Search results for ""Author Simon M. Sze""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Semiconductor Sensors
An interdisciplinary work offering an introduction to the basic principles and operational characteristics of semiconductor sensors. Describes sensor technology, stressing bulk and surface micromachining. Considers a sensor group related to a special physical, chemical or biological input signal. The final chapter deals with integrated sensors. Each chapter includes a summary, problem sets and a discussion of future sensor trends.
John Wiley & Sons Inc High-Speed Semiconductor Devices
Introduces the physical principles and operational characteristics of high speed semiconductor devices. Intended for use by advanced students as well as professional engineers and scientists involved in semiconductor device research, it includes the most advanced and important topics in high speed semiconductor devices. Initial chapters cover material properties, advanced technologies and novel device building blocks, and serve as the basis for understanding and analyzing devices in subsequent chapters. The following chapters cover a group of closely related devices that includes MOSFETs, MESFETs, heterojunction FETs and permeable-base transistors, hot electron transistors, microwave diodes and photonic devices, among others. Each chapter is self-contained and features a summary section, a discussion of future device trend, and an instructional problem set.
John Wiley & Sons Inc ULSI Devices
A complete guide to current knowledge and future trends in ULSI devices Ultra-Large-Scale Integration (ULSI), the next generation of semiconductor devices, has become a hot topic of investigation. ULSI Devices provides electrical and electronic engineers, applied physicists, and anyone involved in IC design and process development with a much-needed overview of key technology trends in this area. Edited by two of the foremost authorities on semiconductor device physics, with contributions by some of the best-known researchers in the field, this comprehensive reference examines such major ULSI devices as MOSFET, nonvolatile semiconductor memory (NVSM), and the bipolar transistor, and the improvements these devices offer in power consumption, low-voltage and high-speed operation, and system-on-chip for ULSI applications. Supplemented with introductory material and references for each chapter as well as more than 400 illustrations, coverage includes: * The physics and operational characteristics of the different components * The evolution of device structures the ultimate limitations on device and circuit performance * Device miniaturization and simulation * Issues of reliability and the hot carrier effect * Digital and analog circuit building blocks
John Wiley & Sons Inc Modern Semiconductor Device Physics
An in-depth, up-to-date presentation of the physics and operational principles of all modern semiconductor devices The companion volume to Dr. Sze's classic Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Modern Semiconductor Device Physics covers all the significant advances in the field over the past decade. To provide the most authoritative, state-of-the-art information on this rapidly developing technology, Dr. Sze has gathered the contributions of world-renowned experts in each area. Principal topics include bipolar transistors, compound-semiconductor field-effect-transistors, MOSFET and related devices, power devices, quantum-effect and hot-electron devices, active microwave diodes, high-speed photonic devices, and solar cells. Supported by hundreds of illustrations and references and a problem set at the end of each chapter, Modern Semiconductor Device Physics is the essential text/reference for electrical engineers, physicists, material scientists, and graduate students actively working in microelectronics and related fields.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology
The awaited revision of Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology offers more than 50% new or revised material that reflects a multitude of important discoveries and advances in device physics and integrated circuit processing. Offering a basic introduction to physical principles of modern semiconductor devices and their advanced fabrication technology, the third edition presents students with theoretical and practical aspects of every step in device characterizations and fabrication, with an emphasis on integrated circuits. Divided into three parts, this text covers the basic properties of semiconductor materials, emphasizing silicon and gallium arsenide; the physics and characteristics of semiconductor devices bipolar, unipolar special microwave and photonic devices; and the latest processing technologies, from crystal growth to lithographic pattern transfer.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Physik der Halbleiterbauelemente
