Search results for ""Author Philip Mees""
Floris Books Sources of Religious Worship: A History of Ritual from the Stone Age to the Present Day
Different forms of religious worship and ritual are present throughout the development of human beings, from early stone-age ritual, nature religion and ancestor worship, to faiths from which Christianity and the Eucharist emerge.In this book, Bastiaan Baan traces the origins and metamorphosis of human religion in historical, theological and humanistic terms, examining its significance for human life on earth and in the spiritual world.
Floris Books Ways into Christian Meditation
Meditation has long been a path to self-awareness, as well as a way of consciously building a bridge into the spiritual world. Many of the most popular techniques originated in eastern traditions, but this book describes a decades-old approach that comes from western Christianity.The author starts by describing the steps necessary to make meditation possible, drawing on some of the ideas of Rudolf Steiner. He goes on to discuss different forms of meditation, such as 'review of the day', meditations on specific words and images, and meditations for the deceased.Finally he describes a specifically Christian approach, with a few words and sentences from the Gospel of St John leading to several fruitful subjects for meditation.This is a deep, insightful book from an experienced priest.
SteinerBooks, Inc What Happens After We Die: Making the Connection Between the Living and the Dead; with Prayers and Meditations by Rudolf Steiner
How can we create a connection with loved ones who have died? Rudolf Steiner frequently spoke on death and what happens after we die, offering helpful insights into an area which is often left unexplored, yet which affects everyone. In this insightful book, Arie Boogert explores the connections which exist between the living and the dead through consideration of Rudolf Steiner's meditative verses and prayers, which provide support for family and friends who have lost a loved one. Offering thoughtful, considered guidance on how to come to terms with the prospect of our own death, this book also helps readers to prepare for what happens next. A supportive, clear and helpful companion for readers who have lost a loved one and who are looking to understand their own journey towards the end of life.
Floris Books The Twelve Holy Nights: Meditations on the Dream Song of Olaf Åsteson
The twelve holy nights between Christmas and Epiphany, the 6th of January, are a wonderful time of year for spiritual meditation and deepening. In ancient Norwegian folk legend, in the darkness of winter, Olaf Åsteson experienced an initiation into the great secrets of existence. His experience helped him to shoulder responsibility for his task here on earth, and gave him renewed vision and decisiveness.Frans Lutters has led many workshops on this theme, and his insights are collected in the commentary and meditations in this book, alongside the text of the Dream Song. Working with the sacred nights provides an inspiring opportunity to start the new year with revitalised consciousness and enthusiasm.
Floris Books The Remarkable Story of Paul the Apostle
This unique narrative retelling of the story of Saint Paul is both an engaging day-to-day account of life in the first century as well as a remarkable chronicle of the key events that ultimately laid the foundations for Christianity.It covers his childhood, when he was known as Saul, in his father's tent-making workshop, his momentous encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus and his transformation into Paul the apostle, one of Christianity's most significant figures. Siegwart Knijpenga draws on extensive experience of sharing religious lessons with young people to retell the story of Saint Paul in a lively and accessible way, ideal for readers aged 10 and up.
Floris Books Thinking Outside the Brain Box: Why Humans Are Not Biological Computers
Is it our brain that produces consciousness? Many people, including most scientists, hold such a belief, founded on a conception of the world that is purely materialistic. This worldview sees the brain as some kind of biological computer.However, modern research shows that our experiences -- especially in childhood and youth -- shape the circuits of our brain, and even stimulate the brain to grow. So to an extent, we shape our own brain just through being alive. And it is by means of our brain that we develop as a person and form our 'self', with all its associated significance and values.In this revealing study of brain, body and consciousness, Arie Bos examines the limitations of the materialist view to explain our human experience. He points to examples where consciousness is not supported by the physical brain, or where consciousness appears to survive beyond death. Exploring the ideas of free will and responsibility, he rejects the view that only physical matter determines our thoughts and actions. In doing so, he opens a door to a wider spiritual reality.
