Search results for ""Author Rosa Luxemburg""
Ediciones Akal Cartas desde la prisión cartas a Carlos Kautsky Luisa Kautsky y Sonia Liebknecht
"El presente libro, que recoge las cartas que Rosa Luxemburg escribió desde la cárcel a sus amigos y compañeros de lucha, es capaz de condensar su pensamiento más profundo sobre la situación política del momento y las perspectivas futuras del socialismo. En ellas muestra su espíritu independiente, lógico y penetrante, así como su deseo de conocer y teorizar más allá de la doctrina marxista que inspiró su obra y sus acciones. Pese a su situación y represión, Rosa Luxemburg nunca dejó atrás sus ideas, sino que siguió escribiendo incansablemente para defender sus convicciones, manifestando, aun estando presa, un conocimiento del momento político sorprendente. Cartas de la prisión es, por tanto, una muestra más de la brillantez de una mujer cuyo pensamiento sigue siendo capaz de remover en la actualidad muchas conciencias."- Editorial
Ediciones Akal La crisis de la socialdemocracia
Rosa Luxemburgo (1871-1919) se situó a la vanguardia en la lucha contra la guerra mundial. Era la consecuencia lógica de su lucha antimilitarista que provocó su encarcelamiento en varias ocasiones por el militarismo prusiano, acusada de llamar a la rebelión, incitar a los soldados a la desobediencia e insultar al emperador. Durante el tiempo que pasó en la cárcel escribió uno de sus ensayos más célebres: La crisis de la socialdemocracia, conocido también como Folleto Junius. En él explicaba que el conflicto bélico no poseía un carácter defensivo frente al zarismo ruso, sino que constituía una guerra imperialista surgida de las contradicciones y necesidades del desarrollo del capitalismo. En aquel periodo de reacción fue todo un manual para la educación del núcleo de cuadros marxistas y obreros revolucionarios de Alemania que posteriormente protagonizaría la revolución de los consejos en diciembre de 1918. Nadie puede quedar indiferente ante la comprometida vida de Rosa Luxemburgo. Amad
Verso Books The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg Volume V
This volume is the first to contain all of Rosa Luxemburg’s eloquent writings on the 1917 Russian and 1918-19 German revolutions. Also contained here are articles, essays, and manuscripts on the European socialist movement prior to World War I and on her efforts to rebuild the socialist movement on revolutionary foundations in its aftermath. Much of this material appears in English for the first time.Luxemburg’s contributions on revolutionary strategy and the transition to socialism reveal a profound commitment to radical democracy, which becomes evident as she elaborates on her lived experience with razor-sharp conceptualizations of the mass strike. Her democratic commitment is also highlighted in her deepening conflict with the bureaucratic conservatism afflicting the German Social Democratic Party. She is horrified yet, at the same time, grimly analytical while surveying the unfolding violence and brutality of World War I. Deeply inspired by Russia’s 1917 u
Ediciones Akal Reforma o revolución
Pathfinder Books Ltd Reform or Revolution
Bookmarks Publications The Mass Strike, The Political Party And The Trade Unions
Schnell & Steiner Orgeln Und Organisten Der Kreuzkirche Zu Dresden
De Gruyter Rotes Licht: Jugoslawische Partisanenfotografie. Bilder einer sozialen Bewegung, 1941–1945
Davor Konjikušić legt erstmals eine umfassende Darstellung und Kontextualisierung der zwischen 1941 und 1945 entstandenen Fotografie der jugoslawischen Partisanen vor. Dem Autor geht es dabei nicht nur um eine ästhetische Darstellung der Fotografien, sondern um die Geschichte ihrer Anwendung und Funktion innerhalb einer der größten europäischen antifaschistischen Bewegungen während des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Mit Hilfe der Fotografien wird der Werdegang einer Bewegung nachgezeichnet, die - dem scheinbar sicheren Untergang geweiht - dennoch den verlustreichsten Krieg der Menschheitsgeschichte überlebte. Dieses Buch gibt neue Antworten auf die Frage nach der Rolle des Mediums Fotografie und ihrer Bedeutung und Indienstnahme in sozialen Bewegungen.
