Search results for ""Author Pierre""
TwoMorrows Publishing Marvel Comics In The Early 1960s
This new volume in the ongoing Marvel Comics in the... series takes you all the way back to that company''s legendary beginnings, when gunfighters traveled the West and monsters roamed the Earth! The company''s output in other genres influenced the development of their super-hero characters from Thor to Spider-Man, and featured here are the best of those stories not covered previously, completing issue-by-issue reviews of every Marvel comic of note from 1961-1965! Presented are scores of handy, easy to reference entries on Amazing Fantasy, Tales of Suspense (and Astonish), Strange Tales, Journey Into Mystery, Rawhide Kid, plus issues of Fantastic Four, Avengers, Amazing Spider-Man, and others that weren''t in the previous 1960s edition. It''s author Pierre Comtois'' last word on Marvel's early years, when Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, and Don Heck, together with writer/editor Stan Lee (and brother Larry!), built an unprecedented new universe of excitement!
Taschen GmbH Hundertwasser
Vivid color, organic forms, and a loathing of straight lines were just a few stalwart characteristics in the unique practice of Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928–2000). A non-conformist hero, the artist, architect, and activist left a blazing trail of imagination and ideas in buildings, paintings, manifestos, initiatives, and more. Hundertwasser’s best-known work is considered by many to be the Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna, a structural synthesis of the vitality and uniqueness that determined the artist’s entire oeuvre. For Hundertwasser, rational, sterile, monotonous buildings caused human misery. He called for a boycott of the modernist paradigm championed by the likes of Adolf Loos, and campaigned instead for an architecture of creative freedom and ecological commitment. A fierce opponent of straight lines, which he called “godless and immoral,” Hundertwasser was fascinated by the spiral, drawing also on the Secessionist forms of Klimt and Schiele. This richly illustrated book traces Hundertwasser’s style and vision not only for each building, but for society at large. From naked addresses at the end of the 1960s to worldwide architecture projects and alternative blueprints for society, author Pierre Restany explores Hundertwasser’s most high-profile and innovative ideas in a thrilling introduction to a pioneering 20th-century mind.
Yale University Press Winter Mythologies and Abbots
Michon’s exquisite short narratives transport us to the heart of the Middle Ages as witnesses to the double-edged power of belief This welcome volume brings to English-language readers two beautifully crafted works by the internationally acclaimed French author Pierre Michon. Populated by distant and little-known figures—Irish and French monks, saints, and scientists in Winter Mythologies; Benedictine monks in the Vendée region of France in Abbots—the tales frequently draw on obscure histories and other literary sources. Michon brings his characters to life in spare, evocative prose. Each, in his or her own way, exemplifies a power of belief that brings about an achievement—or catastrophe—in the real world: monasteries are built upon impossibly muddy wastes, monks acquire the power of speech, lives are taken, books are written, saints are created on the flimsiest of evidence. Michon’s exploration in ancient archives has led him to the discovery of such often deluded figures and their deeds, and his own exceptional powers bestow upon them a renewed life on the written page. This in turn is an example of the power of belief, which for Michon is what makes literature itself possible. Winter Mythologies and Abbots are meant to be read slowly, to be savored, to be mined for the secrets Michon has to tell.
