Search results for ""Author Staatliche Museen Zu Berlin""
Prestel Verlag 25.000 Jahre Schmuck
Hirmer Verlag Picasso & Les Femmes D'Alger (Multi-lingual edition)
This volume collects the fifteen oil paintings in Picasso's "Les Femmes d'Alger" series, which are scattered in museums around the world.Picasso’s study of the old masters forms an impressive focus of his late work. At the beginning of this new interest stood the works series Les Femmes d’Alger, which was on view in Paris, Munich, Cologne and Hamburg in 1955 and which today is scattered across several continents. The volume presents the series within the context of its reference works by Delacroix and Matisse. Pablo Picasso was 73 years of age during that winter when he created the unique ensemble of fifteen oil paintings, over 100 drawings and lithographs during his study of Eugene Delacroix’ The Women of Algiers in their Apartment (1834, 1849) and works by Henri Matisse like Odalisque with Red Trousers (1924/25) within the space of just three months. In addition to the cycle, this lavishly illustrated volume will also present the reference works and their reception. Two Algerian writers introduce a modern aspect with their contributions to the catalogue.
Seemann Henschel GmbH Gemldegalerie 200 Meisterwerke der Europischen Malerei
De Gruyter Neues Museum di Berlino. Guida all’architettura
La sensazionale ricostruzione del Neues Museum realizzata da David Chipperfield costituisce un ulteriore passo avanti verso verso il risanamento e la modernizzazione dell'Isola dei Musei di Berlino. Già l'edificio costruito fra il 1841 e il 1859 da Friedrich August Stüler era stato esaltato come un'opera eccezionale, non solo per l'impiego delle più avanzate tecniche di costruzione, ma anche per la sua concezione di "opera d'arte globale" in cui l'architettura, la decorazione figurativa e le opere esposte si integravano a vicenda in una messa in scena che permetteva ai visitatori di vivere l'esperienza di mondi tramontati e di culture esotiche dall'Antichità all'Evo Moderno. Grazie all'attenta salvaguardia di tutta la sostanza storica sopravvissuta alla seconda guerra mondiale e agli anni di incuria allo stato di rovina, nonché alle congeniali integrazioni moderne, il Neues Museum è oggi un degno rappresentante del patrimonio culturale dell'umanità dell'UNESCO. Questo libro descrive e analizza la storia dell'edificio nel suo antico e rinnovato splendore e riassume incisivamente l'intenso dibattito sui progetti per la sua ricostruzione e sulla loro realizzazione.
De Gruyter Neues Museum Berlin – Architekturführer
David Chipperfields Aufsehen erregender Wiederaufbau des Neuen Museums stellt einen weiteren Schritt zur Vollendung der Museumsinsel in Berlin dar. Sowohl die sorgsame Bewahrung aller Substanz, die nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg und der Vernachlässigung zu DDR-Zeiten noch erhalten war, als auch die kongeniale moderne Ergänzung zeichnen diesen Bau heute aus und machen aus ihm einen würdigen Teil des UNESCO-Welterbes. Bereits das 1841-1859 von Friedrich August Stüler errichtete Gebäude war nicht nur wegen der Anwendung modernster Bautechniken eine Besonderheit seiner Zeit, sondern auch durch die Konzeption als Gesamtkunstwerk aus Architektur, Bildprogrammen und ausgestellten Kunstwerken. Vergangene und fremde Welten vom Altertum bis zur Neuzeit wurden so dem Besucher erlebbar gemacht. In dem vorliegenden Buch wird das Gebäude in seiner alten und neuen Pracht geschildert und verständlich gemacht, aber auch die intensive Debatte über die Wiederaufbaupläne und ihre Umsetzung prägnant zusammengefasst.
Hirmer Verlag Iran: Five Millennia of Art and Culture
Lying between deserts, mountain chains and seas, Iran developed a fascinating cultural landscape. 360 objects from the time of the first advanced civilisations during the 3rd millennium BC until the end of the Safavid Empire in the early 18th century illustrate the outstanding significance of Iran as the initiator and centre of intercultural exchange. Exquisite artworks from the Sarikhani Collection in London and the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin invite visitors to embark on a journey in time through the cultural heritage of Iran. The highlights include the great pre-Islamic empires of the Achaemenids and the Sassanids, the establishment of a Persian-Islamic culture, the masterly artistic achievements of the 9th to the 13th centuries and the Golden Age of the Safavids. They are brought together as in a multifaceted kaleidoscope in the copious illustrations and provide insight into the art of the courts and the urban elites.
Hatje Cantz Tomas Schmit (Bilingual edition): making things: drawing action language 1970–2006
When the European Fluxus group disbanded in 1964 after two eventful years, Tomas Schmit (1943–2006), who had participated in the group's actions as a performer, gradually withdrew from performing. From 1966 he devoted himself primarily to writing and drawing. But the idea of the stage as a place where an action is performed in front of and with an audience did not disappear from his art. From then on, Schmit staged "the performance of drawing" on paper. The close interlocking of performance and drawing practice that characterizes Schmit's entire oeuvre will be brought into focus for the first time in the exhibition of the Kupferstichkabinett, which will take place in the fall of 2021, and in the accompanying catalog. At the same time, the project reflects the manifold spectrum of Schmit's nearly 40 years of comprehensive drawing and language art.
De Gruyter Museumsinsel Berlin: Fünf Häuser und ihre Schätze
Alle fünf Häuser der Museumsinsel – darunter auch das wieder eröffnete Neue Museum – werden im Magazinformat präsentiert. Ein attraktiver Bildband mit aktuellen Aufnahmen der Architektur und der bekanntesten Werke der einzelnen Sammlungen. Der Bildband begleitet den Betrachter durch die Museen der Berliner Museumsinsel und verschafft einen knappen Überblick über die Hauptwerke aller fünf Häuser. Der Rundgang führt von der Antikensammlung in Schinkels Altem Museum zu den Gemälden und Skulpturen in der Alten Nationalgalerie, von den Antiken im Pergamonmuseum zur Skulpturensammlung im Bode-Museum. Nicht fehlen darf natürlich auch das von David Chipperfield wiederhergestellte Neue Museum, das im Frühjahr 2009 wiedereröffnet wird. Auch dieses stellt der Band anhand neuester Aufnahmen vor und gibt einen knappen Überblick über seine Bestände.
De Gruyter Museum Island Berlin: And its Treasures
The five museums on the Museumsinsel in Berlin – including the recently reopened Neues Museum – are presented in a magazine format. An attractive coffee table book with architectural photographs as well as reproductions of the most important works in the different collectio