Search results for ""Author Peter Muller""
Patmos-Verlag Pilgern im Alltag des Lebens
Gabler Einsatz älterer Menschen zur Reduktion des Fachkräftemangels: Eine Analyse in mittelständischen Unternehmen
Vor dem Hintergrund des zukünftigen Fachkräftemangels betrachtet Peter Müller die Besonderheiten in der Beziehung „älterer Arbeitnehmer – mittelständisches Unternehmen“. Neben einer empirisch fundierten wissenschaftlichen Analyse bietet der Autor auch eine Fülle von Gestaltungsanregungen für den Praktiker.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Kolosserbrief
Kohlhammer Gott Und Die Bibel
Rheinwerk Verlag GmbH Einstieg in HTML und CSS
Reclam Philipp Jun. Un aller simple
Austin Macauley Publishers Farewell Chapelon
John Wiley & Sons Inc WiMAX Security and Quality of Service: An End-to-End Perspective
WiMAX is the first standard technology to deliver true broadband mobility at speeds that enable powerful multimedia applications such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), online gaming, mobile TV, and personalized infotainment. WiMAX Security and Quality of Service, focuses on the interdisciplinary subject of advanced Security and Quality of Service (QoS) in WiMAX wireless telecommunication systems including its models, standards, implementations, and applications. Split into 4 parts, Part A of the book is an end-to-end overview of the WiMAX architecture, protocol, and system requirements. Security is an essential element in the wireless world and Part B is fully dedicated to this topic. Part C provides an in depth analysis of QoS, including mobility management in WiMAX. Finally, Part D introduces the reader to advanced and future topics. One of the first texts to cover security, QoS and deployments of WiMAX in the same book. Introduces the primary concepts of the interdisciplinary nature of WiMAX security and QoS, and also includes discussion of hot topics in the field. Written for engineers and researchers, answering practical questions from industry and the experimental field in academia. Explains how WiMAX applications’ security and QoS are interconnected and interworked among the cross layers.