Search results for ""Author Stephen King""
Hodder & Stoughton Hearts in Atlantis
The classic collection of five deeply resonant, interconnected stories from No. 1 Sunday Times bestselling author Stephen King, now with a new cover look.'Although it's difficult to believe, the sixties are not fictional; they actually happened' (Author's Afterword)Stephen King, whose first novel, Carrie, was published in 1974, the year before the last US troops withdrew from Vietnam, is the first hugely popular writer of the TV generation. Images from that war - and the protests against it - had flooded America's living rooms for a decade.Hearts in Atlantis is composed of five linked stories set in the years from 1960 to 1999. Each story is deeply rooted in the sixties, and each is haunted by the Vietnam War.Full of danger, full of suspense, most of all full of heart, Hearts in Atlantis will take some readers to a place they have never been...and others to a place they have never been able to completely leave.
Hodder & Stoughton The Bachman Books
The iconic bestseller from Stephen King, writing as Richard Bachman - now with a stunning new cover look.For years, readers wrote asking if Richard Bachman was really world-bestselling author Stephen King writing under another name. Now the secret is out - and so, brought together in one volume, are these three spellbinding stories of future shock and suspense.The Long Walk: A chilling look at the ultra-conservative America of the future where a gruelling 450-mile marathon is the ultimate sports competition.Roadwork: An immovable man refuses to surrender to the irresistible force of progress.The Running Man: TV's future-favourite game show, where contestants are hunted to death in the attempt to win a $1 billion jackpot.Publishers Note: Includes The Running Man which is also published as an individual book.
Simon & Schuster Frankenstein
Mary Shelley’s timeless gothic classic accompanied by the art of legendary illustrator Bernie Wrightson live on in this gorgeous illustrated adaptation of Frankenstein—featuring an introduction by Stephen King.Few works by comic book artists have earned the universal acclaim and reverence that Bernie Wrightson’s illustrated version of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s Frankenstein was met with upon its original release in 1983, which vividly presented the timeless, terrifying tale of one man’s obsession to create life—and the monster that became his legacy. A generation later, this magnificent pairing of art and literature is still considered to be one of the greatest achievements made by any artist in the field. This book includes the complete text of the original groundbreaking novel and approximately fifty original full-page illustrations by Bernie Wrightson—created over a period of seven years—that continue to stun the world with their monumental beauty and uniqueness. This edition also contains introductions by #1 New York Times bestselling author Stephen King and author Mary Shelley, as well as supplemental material including a history of the novel, a chronology of Mary Shelley’s life and work, and the historical context of Frankenstein for readers.
Thorndike Press Large Print Holly
Prh Grupo Editorial Si Te Gusta La Oscuridad You Like It Darker
Pocket Books The Dark Half
';A chiller' (The New York Times Book Review) and #1 New York Times bestseller about a writer's horrific and haunting pseudonym that destroys everyone on the path leading to the man who created him.After thirteen years of international bestseller stardom with his works of violent crime fiction, author George Stark is officially declared deadrevealed by a national magazine to have been killed at the hands of the man who created him: the once well-regarded but now obscure writer Thad Beaumont. Thad's even gone so far as to stage a mock burial of his wildly successful pseudonym, complete with tombstone and the epitaph ';Not a Very Nice Guy.' Although on the surface, it seems that Thad can finally concentrate on his own novels, there's a certain unease at the prospect of leaving George Stark behind. But that's nothing compared to the horror about to descend upon Thad's new life. There are the vicious, out-of-control nightmares, for starters. And how is h
Debolsillo LA Mitad Oscura
Debolsillo Maleficio Thinner
Una obra escalofriante de la moderna novelística de terror.Maleficio es una obra escalofriante de la moderna novelística de terror. Un viejo gitano pronuncia una sola palabra y, tras seis semanas y 40 kilos menos, Billy Halleck, víctima del maleficio, se convierte en un desecho humano. En el colmo de la desesperación, intentará encontrar una solución jugando con las fuerzas de la vida y de la muerte.
Debolsillo Un saco de huesos Bag of Bones
Debolsillo Posesión
Kingvuelve a Castle Rock con unmensaje paranuestrostiempos.Laprueba de que un maestroaúnpuedeelevarmássu leyenda.USA TodayEl cuerpo de Scott Carey sufre un extraño fenómeno: pierde peso sin parar pero no se vuelve más delgado, su báscula le dice que cada día es un poco más ligero, sin importar si lleva o no ropa o cómo de pesada sea esta.Castle Rock es una ciudad pequeña en la que las noticias vuelan y Scott no quiere ser sometido a pruebas y experimentos, así que solo confía su secreto a su amigo el doctor Ellis.Sin embargo, el misterio de su insólita enfermedad causará efectos inesperados en la convivencia de la pequeña ciudad y sacará a la luz lo mejor de la gente que le rodea.Elevación es una historia fascinante y conmovedora y un antídoto contra nuestra cultura individualista.La crítica ha dicho...Escrita en el característico estilo translúcid
Debolsillo El retrato de Rose Madder
Debolsillo Cell
King vuelve aCastle Rock con un mensaje para nuestros tiempos.La prueba de que un maestro aún puede elevar más su leyenda.USA TodayEl cuerpo de Scott Carey sufre un extraño fenómeno: pierde peso sin parar pero no se vuelve más delgado, su báscula le dice que cada día es un poco más ligero, sin importar si lleva o no ropa o cómo de pesada sea esta.Castle Rock es una ciudad pequeña en la que las noticias vuelan y Scott no quiere ser sometido a pruebas y experimentos, así que solo confía su secreto a su amigo el doctor Ellis.Sin embargo, el misterio de su insólita enfermedad causará efectos inesperados en la convivencia de la pequeña ciudad y sacará a la luz lo mejor de la gente que le rodea.Elevación es una historia fascinante y conmovedora y un antídoto contra nuestra cultura individualista.La crítica ha dicho...Una historia de misterio, pero muy diferente a las habituales de King.ZendaEl autor pr
DEBOLSILLO Por los aires
Heyne Taschenbuch Sie
Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH Basar der bosen Traume
Heyne Taschenbuch Der Buick Roman
Heyne Taschenbuch Love Roman
Simon & Schuster Dolores Claiborne
Scribner Book Company Billy Summers: Large Print
Scribner Book Company Bag of Bones
Simon & Schuster Firestarter
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial (USA) LLC Cuento de hadas: Una novela / Fairy Tale
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial (USA) LLC Después / Later
Simon & Schuster Blaze
Gallery Books Dreamcatcher
Gallery Books The Dark Half
Scribner Book Company The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass
Random House USA Inc 'Salem's Lot (Movie Tie-in)
Penguin Young Readers El resplandor / The Shining
Penguin Young Readers El instituto / The Institute
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc The Stand
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Carrie
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc 'Salem's Lot
Splitter Verlag Sleeping Beauties Graphic Novel Band 1 von 2
Panini Verlags GmbH The Stand Das letzte Gefecht
Panini Verlags GmbH Stephen King The Stand Das letzte Gefecht Bd 1
Heyne Taschenbuch Fairy Tale
Heyne Taschenbuch Joyland Roman
Heyne Taschenbuch Frhling Sommer Herbst und Tod Vier Kurzromane
Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH The Green Mile Roman
Heyne Taschenbuch Friedhof der Kuscheltiere Roman
Heyne Taschenbuch Das Monstrum Tommyknockers Roman
Heyne Verlag Friedhof der Kuscheltiere
Heyne Verlag Spter
Heyne Verlag Das Institut Roman
Vintage Espanol Misery (Spanish Edition)