Classiques Garnier Commentaire Du Traite de la Clemence de Seneque
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Theorie Physique: Son Objet, Sa Structure
Classiques Garnier Theatre
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Sauver Les Apparences: Sur La Notion de Theorie Physique de Platon a Galilee
Marsilio Pierre Huyghe Liminal
Les Belles Lettres de la Reconquete de la Terre Sainte: Suivi de de l'Abregement Des Guerres Et Proces Du Royaume Des Francs
Peeters Publishers Jean-Claude Chevalier, Notice Biographique et Bibliographique, Suivie de L'expose: "La France Devant les Congres Internationaux de Linguistique: 1914-1931"
Peeters Publishers Georges Straka, Notice Bio-bibliographique Suivie De L'expose "Problemes De Chronologie Relative"
Peeters Publishers Joe Larochette, Notice Bio-bibliographique Suivie De L'expose "Vers Une Semantique Du Texte"
Peeters Publishers Dictionnaire Kenga (Tchad)
Le kenga est parle au Tchad, aux alentours du massif du Guera, par une population de quelque 50 000 personnes. Il s'agit d'une langue soudanique centrale (famille nilo-saharienne), appartenant au groupe des langues sara. Le kenga n'etait jusqu'alors connu qu'a travers la grammaire de Charles Vandame (1968).Apres une breve introduction geographique et linguistique, le "Dictionnaire kenga" comporte une section principale kenga-francais, suivie d'un index francais-kenga. Il compte environ 3 700 entrees, illustrees de nombreux exemples.Precis et documente, cet ouvrage represente une contribution importante a la connaissance des nombreuses langues de cette region. Il s'adresse aux linguistes, aux africanistes et, plus particulierement, a tous ceux qu'interesse l'histoire des langues et des populations de l'Afrique centrale.
Ediciones Obelisco S.L. Me he tratado con la nueva medicina del doctor Hammer un extraordinario acercamiento terapéutico
Ediciones Alpha Decay, S.A. La Ciudadela Interior
GEDISA Puntos de referencia
Punto de Lectura Vestido de novia
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. El sentido práctico
El sentido práctico de Pierre Bourdieu se propone como una reflexión necesaria y a la vez polémica sobre las leyes que regulan el conocimiento teórico y sobre el papel de los intelectuales. Resultado de una investigación de varios años, el libro pone en cuestión una de las presunciones más habituales entre los científicos: la ilusión de que los principios que utilizan para analizar sus objetos de estudio no rigen para ellos, que se encontrarían a salvo de las clasificaciones. Arrogándose el derecho -en nombre de un determinado saber- de explicar la sociedad, los intelectuales tienden a considerarse exteriores a ella. Nada menos cierto, puesto que ellos forman parte de la realidad social, de la misma manera que los objetos que describen.El libro está organizado en dos partes: la primera plantea una crítica de la razón teórica, y analiza en particular los instrumentos metodológicos de la ciencia y el alcance de las técnicas de objetivación. El estudio de determinadas prácticas de un
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Cielo a simple vista y con prismticos el
Oikos-Tau, S.A. Ediciones La informática consecuencias previsibles del desarrollo de la automatización del management empresarial
Ediciones Antígona, S.L. Pensamientos diversos sobre el cometa
Qué tiene que ver la aparición de un cometa con la ardua actividad de un profesor de Filosofía en la Escuela ilustrada de Rotterdam? Por qué buscaban entonces señales y presagios de las desgracias con las que Dios castigaba a los seres humanos por maldades y pecados cometidos? Acaso no se trata de supersticiones y creencias ridículas que los poderosos teólogos se encargaban de alimentar para mantener al pueblo sometido a creencias inamovibles? Bayle, un filósofo en la treintena, irrumpe para incidir en el debate con argumentaciones centradas en la propia teología. No es otra controversia religiosa más, sino que toca cualquier tipo de creencia para analizar la fundamentación de la moral, los principios de actuación de los hombres, las raíces mismas de la religión, el ateísmo y la idolatría, y hasta las manipulaciones que puede hacer la política de las creencias. Todo esto transcurre con gran brillantez dialéctica que concluye en una demostración contundente de tantos errores de aquellos
Malas Tierras Editorial Edén Edén Edén
Prana Budismo Aqui y Ahora
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Bibel(plus) - Mitgehort: Der Originalton Zur Zurcher Bibel
Editions Paradigme de Charlemagne a Saint Bernard: Culture Et Religion
Classiques Garnier Fictions de la Grande Guerre: Variations Litteraires Sur 14-18
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Savants En Politique (1750-1950)
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Demarches Originales de Descartes Savant
