Search results for ""Author Rene Fester Kratz""
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Biologie kompakt für Dummies
Biologie Ihr Speed-Date mit der BiologieSie benötigen einen schnellen Überblick ins Thema Biologie? Dann sind Sie hier richtig, denn dieses Buch bietet Ihnen einen kompakten, leicht verständlichen Einstieg in die interessante Welt der Lebewesen. Die Autorin erklärt schlüssig, was Sie über Zellen, Mikroorganismen, Biodiversität, Genetik sowie Evolution und Co. wissen sollten. Damit ist dieses Buch Ihr perfekter Wegweiser durch den Dschungel der Biologie: kompakt, kompetent, günstig!Sie erfahren Wie Zellen aufgebaut sind und welche Funktion die einzelnen Organellen erfüllen Wer Gregor Mendel war und wie Meiose und Mitose ablaufen Wie Arten in Ökosystemen zusammenleben und was natürliche Selektion ist.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Botany For Dummies
Harvest basic botany knowledge from this abundant book Botany For Dummies gives you a thorough overview of the fundamentals of botany, but in simple terms that anyone can understand. Great for supplementing your botany coursework or brushing up before an exam, this book covers plant evolution, the structure and function of plant cells, and plant identification. Plus, you''ll learn about how plants of different types are changing and adapting in response to changing climates. This new edition goes into more detail on funginot technically plants, but no one is holding that against them. Regardless of what brought you to the wonderful world of botany, this book will show you around. Get an easy-to-understand introduction to the key concepts in botany Read about recent discoveries and theories in the world of plant science Understand different families of plants and where they grow Improve your grade and pass your exam in your introdu
John Wiley & Sons Inc Botany For Dummies
The easy way to score your highest in botany Employment of biological scientists is projected to grow 21% over the next decade, much faster than the average for all occupations, as biotechnological research and development continues to drive job growth. Botany For Dummies gives you a thorough, easy-to-follow overview of the fundamentals of botany, helping you to improve your grades, supplement your learning, or review before a test. Covers evolution by natural selection Offers plain-English explanations of the structure and function of plants Includes plant identification and botanical phenomenon Tracking a typical course in botany, this hands-on, friendly guide is your ticket to acing this required course for your major in biology, microbiology, zoology, or elementary education.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Molecular & Cell Biology For Dummies
Your insider guide to the stuff of life 3.8 billion years old and counting, there’s more than a little to know about the fundamentals of how life works. This friendly guide takes you from the primordial soup to the present, explaining how specialized cells have given rise to everything living, from the humblest amoeba to walking, talking human beings. Whether you’re enrolled in a cell or molecular biology course and need a straightforward overview, or are just curious about the latest advances, this fully updated edition is your all-access ticket to our inner world. Molecular & Cell Biology For Dummies decodes jargon and theories that can tax even the most devoted student. It covers everything from basic principles to how new technology, genetic testing, and microarray techniques are opening up new possibilities for research and careers. It also includes invaluable tips on how to prepare for—and ace—your exams! Explore the structure and function of the cells—and find out why cellular context is crucial to the study of disease Discover how molecular biology can solve world problems Understand how DNA determines traits and is regulated by cells Enhance your knowledge and results with online resources and study tips From microscopic details to macro concepts, this book has something for you.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Biology For Dummies
The ultimate guide to understanding biology Have you ever wondered how the food you eat becomes the energy your body needs to keep going? The theory of evolution says that humans and chimps descended from a common ancestor, but does it tell us how and why? We humans are insatiably curious creatures who can't help wondering how things work—starting with our own bodies. Wouldn't it be great to have a single source of quick answers to all our questions about how living things work? Now there is. From molecules to animals, cells to ecosystems, Biology For Dummies answers all your questions about how living things work. Written in plain English and packed with dozens of enlightening illustrations, this reference guide covers the most recent developments and discoveries in evolutionary, reproductive, and ecological biology. It's also complemented with lots of practical, up-to-date examples to bring the information to life. Discover how living things work Think like a biologist and use scientific methods Understand lifecycle processes Whether you're enrolled in a biology class or just want to know more about this fascinating and ever-evolving field of study, Biology For Dummies will help you unlock the mysteries of how life works.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Biology Workbook For Dummies
Get a feel for biology with hands-on activities Biology Workbook For Dummies is a practical resource that provides you with activities to help you better understand concepts in biology. Covering all the topics required in high school and college biology classes, this workbook gives you the confidence you need to ace the test and get the grade you need. Physiology, ecology, evolution, genetics, and cell biology are all covered, and you can work your way through each one or pick and choose the topics where you could use a little extra help. This updated edition is full of new workbook problems, updated study questions and exercises, and fresh real-world examples that bring even the tough concepts to life. Get extra practice in biology with activities, questions, and exercises Study evolution, genetics, cell biology, and other topics in required biology classes Pass your tests and improve your score in high school or college biology class Demystify confusing concepts and get clear explanations of every idea Great as a companion to Biology For Dummies or all on its own, Biology Workbook For Dummies is your practice supplement of choice.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Genetics For Dummies
Evolve your knowledge of the fast-moving world of genetic research Genetics For Dummies shines a light on the fascinating field of genetics, helping you gain a greater understanding of how genetics factors into everyday life. Perfect as a supplement to a genetics course or as an intro for the curious, this book is packed with easy-to-understand explanations of the key concepts, including an overview of cell biology. You’ll also find tons of coverage of recent discoveries in the field, plus info on how genetics can affect your health and wellbeing. Whole-genome sequencing, genetic disease treatments, exploring your ancestry, non-invasive prenatal testing—it’s all here, in the friendly and relatable Dummies style you love. Grasp the basics of cell biology and get a primer on the field of genetic research Discover what you can learn about yourself, thanks to advances in genetic testing Learn how your genes influence your health and wellbeing, today and as you age Follow along with your college-level genetics course—or refresh your knowledge—with clear explanations of complex ideas Genetics For Dummies is great for students of the biological sciences, and for the genetically curious everywhere.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Biology Essentials For Dummies
Biology Essentials For Dummies (9781119589587) was previously published as Biology Essentials For Dummies (9781118072677). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product. Just the core concepts you need to score high in your biology course Biology Essentials For Dummies focuses on just the core concepts you need to succeed in an introductory biology course. From identifying the structures and functions of plants and animals to grasping the crucial discoveries in evolutionary, reproductive, and ecological biology, this easy-to-follow guide lets you skip the suffering and score high at exam time. Get down to basics — master the fundamentals, from understanding what biologists study to how living things are classified The chemistry of life — find out what you need to know about atoms, elements, molecules, compounds, acids, bases, and more Conquer and divide — discover the ins and outs of asexual and sexual reproduction, including cell division and DNA replication Jump into the gene pool — grasp how proteins make traits happen, and easily understand DNA transcription, RNA processing, translation, and gene regulation.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Biologie für Dummies
Schauen Sie hinter die Kulissen von Mutter Natur. Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt der Pflanzen, Tiere, Bakterien und Co. Erfahren Sie von Rene Fester Kratz und Donna Rae Siegfried, wie die Photosynthese abläuft, was bei der Zellteilung passiert, wie ein Ökosystem funktioniert und vieles mehr. Lassen Sie sich die Grundlagen der Genetik und Evolutionslehre erklären und bestaunen Sie die wichtigsten Entdeckungen in der Biologie. Sie werden sehen: Die Wissenschaft des Lebens ist eine spannende Sache!