Search results for ""Author Shawn Bolz""
NEWTYPE Publishing Creciendo Con Dios: Aventuras cotidianas escuchando la voz de Dios
Creciendo con Dios es la historia de dos mejores amigos: María y Lucas; los cuales están en una travesía por descubrir quienes son en medio del -Normal y al mismo tiempo fascinante- proceso de escuchar el corazón de Dios. Durante el campamento de verano, María tiene un momento transformador en su vida cuando escucha a Dios por primera vez. Dios le dice algo que ella no podía a creer: ¡va a ser una actriz! Y no en 20 años cuando sea adulta, sino que puede empezar a esa carrera ¡desde ahora! El problema surge cuando parece que con cada paso que da surge un nuevo obstáculo. Lucas es un niño sin preocupaciones, para el, su vida es el futbol. Lo único más importante que el futbol es su relación con Dios. Lucas está aprendiendo a escuchar el corazón de Dios, aun cuando eso signifique que tenga que hacerse amigo de un chico algo extraño de la escuela. María y Lucas se encuentran en una verdadera aventura que les impulsa a crecer en su conexión con Dios, en su relación entre ellos y a hacer muchos amigos en el camino. Es una travesía donde hay dudas, frustraciones y también mucho gozo mientras buscan aprender a desarrollar su relación con Jesús de un forma genuina. Escrito por Shawn Bolz, autor de "Traduciendo a Dios" llega esta historia que es emocionalmente inteligente y espiritualmente relevante, que equipa a los niños y jóvenes de toda edad a conectarse al corazón de Dios y a escuchar Su voz para sus propias vidas. El don con el cual Shawn enseña sobre lo profético, ha sido preparado para presentarlo de una manera en la que niños de todas las edades pueden experimentar como Dios no se limitar por nuestra edad. Cuando Dios habla, todos tienen la oportunidad de escuchar y ver las cosas poderosas y maravillosas que suceden por medio de la Fe. Este libro ha sido creado para utilizarse conjuntamente con el "Libro de Trabajo - Creciendo con Dios" y para que pueda ser aplicado en sesiones de escuela dominical o para aprendizaje individual. Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USJAX-NONE
NEWTYPE Publishing Exploring the Prophetic Devotional: A 90 day journey of hearing God's Voice
Join Shawn Bolz on a 90 day journey of hearing God's voice for your life and for the world around you. God loves speaking to us! He shares about the past, present and future and is eagerly waiting for your listening ear! In this devotional will you go on a progressive journey of being activated in the prophetic. You will be taught how to identify the differences between prophecy, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, and discernment and how to operate in each of theses unique prophetic gifts. You will find this devotional full of fun challenges, scripture references, teaching points, and powerful activations to get you daily walking in the prophetic and hearing God's voice in impactful ways!
NEWTYPE Publishing God Secrets: A Life Filled with Words of Knowledge
YOU CAN KNOW THE SECRETS OF GOD AND USE THAT KNOWLEDGE TO TRANSFORM THE WORLD AROUND YOU! People are paying millions of dollars for information and understanding on matters like business, economics, and politics. God has the answers, and he has made his secrets discoverable to every seeking believer in a close relationship with him. In GOD SECRETS, you’ll learn how to: Gain access to God’s deep knowledge and wisdom. Share God’s mindset. Inspire and empower others with God’s thoughts and dreams. Use words of knowledge in everyday life scenarios. Connect with his love for all of his creation, which includes you. Did you know you can grow in Words of Knowledge? Paul encourages believers in 1 Corinthians to follow after love and to eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit. He would never tell us to pursue something or give us hope for certain gifts if we couldn't engage them! Words of Knowledge is one of the revelatory gifts that we can grow and strengthen just like any other spiritual gift. God loves to tell us specific information about people that we wouldn't naturally know on our own! God has been known to reveal birthdates, anniversaries, family nicknames, pet names, and even bank account numbers at times! The sharing of these personal details help us to develop trust and strong connection to the Lord. It produces faith to believe that God deeply loves us and that He truly does have plans to prosper us and give us hope for the future! Journey with Shawn as he lays out his understanding of this gift in a relatable way, and gain a fresh perspective on God’s direction for your business, your household, your worldview, and your spiritual life. GOD WANTS YOU TO DISCOVER HIS SECRETS. IT WILL CHANGE YOU AND THE WORLD AROUND YOU.