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Huelga de masas partido y sindicatos
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Introduccin a la economa poltica
En noviembre de 1906 el Partido Socialdemócrata alemán inauguró en Berlín una Escuela Central para la formación de sus cuadros. En esta Escuela dictaron sus cursos la mayoría de los marxistas más destacados editores de la época. Hilferding, Mehring y Pannekoek estuvieron entre sus profesores. A partir de octubre de 1907 Rosa Luxemburgo enseñó a economía política e historia económica, y desde 1911 dictó además un curso sobre historia del socialismo.Desde 1908 Rosa Luxemburgo proyectaba la edición de sus conferencias en la Escuela Central; sin embargo, la elaboración de su principal obra "La acumulación del capital" y su activa participación en la lucha política la privó del tiempo necesario para realizar este trabajo. Sólo durante el período de su prisión en Wronke, en 1916-1917, dispuso Rosa Luxemburgo forzosamente del tiempo necesario para elaborar sus notas de clase y dar forma a los manuscritos de la "Introducción a la economía política". Nunca llegó a terminar completamente su o
De Gruyter Red Glow: Yugoslav Partisan Photography and Social Movement, 1941–1945
Davor Konjikušić offers an in-depth presentation and contextualization of the photographs created by Yugoslav partisans between 1941 and 1945. The book goes beyond an aesthetic depiction of the photographs; it also deals with the history of their use and function within one of the biggest anti-fascist movements in Europe during the Second World War. The photographs are used to trace the development of a movement that—while seemingly doomed to certain failure—nevertheless survived the most destructive war in human history. This book provides new answers to the question of photography’s role as a medium and its significance and use in social movements. German Photo Book Award 23/24, Silver in the category Documentary-Journalistic Photo Book Volume
Tectum Verlag Jazz/Rock/Pop - Das Dresdner Modell: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Hochschule Fur Musik Carl Maria Von Weber
Monthly Review Press,U.S. The Rosa Luxemburg Reader
Among the major Marxist thinkers of the period of the Russian Revolution, Rosa Luxemburg stands out as one who speaks to our own time. Her legacy grows in relevance as the global character of the capitalist market becomes more apparent and the critique of bureaucratic power more widely accepted within the movement for human liberation. The Rosa Luxemburg Reader will be the definitive one-volume collection of Luxemburg's writings in English translation. Unlike previous publications of her work from the early 1970s, this volume includes substantial extracts from her major economic writings-above all, The Accumulation of Capital (1913)-and from her political writings, including Reform or Revolution (1898), the Junius Pamphlet (1916), and The Russian Revolution (1918). The Reader also includes a number of important texts that have never before been published in English translation, including substantial extracts from her Introduction to Political Economy (1916), and a recently-discovered piece on slavery. With a substantial introduction assessing Luxemburg's work in the light of recent research, The Rosa Luxemburg Reader will be an indispensable resource for scholarship and an inspiration for a new generation of activists.
Verso Books The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg Volume IV: Political Writings 2, On Revolution 1906-1909
This 600-page volume of Luxemburg's Complete Works contains her writings On Revolution from 1906 to 1909 - covering the 1905-06 Russian Revolution, an epoch-making event, and its aftermath. Over 80 per cent of writings on this volume have never before appeared in English. The volume contains numerous writings never before available in English, such as her pathbreaking essay "Lessons of the Three Dumas," which presents a unique perspective on the transition to socialism, her "Notes on the English Revolution" of the 1640s, and numerous writings on of the role of the mass strike in fomenting revolutionary transformation. All of the material in the volume consists of new translations, from German, Polish, and Russian originals.
Verso Books The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg Volume IV: Political Writings 2, On Revolution 1906-1909
This 600-page volume of Luxemburg's Complete Works contains her writings On Revolution from 1906 to 1909 - covering the 1905-06 Russian Revolution, an epoch-making event, and its aftermath. Over 80 per cent of writings on this volume have never before appeared in English. The volume contains numerous writings never before available in English, such as her pathbreaking essay "Lessons of the Three Dumas," which presents a unique perspective on the transition to socialism, her "Notes on the English Revolution" of the 1640s, and numerous writings on of the role of the mass strike in fomenting revolutionary transformation. All of the material in the volume consists of new translations, from German, Polish, and Russian originals.
Verso Books The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg Volume III: Political Writings 1, On Revolution 1897–1905
This collection is the first of three volumes of the Complete Works devoted to the central theme of Rosa Luxemburg's life and work-revolution. Spanning the years 1897 to the end of 1905, they contain speeches, articles, and essays on the strikes, protests, and political debates that culminated in the 1905 Russian Revolution-one of the most important social upheavals of modern times. Luxemburg's near-daily articles and reports during 1905 on the ongoing revolution (which comprises the bulk of this volume) shed new light on such issues as the relation of spontaneity and organization, the role of national minorities in social revolution, and the inseparability ofthe struggle for socialism from revolutionary democracy. We become witness to Luxemburg's effort to respond to the impulses, challenges, and ideas arising from a living revolutionary process, which in turn becomes the source of much of her subsequent political theory-such as her writings on the mass strike, her strident internationalism, and her insistence that revolutionary struggle never take its eyes off of the need to transform the human personality.Virtually all of these writings appear in English for the first time (translated from both German and Polish) and many have only recently been identified as having been written by Luxemburg.
Pluto Press Rosa Luxemburg: Socialism or Barbarism: Selected Writings
Rosa Luxemburg's writings reveal one of the most brilliant and passionate minds drawn to the revolutionary socialist movement. Through the letters, pamphlets and theorising, we see an outstanding social and economic theorist, a dedicated political activist and a devoted confidant. Providing an extensive overview of her writings, this volume contains a number of items never before anthologised. Her work was broad in scope tackling capitalism and socialism; globalisation and imperialism; history; war and peace; social struggles, trade unions, political parties; class, gender, race; the interconnection of humanity with the natural environment. The editors provide an extensive and informative introduction outlining and evaluating her life and thought. This is the most comprehensive introduction to the range of Rosa Luxemburg's thought.