Search results for ""Author Robert Johns""
North Atlantic Books,U.S. The Art of Acupuncture Techniques
SAGE Publications Ltd Using the Law in Social Work Transforming Social Work Practice Series
A core function of social work is to assist, empower, and protect the most vulnerable in society. Social workers make difficult decisions in complex and challenging situations every day. They work in organizations that have clear statutory duties. Therefore, it is essential that social work students know what their responsibilities are. Familiarity with law, legislation, and legal processes is consequently fundamental to sound social work practice. This best-selling book helps social work students gain this foothold in understanding law as it applies to social work practice. It avoids complicated legal jargon remote from the everyday realities of practice, offering instead a grounding in legally-appropriate, rights-based social work. It covers the full range of social work law, including services for children and families and child protection, adult care law, youth justice, court work, professional regulation, and human rights.
Manchester University Press Voting for a Scottish Government: The Scottish Parliament Election of 2007
In 2007 Labour lost an election in Scotland for the first time in half a century and the SNP went on to form the Scottish Government. This book explains why. Based on a unique three-wave survey of the Scottish electorate, it can truly be described as the first full-scale Scottish national election study. As such, it is notable not only for its innovative methodology but also because theories and concepts are taken from the recent electoral studies literature and applied to Scotland. Other questions investigated include the impact of campaigning and of the party leaders (at both Scottish and British level) on the election outcome. In addition, for the first time in the UK context, a special study is made of the causes and consequences of rejected ballots – the large number of which at this election caused a media outcry.This book will be required reading for anyone interested in, involved in, teaching or studying Scottish politics. It will also be an important text for those concerned with UK politics in general and attract particular interest among students of elections, both in the UK and internationally.