Charisma House Encounter
NEWTYPE Publishing Provision: Prophecies, Prayers & Declarations
PROVISION Prophecy, Prayers, and Declarations pro*Vision Definition for a Christian 1 a. the act or process of providing b. the fact or state of being prepared beforehand c. a measure taken beforehand to deal with a need or contingency : PREPARATION made provision for replacements 2. a stock of needed materials or supplies especially : a stock of food 3. Everything needed for a vision God has given to you to come into full reality One of the ways we connect to God: The Provider This book is going to give you faith that if you have a destiny God has a provision to make it happen. Through these prayers, prophecies, and declarations you will know how to apply the theme that God is our provider to your world. God's nature is to bring us finances, resources, and everything we need to fulfill our calling. He wants to provide for your life, your family, community, industry, and world. Use the tools of prophecy, prayer, and declaration over twelve of the most relevant themes to partner with God for your life.
NEWTYPE Publishing Los Secretos de Dios: Una Vida llena de Palabras de Conocimiento
EscribÍ este libro porque yo creo fuertemente que TU PUEDES CRECER EN PALABRAS DE CONOCIMIENTO! Pablo anima a los creyentes en primera de Corintios 14:1 a seguir el amor y procurar los dones espirituales, pero sobre todo que profeticÉis. El nunca nos dirÍa que procuremos algo o nos animarÍa a seguir los dones en a iglesia si es que no pudiÉsemos acceder a ellos. Las palabras de conocimiento son un aspecto de los dones profÉticos que podemos desarrollar de la misma manera como desarrollamos cualquier otro don espiritual. A lo largo de este libro quiera darte Fe, el modelo y las escrituras para que empieces tu propio caminar profÉtico, para que puedas tu mismo buscar y experimentar este asombroso don que hace que el mundo se sienta tan amado y conocido por nuestro Padre que esta en el cielo. Las palabras de conocimiento han sido uno de los aspectos menos desarrollados de los dones de revelaciÓn y sin embargo son unos de los mas poderosos dones que la iglesia puede usar. Nos ayudan a definir esos momentos de asombro - “ah ja” cuando nos damos cuenta que Dios es real, y esta presente y te ama. Crea un espacio para que las personas estÉn en asombro y aun en shock de quien Dios es y cuan Íntimamente los ama a ellos y a todo al humanidad. Palabras de Conocimiento suenan a lago muy simple, pero llevan consigo un encuentro total con el Dios de todo el universo y causa que el Dios que siempre esta presente se manifieste a esa persona que recibe la palabra en aquel momento. La gente siente que el Dios de todo el universo se preocupa especÍficamente sobre los detalles mas Íntimos de sus vidas y sus corazones. Yo creo que necesitamos restaurar este don a su lugar correcto en nuestros corazones y que se convierta en una de las metas de cÓmo nos movemos en profecÍa. Los cristianos que empiezan a escuchar el corazÓn y la mente de Dios sobre los eventos actuales, experiencias pasadas, y todo las demÁs que sucede en medio, van a ser una de las fuentes mas valiosas en el mundo para aconsejar en los dÍas que estÁn por venir. JesÚs logro influenciar audiencias influyentes con simples palabras de conocimiento y sabidurÍa profÉtica. Como la historia de Zaqueo quien era un odiado recaudador de impuestos. Zaqueo era un hombre pequeÑo y se subiÓ a un Árbol para tratar de ver a JesÚs. El esperaba quizÁs que JesÚs le preste atenciÓn sin embargo sabia que probablemente JesÚs continuarÍa su camino. Pero JesÚs le vio ahÍ y le llamo por su nombre, una palabra de conocimiento, y le dijo “Zaqueo, baja y prepara tu casa para visitarte” Zaqueo estaba sorprendido, emocionado, asustado y serio en ese momento. Algunas personas de la multitud que eran religiosas dijeron - No vayas a estar con un deshonesto, un hombre indigno! Si lo conocieras nunca pusieras un pie en su casa - Zaqueo se defendiÓ a si mismo sin querer perderse la oportunidad pero JesÚs lo validÓ diciendo “No te preocupes, voy a ir a tu casa” Porque JesÚs no estaba mirando lo natural, el podÍa compartir el afecto y el amor y la visiÓn del Padre en el cielo para este pequeÑo hombre. Y fue un modelo a seguir para cientos de personas a su alrededor que tambiÉn se sentÍan indignos de conectarse con Dios . JesÚs amo aun a las personas que no se sentÍan dignas de su amor. Cuando de nosotros nos perdemos preciosas oportunidades de amar porque no vemos a las personas con ojos de revelaciÓn? Si estamos limitados a lo que podemos ver o discernir, nos perderemos las mejores oportunidades en la vida.
