Search results for ""Author Paul Moorcraft""
Tarquin Publications It Just Doesn't Add Up: Explaining Dyscalculia and Overcoming Number Problems for Children and Adults
Pen & Sword Books Ltd North Korea - Warring with the World
Created in 1945 when Korea was partitioned, North Korea or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea remains the world's most secretive nation. Even the few permitted visitors are tightly monitored by minders, so accounts of those who have escaped are the main source of information on conditions within the country. What is not in doubt is the totalitarian control over the population exercised by the ruling dynasty. Kim Jong-un is the grandson of the first dictator Kim Il-sung. Until the development of a credible nuclear arsenal, it was possible to ignore North Korean posturing. But that is no longer an option as test firing proved that not only were other Asian nations directly threatened but the USA as well. While President Trump and Kim Jong-un met in Singapore in June 2018, there remains distrust and dangerous uncertainty. Professor Moorcraft is superbly qualified to trace the history of this small rogue nation that represents a major threat to world peace. He goes on to examine the political and military implications.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Churchill's German Special Forces: The Elite Refugee Troops who took the War to Hitler
The existence of German-speaking units fighting for the Allied cause during WW2 has remained largely a well-kept secret. But seventy-five years on these units' contribution to victory needs to be fully acknowledged. Prime Minister Winston Churchill had no qualms about using native German speakers from Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia and of course Germany itself. The majority were Jews who had fled persecution. Two examples of these secret units were X Troop Commandos and the Special Interrogation Group. The SIG men deserve their legendary status. They fought, and often died, wearing Wehmacht uniform. As this superbly researched book reveals that, after infiltrating Field Marshal Rommel's Afrika Korps, one detachment even drew Nazi pay. Inevitably once the existence of SIG units became known, their immediate execution on capture was ordered, unless their temporary reprieve would reveal intelligence under torture. We learn how Churchill's initiative was copied by both the Americans and the Russians. Post-war SIG and X Troop survivors joined British special forces or were used to hunt down Nazi war criminals. All this and more is covered in this ground-breaking book by a writer who is both a leading historian and foreign correspondent.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Total Onslaught: War and Revolution in Southern Africa 1945-2018
The end of the Second World War may have heralded peace in Europe but conflicts in Southern Africa were about to begin. The imperial powers were weakened by the cost of war and a string of wars challenged colonial rule in countries such as Namibia, Angola and Rhodesia. Once independence was achieved, civil wars between rival factions unfamiliar with democratic principles resulted. Liberation movements such as those in South Africa demanded self-rule and end to Apartheid. Tribal feuds, corruption and the ambitions of dictators led to more conflicts such as the protracted fighting in the Congo. These were wars that ran on until both sides were exhausted often only to be re-kindled after short periods of uneasy peace. The cost in human and material terms has been devastating and in too many cases remain so. Economic development has been frustrated and the result is often poverty, abuse and genocide. The Author who knows Southern Africa as a native is superbly equipped to tell this fascinating if tragic record.
Biteback Publishing Israels Forever War
This essential work looks at the background to the HamasIsrael war and asks whether the international system can contain two simultaneous wars in Europe and the Levant.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Putin's Wars and NATO's Flaws: Why Russia Invaded Ukraine
This book explores why there is a major war again in Europe. Putin’s actions need to be understood if not forgiven. With the Ukraine conflict increasingly seen as a proxy war of NATO versus Russia, how likely is the fighting to spread? The author, a highly respected journalist and political commentator, explains why Russia invaded a sovereign neighbour. To what extent did NATO’s expansion to Russia’s borders in the aftermath of the Cold War provoke Putin? Did the West’s recent humiliating defeats in the Middle East and South Asia encourage Putin to exploit what he saw as its decadent strategic weakness and lack of resolve? What were the reasons for Russia’s savage behaviour in Ukraine? How might the Ukraine war end and what will the post-bellum world look like? The war in Ukraine has had worldwide impact with cost of living, food and energy crises and raised the risk of nuclear Armageddon by accident or intent so this book has universal appeal; not just to military buffs. It examines the complex military and political issues in layman’s language while the story is told as a compelling historical narrative. Professor Moorcraft, who has worked in Ukraine and has witnessed Russian troops in action in Afghanistan and other theatres, is superbly qualified to write this work.