Search results for ""Author P. van Geest""
Peeters Publishers Seeing through the Eyes of Faith: New Approaches to the Mystagogy of the Church Fathers
In the course of the past years an interest in the mystagogy of the Church Fathers developed at various Dutch universities. Interest in the mystagogy of the Church Fathers increased because it was recognised that its study did justice both to the intention of the Church Fathers themselves and to the increasing demand for spirituality. It was not their primary intention to put forward a rational reflection on the depositum fidei as such or to pass on knowledge of it as a goal in itself. Their goal was rather to initiate a process aimed not so much at intellectual formation as at an existential transformation by means of rituals, catechesis and the explanation of stories and images from biblical traditions. In this book the main focus was on the mystagogy of the Church Fathers. The assumption was that philological, historical and theological methods complement each other in the approach to the Church Fathers as mystagogues. Consequently the manner in which they attempt to shape their introduction into the mystery of Christ was regarded from an interdisciplinary point of view. The contributions to this book form a first sketch of the research area of the mystagogy of the Church Fathers, as it is taking shape at present.
Peeters Publishers Early Christian Mystagogy and the Body
This multidisciplinary volume focuses on the theme of early Christian mystagogy and the body. In the patristic tradition, mystagogy refers to the essential process of initiation into the divine mystery and existential transformation. In this context, the body is a challenging element, since it represents a contested topic in early Christianity, and the Christian tradition has often been accused of hostility towards the body. The reality is, however, more complex. As its core tenet of the incarnation testifies, the body is central to salvation in Christianity, which involves the healing and control, transformation and resurrection of the body. The contributions in this book explore precisely such paradoxical and kaleidoscopic perspectives. In a cohesive chronological progression, fundamental issues are discussed such as the sacraments, the embodiment of the soul, the ascetic tradition, and the cult of the saints including relics as conduits of healing and conversion. The timeframe is extensive, ranging from the second century into the medieval period, and the early Christian tradition is represented in all its diversity, including, for instance, Syriac sources. Due to its broad scope, this volume on early Christian mystagogy and the body offers a rich and thought-provoking contribution to the field of early Christian studies and beyond.
Peeters Publishers Augustiniana Neerlandica: Aspecten Van Augustinus' Spiritualiteit En Haar Doorwerking
Dit boek verschijnt naar aanleiding van de 1650e geboortedag van Augustinus van Hippo. Op een toegankelijke manier, bestemd voor een zo groot mogelijk publiek, introduceren meer dan dertig deskundigen (filologen, filosofen, historici en theologen) de lezer in de wereldhistorische betekenis van Augustinus. Vrijwel alle fasen en facetten van de diepgang van zijn denken komen aan de orde, en ook de immense invloed ervan in de na hem komende eeuwen en speciaal in onze eigen tijd. Doel van dit boek is het zo goed mogelijk toegankelijk maken van Augustinus' veelkleurige en telkens weer verrassende spiritualiteit voor een ruime kring van lezers in het Nederlandse taalgebied. De bijdragen in deze bundel bieden uitzicht op het gehele complex van Augustinus' oeuvre, waarin op haast organische wijze alles met alles is verbonden. Het gedenkboek kan ook gebruikt worden als een inleidend handboek, dat op de hoogte brengt van de huidige stand van het onderzoek en voor elke geinteresseerde een opmaat vormt tot verdere studie.