NEWTYPE Publishing Interpretando a Dios: Escuchando a Dios Para Ti Mismo & Para el Mundo Que Te Rodea
Las Palabras de conocimiento instauran los pensamientos de Dios en nuestra cultura. Estos validan el amor de Dios a personas impensables, que en otras ocasiones no hubiesen sido vistos desde esa perspectiva. Interpretando a Dios sirve como un libro-guÍa inspiracional que pone al gran amor de Dios nuevamente como la meta principal en el ministerio profÉtico; lleno de historias reales que articulan la cultura de amor detrÁs del corazÓn de Dios para lo profÉtico. Gran parte del ministerio profÉtico se ha vuelto esotÉrico y una puerta abierta para todos donde las personas hablan en nombre de Dios sobre cualquier cosa que ellos “sienten”, sin embargo este libro trae un balance sin restar el deseo de ver una demostraciÓn poderosa de la naturaleza de Dios. A mas de esto, esta basado en la Biblia y sustentado por escrituras a lo largo de cada historia, ejemplificando el mensaje del libro de activar la habilidad de escuchar la voz de Dios para cada lector. Por medio de una filosofÍa provocadora del ministerio profÉtico sumado al glorioso Éxito de Shawn asÍ como a los muchos intentos fallidos, usted serÁ inspirado y equipado para: Aprender como escuchar a Dios por ti mismo y para los demÁs. Crecer por medio de pasos simples. Tomar grandes riesgos. Permanecer rindiendo cuentas. Amar bien a las personas. Crecer en intimidad con el SeÑor Como una conocida voz profÉtica internacional que ha ministrado a miles de personas, -desde lideres polÍticos hasta personas de la calle- Shawn comparte todo lo que ha aprendido sobre lo profÉtico de una forma que es completamente Única y refrescante. Shawn apunta a la meta mas alta de amar a las personas de una manera relacional, no solo procurando el don o la informaciÓn, y te activa a hacer lo mismo. Empieza hoy a moldear el mundo a tu alrededor con el amor de Dios.
NEWTYPE Publishing Las Llaves De La Economia Del Cielo: Una Visita Angelical Del Ministro De Finanzas
"La voz audible del SeÑor inundÓ la habitaciÓn, y me presentÓ al Ángel parado frente a mi: Da la bienvenida al Ministro de Finanzas en el Reino." AsÍ empiezan las visitas del ministro de finanzas del cielo a Shawn Bolz, quiÉn le revela estrategias divinas de Dios para remodelar la tierra, y para lo cuÁl tÚ eres parte esencial. Dios estÁ liberando finanzas y recursos a aquellos quienes estÁn listos para recibirlos y darle a JesÚs su recompensa completa y su herencia en nuestros tiempos. AsÍ como Dios no retuvo nada de SalomÓn, quiÉn ansiaba construir un templo para Dios en la tierra, Dios no escatimarÁ recursos para construirnos a nosotros, Su templo, en el nombre de Su Hijo. El Padre estÁ listo para transferir los recursos del cielo a su Reino en la tierra. ¿EstÁs listo para abrirle la puerta a Aquel quiÉn es el dueÑo de todas las llaves de las finanzas – JesÚs?
