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Elsevier Science Health Science Modern Dental Terminology Online
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Salamanca Campaign 1812
After a gap of two years, the 1812 Salamanca Campaign saw Wellington taking the offensive in Spain against Marshal Marmont's Army of Portugal. Marching from the border fortress of Ciudad Rodrigo which fell to the Allies in January, neither commander was willing to take the risk of a general action without a clear tactical advantage. The result were stand-offs as Wellington offered battle on the San Christobal Heights, but once the small French-garrisoned forts left behind in Salamanca fell, Marmont withdrew to the Douro. For over a week the two armies shared cooling waters of the river before Marmont humbugged' Wellington and fell on the Allied left flank at Castrejon. Wellington rushed to the aid of the Light and 4th divisions with the heavy cavalry. Over the following days Marmont dexterously manoeuvred Wellington back towards Salamanca, with both armies within cannon shot still not risking battle. When it seemed Wellington would have to march back to the safety of Portugal, Marmont finally made a mistake on the plains south of Salamanca on 22 July 1812, by allowing his army to become over extended. Wellington saw what was happening and after weeks of marching and counter marching, the battle the soldiers earnestly hoped for was on. In the past it has been difficult to place the fighting on the ground in the centre of the Salamanca battlefield, where vast clouds of smoke and dust that rolled along the basin' obscured vision even for those fighting. Supplementing their letters, diaries and memoires with modern geographical aids, archaeology and a stout pair of boots, it is now possible to reconcile the sequence of the battle with locations, in a way in which it was not feasible even a few years ago.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Categories for the Working Mathematician
An array of general ideas useful in a wide variety of fields. Starting from the foundations, this book illuminates the concepts of category, functor, natural transformation, and duality. It then turns to adjoint functors, which provide a description of universal constructions, an analysis of the representations of functors by sets of morphisms, and a means of manipulating direct and inverse limits. These categorical concepts are extensively illustrated in the remaining chapters, which include many applications of the basic existence theorem for adjoint functors. The categories of algebraic systems are constructed from certain adjoint-like data and characterised by Beck's theorem. After considering a variety of applications, the book continues with the construction and exploitation of Kan extensions. This second edition includes a number of revisions and additions, including new chapters on topics of active interest: symmetric monoidal categories and braided monoidal categories, and the coherence theorems for them, as well as 2-categories and the higher dimensional categories which have recently come into prominence.
University of Wales Press Williams Pantycelyn
Un o gyfrolau mwyaf dadleuol yr ugeinfed ganrif yw Williams Pantycelyn gan Saunders Lewis, ac ymhlith yr astudiaethau beirniadol mwyaf cynhyrfus i ymddangos erioed yn y Gymraeg. Cynigiodd y gyfrol ffordd newydd i ddehongli athrylith yr emynydd o Bantycelyn, a thrwy hynny sefydlu enw Saunders Lewis fel beirniad mwyaf beiddgar a chreadigol ei genhedlaeth. Er mwyn nodi trichanmlwyddiant geni'r emynydd yn 2017, mae Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru yn ailgyhoeddi'r gyfrol; mewn rhagymadrodd helaeth i'r cyhoeddiad newydd, mae D. Densil Morgan yn dadansoddi cynnwys y gwaith, ei dafoli'n feirniadol ac yn olrhain ei ddylanwad ar y meddwl Cymreig o'i gyhoeddi yn 1927 hyd heddiw. Mae'n ddathliad deublyg o greadigrwydd Saunders Lewis ac o gyfraniad aruthrol y Per Ganiedydd i waddol y diwylliant cenedlaethol.
Elsevier Health Sciences Dental Materials: A Pocket Guide
Use this quick guide to learn the essentials of dental materials! Dental Materials: A Pocket Guide describes how to recognize, select, and mix the most widely used materials in modern dentistry. A flip-book format covers each dental material in two pages, with the first page showing photos of the material before and after mixing, and the facing page including step-by-step mixing and use instructions. This compact, spiral-bound guide is ideal for on-the-go study or chairside reference. Flip-book style is ideal for quick identification and quizzing, devoting two pages to each dental material - one with photos, and the other featuring its description - so you can choose to view only the image, only the description, or both. Hundreds of high-quality photographs help you recognize, identify, and select dental materials, showing materials in three ways: 1) as they appear within manufacturer packaging, 2) as they appear in their unmixed forms, and 3) as they appear at the completion of mixing. Need-to-know information includes the form in which the dental material is supplied, its composition, the armamentarium for use, and step-by-step directions on how to mix and use the material. Helpful hints or special considerations highlight specific terms, issues, properties, or clinical uses of the materials. Convenient, easy-to-follow organization groups chapters into the main categories of materials including restorative materials, impression materials, dental waxes, bonding agents, whitening agents, and others. Compact, pocket size with spiral binding is ideal for chairside use or on-the-go study. Equipment Commonly Used to Manipulate Materials chapter sets up a foundation of essential knowledge by describing the equipment needed for work in dental materials. Historical Dental Materials chapter covers older materials that may still have a place within many dental offices. Quick-reference appendices make it easier to look up metric conversion tables along with photos of commonly used brand-name products for each type of material.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Sheaves in Geometry and Logic: A First Introduction to Topos Theory
Sheaves arose in geometry as coefficients for cohomology and as descriptions of the functions appropriate to various kinds of manifolds. Sheaves also appear in logic as carriers for models of set theory. This text presents topos theory as it has developed from the study of sheaves. Beginning with several examples, it explains the underlying ideas of topology and sheaf theory as well as the general theory of elementary toposes and geometric morphisms and their relation to logic.
University of Wales Press Dramâu Saunders Lewis: Cyfrol II
The second volume of an excellent edition of a dozen of the published plays of Welsh playwright Saunders Lewis (1893-1985), composed during the period 1957-76, together with four unpublished scripts, with valuable introductions and detailed notes on the background of the plays, and their historical, political and religious references.