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Le Probleme Hermeneutique Chez Pascal
Classiques Garnier Revue Bossuet: Moliere Et La Religion
Classiques Garnier Le Capitalisme Et Ses Rythmes,: Splendeurs Et Misere de la Croissance
Klincksieck La Greve de Samarez: Poeme Philosophique
Les Belles Lettres Histoire Critique de la Litterature Latine: de Virgile a Huysmans
Les Belles Lettres Anthologie Grecque: Tome III: Anthologie Palatine: Livre VI
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Competitive Quality Strategy
This book succinctly presents new methodological principles that will help you raise the quality of your valuable production to enhance your competitiveness. The concepts and models of principles of actions presented result from over 20 years of the author observing the ways in which companies of all sizes and in all sectors use specific mechanisms of quality production to give rise to long-lasting competitive factors. You’ll find practical guides that will help you better understand and strengthen your approaches to create new competitive edges, based on your employees’ culture of quality.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Numerical Analysis in Electromagnetics: The TLM Method
The aim of this book is to give a broad overview of the TLM (Transmission Line Matrix) method, which is one of the “time-domain numerical methods”. These methods are reputed for their significant reliance on computer resources. However, they have the advantage of being highly general. The TLM method has acquired a reputation for being a powerful and effective tool by numerous teams and still benefits today from significant theoretical developments. In particular, in recent years, its ability to simulate various situations with excellent precision, including complex materials, has been demonstrated. Application examples are included in the last two chapters of the book, enabling the reader to draw conclusions regarding the performance of the implemented techniques and, at the same time, to validate them. Contents 1. Basis of the TLM Method: the 2D TLM Method. 2. 3D Nodes. 3. Introduction of Discrete Elements and Thin Wires in the TLM Method. 4. The TLM Method in Matrix Form and the Z Transform. Appendix A. Development of Maxwell’s Equations using the Z Transform with a Variable Mesh. Appendix B. Treatment of Plasma using the Z Transform for the TLM Method.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Enterprise Data Governance: Reference and Master Data Management Semantic Modeling
In an increasingly digital economy, mastering the quality of data is an increasingly vital yet still, in most organizations, a considerable task. The necessity of better governance and reinforcement of international rules and regulatory or oversight structures (Sarbanes Oxley, Basel II, Solvency II, IAS-IFRS, etc.) imposes on enterprises the need for greater transparency and better traceability of their data. All the stakeholders in a company have a role to play and great benefit to derive from the overall goals here, but will invariably turn towards their IT department in search of the answers. However, the majority of IT systems that have been developed within businesses are overly complex, badly adapted, and in many cases obsolete; these systems have often become a source of data or process fragility for the business. It is in this context that the management of ‘reference and master data’ or Master Data Management (MDM) and semantic modeling can intervene in order to straighten out the management of data in a forward-looking and sustainable manner. This book shows how company executives and IT managers can take these new challenges, as well as the advantages of using reference and master data management, into account in answering questions such as: Which data governance functions are available? How can IT be better aligned with business regulations? What is the return on investment? How can we assess intangible IT assets and data? What are the principles of semantic modeling? What is the MDM technical architecture? In these ways they will be better able to deliver on their responsibilities to their organizations, and position them for growth and robust data management and integrity in the future.
Alfred Music At the Old Camp Ground: Conductor Score
Humanoids Snow Day
From prolific independent European creator Wazem (KOMA and Bretagne) comes a realistic small-town thriller.
Humanoids District 14 Season 2
Follow-up volume to the hit anthropomorphic sci-fi/superhero/gangster saga! The second part of the highly original, award-winning and critically successful series that breaks all the boundaries. District 14: A labyrinthine megalopolis where humans, animals, and aliens coexist.
Basic Books The Klondike Fever
Koridor Yayincilik Rezonans Kanunu
Reprodukt Kleiner Strubbel Frulein Klitzeklein