NEWTYPE Publishing Modern Prophets: A Toolkit for Everyone on Hearing God's Voice
A theological and experiential reformation on Prophecy! Prophecy is not just about hearing God's voice, but administering God's will in every area of life. Much of the prophetic today is elusive and unapproachable. Practical tools of healthy theology are changing everything. The dreams and desires of God for every person are made available through prophecy. Business plans are perfected, kidnapped victims are discovered, government officials elected by means of this gift. The benefits are truly endless. It’s time we become Modern Prophets. Learn how to administrate the gift, ministry, and office of Prophecy. Go on a journey of incorporating the prophetic into your life. Modern Prophets guides readers through dozens of topics like: The Theology of the Prophetic Historical Context of Prophecy Current Context for Prophecy Ways God Speaks Benefits of Prophecy Getting a Word Wrong The Psychology of the prophetic The Individual Growth Process in the Prophetic Testing Words and feedback Building self-accountability Holding prophets accountable The Administration of the Prophetic Defining responsibility of the prophet Building relational accountability Nurturing a prophetic community Appointing someone to the office of a Prophet How to prophesy over others in a way that is useful to them And so much more… Modern Prophets makes the prophetic useful, practical, and real in every sphere of society!
NEWTYPE Publishing God Secrets: A Life Filled with Words of Knowledge
YOU CAN KNOW THE SECRETS OF GOD AND USE THAT KNOWLEDGE TO TRANSFORM THE WORLD AROUND YOU! People are paying millions of dollars for information and understanding on matters like business, economics, and politics. God has the answers, and he has made his secrets discoverable to every seeking believer in a close relationship with him. In GOD SECRETS, you’ll learn how to: Gain access to God’s deep knowledge and wisdom. Share God’s mindset. Inspire and empower others with God’s thoughts and dreams. Use words of knowledge in everyday life scenarios. Connect with his love for all of his creation, which includes you. Did you know you can grow in Words of Knowledge? Paul encourages believers in 1 Corinthians to follow after love and to eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit. He would never tell us to pursue something or give us hope for certain gifts if we couldn't engage them! Words of Knowledge is one of the revelatory gifts that we can grow and strengthen just like any other spiritual gift. God loves to tell us specific information about people that we wouldn't naturally know on our own! God has been known to reveal birthdates, anniversaries, family nicknames, pet names, and even bank account numbers at times! The sharing of these personal details help us to develop trust and strong connection to the Lord. It produces faith to believe that God deeply loves us and that He truly does have plans to prosper us and give us hope for the future! Journey with Shawn as he lays out his understanding of this gift in a relatable way, and gain a fresh perspective on God’s direction for your business, your household, your worldview, and your spiritual life. GOD WANTS YOU TO DISCOVER HIS SECRETS. IT WILL CHANGE YOU AND THE WORLD AROUND YOU.
NEWTYPE Publishing Breakthrough Volume 1
break•through a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development. an instance of achieving success in a particular sphere or activity. an advancement through enemy lines. a notable before and after moment of resolution or new beginning. ONE OF THE NAMES OF GOD.This book is going to show you how to apply biblical breakthrough to your world. It’s not just a buzzword but one of the ways that God defines Himself biblically. God wants to be your breaker. He wants you to know Him as the One who breaks through in your life, family, community, industry, and world. Use the tools of prophecy, prayer, and declaration over twelve of the most relevant themes to partner with God for your life!