SteinerBooks, Inc What Happens Before We Are Born: Creating Our Living Web of Destiny; with Prayers and Meditations by Rudolf Steiner
The question of what happens to us before we are born is one which is little explored, yet the route between life and death is a journey that everyone takes. Drawing on the prayers and meditations of Rudolf Steiner, Arie Boogert offers a detailed description of the journey we take from the moment of death, and beyond. Considering how experiences and actions in our lives impact on our future, this profound book offers a guide to the path which awaits after death.A supportive and insightful companion for readers keen to explore the journey from death to birth and beyond.
Temple Lodge Publishing The Temple and the Grail: The Mysteries of the Order of the Templars and the Grail and their Significance for Our Time
In the popular imagination, the Holy Grail - part of the legendary romance of King Arthur - belongs to the realm of myth. The Knights Templar also have a legendary, enigmatic aspect. Despite the immense volume of historical research available, plausible explanations to the 'mystery' at the core of their practices have yet to be revealed. By studying these two themes side-by-side and showing their inner relationship, Veltman reveals valuable new perspectives. On the one hand he demonstrates that the 'poetic imagination' of the Grail mystery has its origin in concrete historical events; and on the other hand, that the true history of the Knights Templar is, essentially, esoteric. Combining historical research with insights gained from the work of Rudolf Steiner, Veltman presents an impressive survey of the subject, beginning with the pre-Christian Mysteries and ending with a vision of Michaelic Christianity. He analyses the significance of the holy city of Jerusalem, the Temple of Solomon, the Temple Legend, the Grail Temple, the Rosicrucians, the Templars' gold, and the fraught question of evil. In addition, he sketches the continuation or metamorphosis of the Grail and Temple impulses into the future, including the critical 'balancing' role of Europe between East and West. To become effective, this important European task - which, he says, is continually being thwarted - must be properly understood within the realm of human consciousness.
SteinerBooks, Inc Dante's Revelation: A Study of the Life and Work of Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri (1265 -- 1321) was an Italian poet, moral philosopher and political thinker best known for his poem the Divine Comedy. Even after seven centuries of historical development, the core of Dante's work is arguably more relevant today than ever.With his Divine Comedy, the great poet wanted to open the eyes of his contemporaries to the realities of the spiritual world and to the consequences of how we choose to live our lives. He also fought for moral and social healing of society and culture and pointed to the source of all healing -- the living spirit.In this insightful work Willem Frederik Veltman offers a concise overview of the Divine Comedy, followed by an exploration of the relevance of Dante today, an outline of the historical background of Dante's life and work, and consideration of Dante's prophecy of the coming of a redeemer. An enlightening book which reveals how Dante's masterwork enables us to recognise and better understand our own lives and culture today.
Floris Books Approaching Death: A Companion's Guide to the End of Life
Just as no person is the same as another, each death is individual. This special book does not promote methodologies or theories, but rather offers insights, information and contemplations on the end of life. It supports the companions of those on their dying journey, whether volunteers, medical professionals, pastors or loved ones.Renée Zeylmans taught courses on accompanying dying and bereavement for many years. She described the journey towards death as a reciprocal process, asking not only how do we travel with those who are dying and what can we give them, but what do they give us? This book is the fruit of a lifetime's work, and her intention was for it to enrich the reader, throw a new light on difficult situations, evoke recognition, console and offer choices.As well as host of practical information about dying and death -- including questions around the physiology of death, fear, fasting, funerals, music, language, and human senses -- the book contains contemplations and meditations from different world views and cultures.
Floris Books The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz: A Commentary on a Christian Path of Initiation
The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz is one of the most important writings of esoteric Christianity, first published anonymously in German in 1616. It is an allegorical story divided into seven journeys about how Christian Rosenkreutz was invited to a castle to assist the 'chymical wedding' of the king and queen. 'Chymical' is an old form of the word chemical and refers to alchemy, whose aim is the uniting of opposites -- hence, the sacred wedding.It is a book concerned with the inner transformation of the soul. Bastiaan Baan's interpretation and commentary makes this work accessible to readers of today, and shows the special language Andreae used to express the meditative content of his text. He delves deep to uncover the original significance, combining images and concepts from alchemy with insights from Rudolf Steiner's teachings. He concludes that the content is as valuable today as it was hundreds of years ago.The book contains the complete text of the Chymical Wedding.