Search results for ""Author Sarah A. James""
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Hellenistic Pottery: The Fine Wares (Corinth 7.7)
Using deposits recently excavated from the Panayia Field, this volume substantially revises the absolute chronology of Corinthian Hellenistic pottery as established by G. Roger Edwards in Corinth VII.3 (1975). This new research, based on quantitative analysis of over 50 deposits, demonstrates that the date range for most fine-ware shapes should be lowered by 50-100 years. Contrary to previous assumptions, it is now possible to argue that local ceramic production continued in Corinth during the interim period between the destruction of the city in 146 B.C. and when it was refounded as a Roman colony in 44 B.C. This volume includes detailed shape studies and a comprehensive catalogue. With its presentation of this revised "Panayia Field chronology," Corinth VII.7 is a long-awaited and much-needed addition to the Corinth series.
INSTAP Academic Press KE-RA-ME-JA: Studies Presented to Cynthia W. Shelmerdine
Ke-ra-me-ja is a woman's name that appears on a Linear B tablet from Knossos. It means "potter" (Κεράμεια, from Greek κέραμος, "potter's clay") and combines two major strands of Cynthia Shelmerdine's scholarly pursuits: Mycenaean ceramics and Linear B texts. It thereby signals her pioneering use of archaeological and textual data in a sophisticated and integrated way. The intellectual content of the essays presented to her in this volume demonstrate not only that her research has had a wide-ranging influence, but also that it is a model of scholarship to be emulated.