NEWTYPE Publishing Growing Up with God: Everyday Adventures of Hearing God's Voice
Growing Up with God is the story of Maria and Lucas, two best friends who are on the journey of discovering themselves in the very normal, but also epic journey of hearing from God’s heart. Maria has a life-changing moment at Summer Camp when she hears from God for the first time. He tells her something beyond belief, that she is going to be an actor! And not in 20 years as an adult, she can pursue her acting career now! The problem is, with every step, something seems to stand in her way. Lucas is a boy with a one-track mind: Soccer is life. The only thing more important than that is his relationship with God. Lucas is learning to listen to God’s heart, even if that means befriending the weird new kid in school. Maria and Lucas find themselves on a true adventure that causes them to grow in their connection to God, each other, and make new friends along the way. It’s a journey of doubt and frustration followed by joy in the very real pursuit of learning what it is to walk in relationship with Jesus. From Shawn Bolz, author of Translating God, comes an emotionally intelligent and spiritually relevant story that equips youth of all ages to tap into God’s heart and hear His voice in their lives. Shawn has taken his gift of teaching on the prophetic and presents it in a way that children of all ages can experience how God is not limited by our age. When He speaks, everyone gets to hear Him and see powerful and wonderful things happen through their faith. This book was created to work alongside the Growing Up with God Workbook, which can be used by individuals or Sunday school groups.
Whitaker House Oración de Rompimiento: Donde Dios Siempre Oye Y Contesta
NEWTYPE Publishing Wired to Hear: Connecting God's Voice to Your Life, Influence, and Career
Bob Hasson and Shawn Bolz have come together to help infuse you with hope, truth, and perspective about your God-given role in the marketplace. Whether you own or manage a business, have spent decades in your career, or are simply trying to find value in the work that you do, this book is for you. As you walk this journey with us, you'll have an opportunity to build spiritually driven goals for both your own career as well as the industry you are called to. Throughout the book, we explore real-life examples of what it looks like to hear God and follow His leading within marketplace roles. We also discuss where our understanding of God, Church, and the marketplace has been immature or broken. The goal is that you are empowered to do it differently, getting a greater result in your relationship to God's voice, impacting the way you partner to your career.
Baker Publishing Group Accessing the Riches of Heaven – Keys to Experiencing God`s Lavish Provision
I just want to be in heaven. When we enter seasons of hardship or shortage, we yearn for the peace, tranquility, and abundance we know we will find in heaven. But did you know that God has given us access to the riches of heaven here on earth? Bestselling author and entrepreneur Patricia King dives into Scripture and answers questions like · What does accessing the riches of heaven look like? · What kinds of riches are there? · How can I receive my spiritual inheritance? · What impedes me from accessing this heavenly abundance? · Does God bestow different kinds of riches on different people? The Father provides for his children and has given you the means to access his riches here and now. Will you accept his invitation?
Baker Publishing Group Becoming a Next–Level Prophet – An Invitation to Increase in Your Gift
Prophets aren't sharpened in an instant. They must go through a "making" process to shape their character and burn off their impurities through experiencing the ways of God. As you explore your prophetic calling, you will understand your prophetic mission--and what it takes to progress through each level on your way to fulfilling your God-given destiny. In Becoming a Next-Level Prophet, author, speaker, and apostolic prophet Jennifer LeClaire encourages and challenges you to sharpen your prophetic edge through obedience, willingness, humility, selflessness, prayer, warfare, holiness, faithfulness, and accountability. She urges you to mature in your anointing and to be a good steward of the gifts with which God has entrusted you, pointing more people to Jesus. As spiritual warfare increases and the world is in desperate need for the clear voice of God, it is crucial that his prophets rise up with power and maturity.
Baker Publishing Group Do Greater Things – Activating the Kingdom to Heal the Sick and Love the Lost
How to Heal the Sick, Cast Out Demons, Raise the Dead--and More! The Bible says that if you belong to Jesus, you have the power to: · heal the sick · cast out demons · bring deliverance to those trapped in spiritual darkness · prophesy in his name · call forth creative miracles · receive supernatural words of wisdom and knowledge · even raise the dead So why do so many Christians live powerless lives? Why do they operate with so little faith? Having gone through his own journey from doubt to belief, Chicagoland pastor Robby Dawkins now ministers and speaks internationally, and where he goes, miracles happen. In these pages he shares incredible stories of God using ordinary people to do the impossible. And he shows that, when you begin to have faith in the power of God, take him at his Word, and understand his love for you, you will see his power released in healings, financial blessings, and miracles of all kinds.