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O'Reilly Media Google Hacks 3e
Everyone knows that Google lets you search billions of web pages. But few people realize that Google also gives you hundreds of cool ways to organize and play with information. Since we released the last edition of this bestselling book, Google has added many new features and services to its expanding universe: Google Earth, Google Talk, Google Maps, Google Blog Search, Video Search, Music Search, Google Base, Google Reader, and Google Desktop among them. We've found ways to get these new services to do even more. The expanded third edition of Google Hacks is a brand-new and infinitely more useful book for this powerful search engine. You'll not only find dozens of hacks for the new Google services, but plenty of updated tips, tricks and scripts for hacking the old ones. Now you can make a Google Earth movie, visualize your web site traffic with Google Analytics, post pictures to your blog with Picasa, or access Gmail in your favorite email client. Industrial strength and real-world tested, this new collection enables you to mine a ton of information within Google's reach. And have a lot of fun while doing it: * Search Google over IM with a Google Talk bot * Build a customized Google Map and add it to your own web site * Cover your searching tracks and take back your browsing privacy * Turn any Google query into an RSS feed that you can monitor in Google Reader or the newsreader of your choice * Keep tabs on blogs in new, useful ways * Turn Gmail into an external hard drive for Windows, Mac, or Linux * Beef up your web pages with search, ads, news feeds, and more * Program Google with the Google API and language of your choice For those of you concerned about Google as an emerging Big Brother, this new edition also offers advice and concrete tips for protecting your privacy. Get into the world of Google and bend it to your will!
O'Reilly Media Google is one of the five most popular sites on the Internet and is used around the world by millions of people every day. Sure, you know how to "Google it" when you're searching for something-anything!-on the Web. It's plenty fast and easy to use. But did you know how much more you could achieve with the world's best search engine by clicking beyond the "Google Search" button? While you can interface with Google in 97 languages and glean results in 35, you can't find any kind of instruction manual from Google. Lucky for you, our fully updated and greatly expanded second edition to the bestselling Google: The Missing Manual covers everything you could possibly want to know about Google, including the newest and coolest-and often most underused (what is Froogle, anyway?)-features. There's even a full chapter devoted to Gmail, Google's free email service that includes a whopping 1 GB of space). In this scrupulously objective, wise and witty guide, Sarah Milstein and Rael Dornfest deliver the complete scoop on Google, from how it works to how you can search far more effectively and efficiently (no more scrolling through 168 pages of seemingly irrelevant results); take best advantage of Google's lesser-known features, such as Google Print, Google Desktop, and Google Suggest; get your website listed on Google; make money with AdWords and AdSense; and much more. Whether you're new to Google or already a many-times-a-day user, you're sure to find tutorials, tips, tricks, and tools that take you well beyond simple search to Google gurudom.
O'Reilly Media Google Pocket Guide
Beneath its deceptively simple search form, Google is a powerful and flexible search engine that indexes billions of Web pages. This guide to Google provides the information you need to make your searches faster and more effective, right from the start.