Search results for ""Author Paul J. Silvia""
Oxford University Press Inc Exploring the Psychology of Interest
Interest, the momentary emotional feeling of curiosity, has always been a problem for mainstream psychologists because although simple interest and idle curiosity are always available to be cited as motives, they seem to be far too simple to account adequately for any aspect of human motivation or behaviour. The existence of interests, the enduring hobbies and avocations that give colour and frivolity to motivational life, gives rise to the question of why we are interested in some things rather than in others. Although this question is very important and basic to an understanding of human motivation and behaviour, it has generally been ignored or treated as simply too difficult to quantify. If properly understood, interest and interests could provide insights into many different issues, such as how transient emotional experience consolidates into lasting motives and how psychological states develop into traits. Understanding interest and interests and connecting the disparate areas within the psychology of interest are the primary goals of this book. As the first book on interest in decades, it will serve as the primary resource for anyone studying the psychology of interest.
American Psychological Association Write It Up: Practical Strategies for Writing and Publishing Journal Articles
Write It Up is for anyone writing an empirical article in APA Style®, from beginners facing their first article to old dogs looking for new writing strategies. Your academic writing will be more influential if you approach it reflectively and strategically. Based on his experience as an author, journal editor, and peer reviewer, Paul J. Silvia offers sage and witty advice on problems like picking journals; cultivating the right tone and style for your article; managing collaborative projects and coauthors; crafting effective Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion sections; and submitting and resubmitting papers to journals.Write It Up features: • readable and amusing, the book shows, step-by-step, how to plan and organize your academic writing; and • uses real-world examples to illustrate how to improve writing style and write better articles.
American Psychological Association How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing
All academics need to write, but many struggle to finish their dissertations, articles, books, or grant proposals. Writing is hard work and can be difficult to wedge into a frenetic academic schedule. How can we write it all while still having a life? In this second edition of his popular guidebook, Paul Silvia offers fresh advice to help you overcome barriers to writing and use your time more productively. After addressing some common excuses and bad habits, he provides practical strategies to motivate students, professors, researchers, and other academics to become better and more prolific writers. Silvia draws from his own experience in psychology to explain how to write, submit, and revise academic work, from journal articles to books, all without sacrificing evenings, weekends, and vacations. The tips and strategies in this second edition have been updated to apply to academic writing in most disciplines. Also new to this edition is a chapter on writing grant and fellowship proposals.
American Psychological Association Public Speaking for Psychologists: A Lighthearted Guide to Research Presentations, Job Talks, and Other Opportunities to Embarrass Yourself
Public Speaking for Psychologists is a practical and lighthearted guide to planning, designing, and delivering a presentation. Public speaking is one of the most common fears. Few people look forward to talking in front of others and even fewer do it as effectively as they could. A career in psychology and its related fields involves extensive public speaking, so you will need to learn to do it well. With time and practice, you too can become a confident and effective presenter. The first half of Public Speaking for Psychologists covers the nuts-and-bolts of public speaking: preparing a talk, submitting an abstract, developing your slides, managing anxiety, handling questions, and preventing public-speaking disasters. The second half applies these tips to common presentations, such as research talks, poster presentations, job talks, and talks to lay audiences. Throughout the book, the authors—both experienced presenters—offer realistic advice, useful tips, and humorous stories of embarrassing mistakes they'll never make again.