Search results for ""Author Olaf Kühne""
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Germany: Geographies of Complexity
This book addresses the highly differentiated spatial, social, cultural and demographic structure(s) of Germany, with a particular focus on the reciprocal relations between different levels of spatial development. The historical development of Germany serves as a background in order to provide context for the development of spatially relevant ideas and ideals (whether in relation to politics, landscape, or culture). In this regard, questions of divergence and convergence become highly salient. The book makes the complexity of spatial and social developments in Germany comprehensible. The neopragmatic approach adopted here allows bringing together different theoretical strands while providing a basis for independent regional geographic research at the same time. Beginning with an overview of the physical structures of Germany which provides the material point of departure for the societal development of Germany, key aspects of the German history are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the reciprocal influence between material substrate and notions of landscape. Here, specific ‘German’ trajectories of aesthetic and normative conceptions of landscape become clear. A common theme throughout the book are questions of divergence and of efforts towards convergence, which become evident when considering past and present economic, political, and demographic developments. Efforts to tackle current challenges, such as adapting to climate change and mitigating it, or securing raw materials, also become apparent. The complexity of spatial processes in Germany is illustrated in case study regions dealing with the challenges of structural change in traditional industrial regions (such as the Ruhr area), or e.g. efforts of Berlin to position and find itself as the capital of a unified Germany. Overall, the book shows how theory-driven regional geographic research can make spatiotemporal complexities tangible and comprehensible.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Foodscapes: Theory, History, and Current European Examples
Since the mid-1990s, the term 'foodscapes' has been used. Its reference to landscape opens it up to a wide theoretical variety and numerous methodological approaches. Through the large 'semantic yard' of the concept of landscape it becomes clear that the approach of foodscapes aims less at the description or pure positivistic analysis of the production, distribution and consumption of food, but is rather open to aesthetic approaches, normative questions, aspects of the connection of food and space with meaning. In this respect, research on foodscapes is not simply a part of food geography but reaches beyond it. With this anthology we contribute to the development of the research field on foodscapes and combine diverse perspectives from different disciplines, locations and theoretical as well as methodological backgrounds on the diversity of what foodscapes can be. Our anthology 'Foodscapes - Theory, History, and Current European Examples' is the result of the collaboration of lecturers and students from the universities of Bucharest, Madrid, Rome and Tübingen.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Landschaftshandeln: Grundzüge, Potenziale und Zukunft der Europäischen Landschaftskonvention
Die von 40 Staaten unterzeichnete und 2004 in Kraft getretene Europäische Landschaftskonvention stellt ein zentrales Dokument der Befassung mit Landschaft dar. Es basiert in großen Teilen auf einer konstruktivistischen Vorstellung von Landschaft und stellt Menschen bei Erhaltung und Entwicklung von Landschaft in den Mittelpunkt. In diesem Buch befassen sich namhafte Autor*innen mit Fragen der rechtlichen, sozialen, politischen und planerischen Bedeutung der Konvention. Neben Fallbeispielen der Umsetzung in verschiedenen europäischen Ländern geht es auch um die Frage, warum Deutschland mit der Unterzeichnung der ELK zögert und wie sich eine Umsetzung in Deutschland gestalten könnte.