Physik der Halbleiterbauelemente Das Standardwerk zur Physik der Halbleiterbauelemente – erstmals auf Deutsch! Dieses einzigartige Buch, geschrieben von Pionieren auf dem Gebiet, behandelt sämtliche Aspekte der Physik der Halbleiterbauelemente, die zu deren Verständnis, Betrieb, Weiter- und Neuentwicklung notwendig sind. Wie das englische Original ist die deutsche Ausgabe ein äußerst nützliches Nachschlagewerk in der industrieorientierten Halbleiterforschung und eignet sich ebenfalls ausgezeichnet als Einstiegsliteratur für Studierende sowie als Unterrichtsmaterial für Vortragende. Bei der deutschen Ausgabe wurde besonderer Wert auf eine gute Lesbarkeit gelegt und daher die Übersetzung, teilweise unter Rückgriff auf die von den Autoren zitierten Originalquellen, so gestaltet, dass unnötige Anglizismen vermieden werden. Das englische Fachvokabular ist ergänzend an den entsprechenden Stellen im Text eingearbeitet, um den Leserinnen und Lesern den Gebrauch der englischsprachigen Fachliteratur zu erleichtern. Gelegentliche Anmerkungen im Text und Verweise auf weitere Originalquellen tragen zusätzlich zum besseren Verständnis der Materie bei. Als das Referenzwerk schlechthin ist der „Sze“ ein Muss für alle, die sich in Forschung, Entwicklung und Lehre mit Halbleiterbauelementen beschäftigen. Die Inhalte sind kompakt und präzise beschrieben und eignen sich perfekt für den Einstieg in das jeweilige Gebiet, komplettiert durch vertiefende Übungsbeispiele zu jedem Kapitel. Physik der Halbleiterbauelemente bietet eine unerreichte Detailfülle und ausführliche Informationen über die Physik und den Betrieb aller relevanten Halbleiterbauelemente, mit 1000 Literaturangaben, 650 technischen Illustrationen sowie 25 Tabellen mit Material- und Bauelementparametern. Aus dem Inhalt: Halbleiterphysik-Grundlagen p-n Übergänge Metall-Halbleiter-Kontakte MIS-Kondensatoren Bipolartransistoren MOSFETs Nichtflüchtige Speicher JFETs MESFETs und MODFETs Tunnel-Bauelemente IMPATT-Dioden TE- und RST-Devices Thyristoren und Leistungsbauelemente Photodetektoren und Solarzellen Sensoren
John Wiley & Sons Inc Physics of Semiconductor Devices
The new edition of the most detailed and comprehensive single-volume reference on major semiconductor devices The Fourth Edition of Physics of Semiconductor Devices remains the standard reference work on the fundamental physics and operational characteristics of all major bipolar, unipolar, special microwave, and optoelectronic devices. This fully updated and expanded edition includes approximately 1,000 references to original research papers and review articles, more than 650 high-quality technical illustrations, and over two dozen tables of material parameters. Divided into five parts, the text first provides a summary of semiconductor properties, covering energy band, carrier concentration, and transport properties. The second part surveys the basic building blocks of semiconductor devices, including p-n junctions, metal-semiconductor contacts, and metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) capacitors. Part III examines bipolar transistors, MOSFETs (MOS field-effect transistors), and other field-effect transistors such as JFETs (junction field-effect-transistors) and MESFETs (metal-semiconductor field-effect transistors). Part IV focuses on negative-resistance and power devices. The book concludes with coverage of photonic devices and sensors, including light-emitting diodes (LEDs), solar cells, and various photodetectors and semiconductor sensors. This classic volume, the standard textbook and reference in the field of semiconductor devices: Provides the practical foundation necessary for understanding the devices currently in use and evaluating the performance and limitations of future devices Offers completely updated and revised information that reflects advances in device concepts, performance, and application Features discussions of topics of contemporary interest, such as applications of photonic devices that convert optical energy to electric energy Includes numerous problem sets, real-world examples, tables, figures, and illustrations; several useful appendices; and a detailed solutions manual for Instructor's only Explores new work on leading-edge technologies such as MODFETs, resonant-tunneling diodes, quantum-cascade lasers, single-electron transistors, real-space-transfer devices, and MOS-controlled thyristors Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Fourth Edition is an indispensable resource for design engineers, research scientists, industrial and electronics engineering managers, and graduate students in the field.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Semiconductor Fabrication
Fundamentals of Semiconductor Fabrication provides an introduction to semiconductor fabrication technology, from crystal growth to integrated devices and circuits. It includes theoretical and practical aspects of all major fabrication steps, making it a useful reference tool when students enter the semiconductor industry. Each chapter begins with an introduction and a list of learning goals, and each chapter ends with a summary of important concepts and suggested homework problems.