Search results for ""Author Salt Seno""
Little, Brown & Company Heterogenia Linguistico Vol. 5
As spring finally arrives, Hakaba's party finally finishes their journey to the coast. As they begin their research on the new region, Hakaba is swept into an underwater cave by its residentswho are indistinguishable from fish! Will Hakaba be able to figure out how to communicate with the inhabitants and escape from the cave before it's too late?
Little, Brown & Company Heterogenia Linguistico, Vol. 1
After his professor is injured, rookie linguist Hakaba is entrusted with his work, a research trip to study the language of monsters. Travelling together with his guide Susuki, he dives into the complex world of interspecies communication!
Little, Brown & Company Heterogenia Linguistico, Vol. 2
As Hakaba and his traveling companions continue their journey to Utatsu, their tent receives a surprising visitor-a minotaur named Moo (at least, that's what it sounds like). Why is this mysterious minotaur, who can speak several monster languages, watching Hakaba? Between that hairy situation, hunting giant worms, interacting with lamias and werecats, and the ins and outs of interspecies working, Hakaba has many more discoveries to make in the magnificent world of monsters!
Little, Brown & Company Heterogenia Linguistico, Vol. 4
After crossing the treacherous snowy mountain, Hakaba's group finally arrives in thehuman settlement Utatsu where his professor had visited. As he meets humanoids andjoins them in hunting in the perilous dark, he grows ever closer to both the inhabitantsand understanding their culture.
Little, Brown & Company Heterogenia Linguistico, Vol. 3
Hakaba’s small party’s travels continue, and the next stop on their journey is sacredhot spring site! Their excitement ebbs, however, when they arrive to find it in direneed of repair...