female authors: Alejandra Jaramillo Morales, Laura Restrepo, Ena Lucia Portela, Wendy Guerra, Selva Almada, Claudia Pineiro, Diamela Eltit, Carla Guelfenbein, Lydia Cacho and Fernanda Melchor. Governments in Latin America have routinely failed to protect women from abuse, threats, censorship, repressive policies on reproduction rights, forced displacement, sex trafficking, disappearances and femicides, and this book beats a new path through these burning issues by drawing on the knowledges encapsulated by sociology as much as the visions articulated by literature. Through an exploration of works published in the twenty-first century by women writers from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba and Mexico, this volume reconceptualises positions of privilege and power in the region and provides new readings about the meaning of gender, sexuality, violence and the female body in contemporary Latin America. The aim of this book is to raise awareness of the daily threat of violence against women in Latin America, underline the importance of the voice of Latin American women within that daily struggle, and encourage governments, organisations and institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean to take gender violence seriously and fight to secure peace and social equality for all women in the modern world.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Philip IV and the World of Spain’s Rey Planeta
Did Spain fall into decline or flourish in the seventeenth century? This edited collection looks at perceptions and representations of Philip IV, Spain's 'Planet King', and his government against the backdrop of the seventeenth-century General Crisis in Europe, wars, revolutions and a sovereign debt crisis. Scholars often associate Philip's reign (1621-1665) with decline, decadence, crisis, stagnation and adversity (as did many contemporaries); yet the glittering cultural and artistic achievements (enhanced by his patronage) of the period led it to be dubbed 'the' Golden Age. The book analyses these contradictions, examining Philip's own understanding of kingship and how he and his courtiers used art and ceremony to project an image of strength, tradition, culture and prestige, while, at the same time, the empire grappled with revolts in Europe and falling trade with its New World colonies.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd César Vallejo: A Critical Bibliography of Research
Do you know when César Vallejo was born? Was he a communist or a lapsed Catholic, or both? Do you know what he died of? Did you know that a new collection of hand-written manuscripts has been recently discovered in Montevideo? You may not know the answer to all these questions (some of them may be unanswerable) but this book will help you to identify and compare the competing answers. It describes and evaluates the manuscripts, editions, books, collections of essays, articles, translations, and doctoral theses written about Vallejo by a wealth of scholars since Vallejo's death on Good Friday 1938.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Latin American Cinema
A Companion to Latin American Cinema offers a wide-ranging collection of newly commissioned essays and interviews that explore the ways in which Latin American cinema has established itself on the international film scene in the twenty-first century. Features contributions from international critics, historians, and scholars, along with interviews with acclaimed Latin American film directors Includes essays on the Latin American film industry, as well as the interactions between TV and documentary production with feature film culture Covers several up-and-coming regions of film activity such as nations in Central America Offers novel insights into Latin American cinema based on new methodologies, such as the quantitative approach, and essays contributed by practitioners as well as theorists