Search results for ""Author Samoon Ahmad""
Ovid Technologies Kaplan & Sadock. Manual de bolsillo de tratamiento psicofarmacológico
Ahora a todo color, Kaplan & Sadock. Manual de bolsillo de tratamiento psicofarmacológico, 8ª edición, sigue siendo la referencia de elección para obtener información fácil de encontrar sobre el espectro completo de tratamiento farmacológico en psiquiatría. Escrito por el Dr. Samoon Ahmad, este confiable y accesible recurso proporciona una gran cantidad de información sobre cada fármaco de una manera clara y concisa para una integración rápida y eficiente. Esta edición integra los avances más recientes en el campo e integra novedosos apartados sobre cannabis, agentes psicodélicos, medicamentos psicotrópicos y comorbilidades médicas, además de genética y pruebas farmacogenómicas, entre muchos otros. Ideal para residentes y especialistas en psiquiatría, así como para estudiantes de medicina, psicólogos clínicos, enfermeras psiquiátricas y otros profesionales de la salud que atienden a pacientes con afecciones mentales.
Wolters Kluwer Health Coping with COVID-19: The Medical, Mental, and Social Consequences of the Pandemic
Coping with COVID-19: The Medical, Mental, and Social Consequences of the Pandemic provides readers with unique and timely insights about the single most disruptive and epoch-defining public health event of the last 100 years. Written in an easy-to-read and accessible style, widely respected psychiatrist and author Dr. Samoon Ahmad explores both the science of the virus and the lasting psychological, clinical, and professional implications of the pandemic in two well-organized parts. The first part of the book examines the historical precedents of pandemics, as well as the virology and symptomology of SARS-CoV-2. The second part covers the broader effects of the pandemic on society with special consideration being given to its impact on public health policy, the medical industry, and the individual psychology of children and adults. Discusses the historical background, initial outbreak, and early spread of COVID-19, followed by chapters on transmission models, pathology, and neurologic and psychiatric symptoms Covers mental health and other clinical concerns, public health, and professional implications for practicing physicians and other healthcare workers Shares the experience and knowledge of Samoon Ahmad, MD, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, Unit Chief of Psychiatric Inpatient Unit at Bellevue Hospital Center, co-author of Medical Marijuana: A Clinical Handbook andco-editor of Kaplan & Sadock’s Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry An excellent resource for psychiatrists, neurologists, primary care, family medicine, and critical care physicians, medical students, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, as well as the general publicEnrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Viviendo con Covid-19. Consecuencias médicas, mentales y sociales de la pandemia
COVID-19 ha alterado fundamentalmente nuestra forma de vida. Ahora miramos más allá de las características y repercusiones inmediatas de la pandemia para dar paso al estudio de sus profundos efectos en nuestra sociedad en los ámbitos emocional, político, social y económico. La experiencia internacional del Dr. Samoon Ahmad en el estudio del trastorno de estrés postraumático después de catástrofes le sitúa en una posición privilegiada para escribir un análisis exhaustivo de cómo COVID-19 ha afectado la medicina, la salud pública y la psique en todo el mundo.Viviendo con Covid-19. Consecuencias médicas, mentales y sociales de la pandemia ofrece a los lectores una visión única y oportuna sobre el fenómeno de salud pública más perturbador y que ha marcado una época en los últimos 100 años. El Dr. Ahmad, médico psiquiatra y prestigioso autor, explora en dos secciones principales los fundamentos científicos del virus SARS-CoV-2 y las repercusiones psicológicas, clínicas y profesionales a largo plazo que ha traído consigo la pandemia. La primera sección examina antecedentes históricos de las pandemias, virología y características clínicas de la infección por SARS-CoV-2. La segunda sección aborda los efectos más amplios de la pandemia en la sociedad, con especial atención en el impacto sobre políticas de salud pública, la profesión y el sector médico, y la psicología individual de niños y adultos.
Wolters Kluwer Health Kaplan and Sadock’s Pocket Handbook of Psychiatric Drug Treatment
Now in vibrant full color, Kaplan and Sadock’s Pocket Handbook of Psychiatric Drug Treatment, 8th Edition, remains your reference of choice for easy-to-find information on the full spectrum of psychiatric drug therapies. Written by Dr. Samoon Ahmad, this trusted resource provides a wealth of data for each drug, presenting information in a clear, concise manner for quick, efficient retrieval. This edition brings you fully up to date in the field, with new information on cannabis, psychedelics, psychotropic medicines and medical comorbidities, genetics and pharmacogenomics testing, and more. Includes new chapters on cannabis; psychedelics such as psilocybin, MDMA, and ketamine; and genetics and the role of pharmacogenomics testing, brain stimulation, and other novel technologies in psychiatry Includes many new FDA-approved drugs, as well as updated information about drug selection and use that reflects both research data and clinical experience Addresses the complex relationship between the use of psychotropic medicines and medical comorbidities, including metabolic complications, with emphasis on recognition, investigations, treatment, and management Features a new, full-color format with color icons that highlight side effects, notable benefits, and other important indications for each drug Provides a wealth of data for each drug: chemical name; preparation and dosages; pharmacologic actions; indications for use and clinical applications; use in children, elderly persons, and pregnant and nursing women; side effects and adverse and allergic reactions; and drug-drug interactions Ideal for psychiatrists and other physicians, as well as psychiatric residents, medical students, clinical psychologists, psychiatric nurses, and other professionals who provide care for patients with mental illness Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Wolters Kluwer Health Medical Marijuana: A Clinical Handbook
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Written by experienced clinicians for practicing physicians and other health care providers, this timely handbook presents today’s available information on cannabis and its uses in all areas of patient care. Medical Marijuana: A Clinical Handbooksummarizes what is currently known about the positive and negative health impacts of cannabis, detailed pharmacological profiles of both THC and CBD, considerations for each medical specialty, treatment approaches used by practicing clinicians, and insights into the history of cannabis and the current regulatory environment in the United States. This concise, easy-to-navigate guide is an invaluable resource for physicians and residents, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and other clinicians who seek reliable clinical guidelines in this growing area of health care. Organizes content by subspecialty, with chapters covering approved uses, side effects, interactions, potential benefits, and more. Includes information on historical and cultural perspectives, current state of legalization in the U.S., cannabis chemical constituents, best practices for clinical use, and products currently available in legal cannabis dispensaries. Provides current available evidence in addition to anecdotal findings of experienced prescribers. Offers authoritative coverage from well-respected and trustworthy sources, providing an invaluable guide for expert recommendations and informed patient care. A companion website will offer clinicians additional and up-to-date information about cannabis. This will include new insights gleaned from studies published since the completion of the book, as well as updated information concerning state and federal regulations that affect cannabis. The website will be an invaluable resource for clinicians who want to stay abreast of the rapidly evolving regulatory environment surrounding cannabis and remain informed about the latest findings in the field of cannabinoid research. Enrich Your Ebook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.