Search results for ""Author Paul A. T. Wolfgang""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Data Structures: Abstraction and Design Using Java
Data Structures: Abstraction and Design Using Java offers a coherent and well-balanced presentation of data structure implementation and data structure applications with a strong emphasis on problem solving and software design. Step-by-step, the authors introduce each new data structure as an abstract data type (ADT), explain its underlying theory and computational complexity, provide its specification in the form of a Java interface, and demonstrate its implementation as one or more Java classes. Case studies using the data structures covered in the chapter show complete and detailed solutions to real-world problems, while a variety of software design tools are discussed to help students “Think, then code.” The book supplements its rigorous coverage of basic data structures and algorithms with chapters on sets and maps, balanced binary search trees, graphs, event-oriented programming, testing and debugging, and other key topics. Now available as an enhanced e-book, the fourth edition of Data Structures: Abstraction and Design Using Java enables students to measure their progress after completing each section through interactive questions, quick-check questions, and review questions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Objects, Abstraction, Data Structures and Design: Using C++
Koffman and Wolfgang introduce data structures in the context of C++ programming. They embed the design and implementation of data structures into the practice of sound software design principles that are introduced early and reinforced by 20 case studies. Data structures are introduced in the C++ STL format whenever possible. Each new data structure is introduced by describing its interface in the STL. Next, one or two simpler applications are discussed then the data structure is implemented following the interface previously introduced. Finally, additional advanced applications are covered in the case studies, and the cases use the STL. In the implementation of each data structure, the authors encourage students to perform a thorough analysis of the design approach and expected performance before actually undertaking detailed design and implementation. Students gain an understanding of why different data structures are needed, the applications they are suited for, and the advantages and disadvantages of their possible implementations. Case studies follow a five-step process (problem specification, analysis, design, implementation, and testing) that has been adapted to object-oriented programming. Students are encouraged to think critically about the five-step process and use it in their problem solutions. Several problems have extensive discussions of testing and include methods that automate the testing process. Some cases are revisited in later chapters and new solutions are provided that use different data structures. The text assumes a first course in programming and is designed for Data Structures or the second course in programming, especially those courses that include coverage of OO design and algorithms. A C++ primer is provided for students who have taken a course in another programming language or for those who need a review in C++. Finally, more advanced coverage of C++ is found in an appendix. Course Hierarchy: Course is the second course in the CS curriculum Required of CS majors Course names include Data Structures and Data Structures & Algorithms