Search results for ""Author Scott W. Cunningham""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Tech Mining: Exploiting New Technologies for Competitive Advantage
Tech Mining makes exploitation of text databases meaningful to those who can gain from derived knowledge about emerging technologies. It begins with the premise that we have the information, the tools to exploit it, and the need for the resulting knowledge. The information provided puts new capabilities at the hands of technology managers. Using the material present, these managers can identify and access the most valuable technology information resources (publications, patents, etc.); search, retrieve, and clean the information on topics of interest; and lower the costs and enhance the benefits of competitive technological intelligence operations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Actor and Strategy Models: Practical Applications and Step-wise Approaches
A practical how-to guide for more effective planningthrough multi-actor modelling Careful planning is the cornerstone of a successful initiative, and any plan, policy, or business strategy can only be successful if it has the support of different actors. These actors may beactively pursuing their own agendas, so the plan must not only offer an optimal solution to theproblem, but must also fit the needs and abilities of the actors involved. Actor and Strategy Models: Practical Applications and Step-wise Approaches provides a primer on multi-actormodelling, based on the fundamental premise that actor strategies are explained by investigatingwhat actors can do, think, and want to achieve. Covering a variety of models with detailed background and case examples, this book focuses on practical application. Step-by-step instructions for each approach provide immediately actionable insight, while a general framework for actor and strategy modelling allows the reader to tailor any approach as needed to optimize results in terms of situation-specific planning. Oriented toward real-world strategy, this helpful resource: Provides models that shed light on the multi-actor dimensions of planning, using a variety of analytical approaches Includes literature, theoretical underpinnings, and applications for each method covered Clarifies the similarities, differences, and suitable applications between various actor modelling approaches Provides a step-wise framework for actor and strategy modelling Offers guidance for the identification, structuring, and measuring of values and perceptions Examines the challenges involved in analyzing actors and strategies Even before planning begins, an endeavor's success depends upon a clear understanding of the various actors involved in the planning and implementation stages. From game theory and argumentative analysis, through social network analysis, cognitive mapping, and beyond,Actor and Strategy Models provides valuable insight for more effective planning.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Forecasting and Management of Technology
Published in 1991, the first edition of Forecasting and Management of Technology was one of the leading handful of books to deal with the topic of forecasting of technology and technology management as this discipline was emerging. The new, revised edition of this book will build on this knowledge in the context of business organizations that now place a greater emphasis on technology to stay on the cutting edge of development. The scope of this edition has broadened to include management of technology content that is relevant to now to executives in organizations while updating and strengthening the technology forecasting and analysis content that the first edition is reputed for. Updated by the original author team, plus new author Scott Cunningham, the book takes into account what the authors see as the innovations to technology management in the last 17 years: the Internet; the greater focus on group decision-making including process management and mechanism design; and desktop software that has transformed the analytical capabilities of technology managers. Included in this book will be 5 case studies from various industries that show how technology management is applied in the real world.