Search results for ""Author Sean Masaki Flynn""
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Wirtschaft für Dummies
Angebot und Nachfrage, Rezession und Inflation sind Begriffe, die täglich und nicht nur im Wirtschaftsteil der Tageszeitung auftauchen. Aber was verbirgt sich hinter diesen Begriffen? Und was versteht man unter Makro- und Mikroökonomie? Welche Faktoren führen zu einer Inflation, warum gibt es Rezessionen und, last but not least, warum lieben Ökonomen freie Märkte und Konkurrenz? Sean Masaki Flynn gibt die Antworten auf diese Fragen und bringt Ihnen damit die Grundzüge der Wirtschaft näher.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Economics For Dummies: Book + Chapter Quizzes Online
Learn the basics of economics and keep up to date on our ever-changing economy Whether you’re studying economics in high school or college, or you’re just interested in taking a peek into the complexities of how money moves, Economics For Dummies is the go-to reference that transforms complex economic concepts into easy-to-understand reading. With the simple explanations in this book, you’ll master key topics like supply and demand, consumer behavior, and how governments and central banks attempt to avoid—or at least ameliorate—business downturns and recessions. Plus, you’ll learn what’s going on these days with inflation, interest rates, labor shortages, and the Federal Reserve. Studying for an exam? This Dummies guide has your back, with online practice and chapter quizzes to help you get the score you need. It’s time to recon econ, the Dummies way. Get a grasp on the unchanging fundamentals of economics Dive into behavioral economics and consumer decision making Learn what drives economic growth and inequality Solidify your knowledge with practice questions and quizzes Economics For Dummies is an approachable reference book for students, as well as an informative guide for anyone interested in learning more about today’s economy.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Economics For Dummies
Untangle the jargon and understand how you're involved in everyday economics If you want to get to grips with the basics of economics and understand a subject that affects British citizens on a daily basis, then look no further than Economics For Dummies. This easy to understand guide takes you through the world of economics from understanding micro- and macroeconomics to demystifying complex topics such as capitalism and recession. This updated edition walks you through the history, principles and theories of economics as well as breaking down all the complicated terminology, leaving you clued up on economics in no time. Getting to grips – explore the science of economics and how people deal with scarcity Keeping an eye on it – learn all about macroeconomics and how economists keep track of everything Watch patterns emerge – understand why monitoring consumer behaviour is vital and all you need to know about microeconomics Your recession guide – expert advice on recessions and a detailed look at why they occur Open the book and find: Why you should care about economics and how it affects you Tools to help you understand a recession A guide to seductive economic fallacies All you need to know on monetary and fiscal policies How supply and demand can be made easy Why it's vital to track consumer choices An in-depth look at a profit-maximising firm and the core of capitalism Guidance on property rights and wrongs Learn to: Look through economic history and spot the trends Understand micro- and macroeconomics Get to grips with consumer behaviour and its influence on the economy Spot the signs of a recession and see how economic decisions affect you
OM Book Service Loose Leaf for Macroeconomics
McGraw-Hill Education Connect Access Card for Microeconomics, Brief Edition
McGraw-Hill Education Connect Access Card for Economics, Brief Edition