Search results for ""Author Oxlade Chris""
Anness Publishing Exploring Science: Machines
This title comes with 20 easy-to-do experiments and 300 exciting pictures. It tells the story of technology, from simple gears and levers to high-tech gadgets and gizmos. It covers all the basics of how things work - with fascinating photographs of machines in action, plus accessible inside-view diagrams. Practical projects help you to make your own minimachines, including a windmill and a vacuum cleaner! It is ideal for 8- to 12-year-olds, for home and school use. The screw, the wedge, the lever and the sloping ramp are the foundations of much more complicated machines. This book explains how they work, and how they have contributed to technological progress over thousands of years. It investigates all kinds of devices - from a pair of pliers, to cranes, wind turbines and power drills - right down to the basics of how they operate. And by making their own levers, pulleys, belt drives, wheels and more, young readers will be able to look at the working world around them with a fresh awareness.
Anness Publishing Exploring Science: Cameras
With 9 easy-to-do experiments and 230 exciting pictures, this book tells the history, the science and the technology behind photography and film-making. It investigates all kinds of cameras, with inside-view illustrations of how they work. It features practical projects to do at home that explain the scientific principles, including how a lens works, easy animation, and how to make your own pinhole camera. Fascinating pictures show these devices in action, demonstrating techniques, settings, filters, effects, printing, projecting and how to take great photographs. You can learn about cameras, from film to digital to recording, viewing and editing images. Page by page, the book focuses on a different aspect of the photographic process, from the anatomy of a camera to shutter speeds and what the aperture does. Simple step-by-step experiments reinforce the learning experience - see how light behaves, create a 3D effect, and produce a panoramic shot. This is a completely accessible reference work for keen young photographers, which is sure to be borrowed by like-minded friends and family!
Anness Publishing 150 Amazing Science Experiments
These are fascinating projects using everyday materials, demonstrated step by step in 1300 photographs! You can find out how things work: energy, wind, nature, ships, cars, cameras and computers. You can fly your very own hot-air balloon, run an ant colony, build a water pump, and tell the age of ancient trees. Step-by-step photographs and easy-to-follow practical instructions ensure success in all the experiments. It features fun science ideas that you can do at home or school, using materials and equipment that are easy to find or inexpensive to buy. This is a bumper collection of 150 fantastic experiments and projects that explain a wide range of scientific facts, processes and principles. Make a working volcano, construct a reflecting telescope, create a compass, and much more. The projects are arranged thematically to reflect different areas of science and technology, such as the natural world, earth sciences, physics and transport. Budding young scientists are guaranteed hours of fascination and amusement while gaining a practical understanding about our everyday world.
Anness Publishing Exploring Science: Ships & Boats
With 17 easy-to-do experiments and 300 exciting pictures, this is the story of transportation on water: the vessels, the people and the technology. It features amazing information about every type of vehicle - from canoes, fishing trawlers and ferries, to warships, submarines and hovercraft. It explains how ships work, with the help of exciting step-by-step experiments to do at home or school. You can build a model reed boat, test which hull shapes move the fastest through water, power a propeller with a rubber-band engine, and make a navigation light. It captures the thrills and spectacle of life and work at sea, in more than 300 dramatic photographs and detailed illustrations. By inventing ways to travel on water, people have been able to see and trade with new lands, conquer new territories, fight great sea battles and enjoy new sports. This book will help you to understand why ships have played such an important part in human history.With the aid of cross-section illustrations and simple experiments to do at home, you will discover how vessels stay afloat, how a sail works, what keeps a submarine underwater, how a hovercraft skims on air, the elements of navigation, and much more.
Anness Publishing 150 Great Science Experiments