Search results for ""Author Okina Baba""
Manga Cult Ich bin eine Spinne na und 7
Manga Cult Ich bin eine Spinne na und 6
Manga Cult Ich bin eine Spinne na und 4
Manga Cult Ich bin eine Spinne na und 1
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 3 (light novel)
After surviving a crossing of the impossibly dangerous magma sea, our favorite spider now must face...another dragon?! The earth dragon Araba is practically king of the whole Elroe Dungeon, so what chance does a spider have???
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What? The Daily Lives of the Kumoko Sisters, Vol. 6
Spider Sisters + Adminstrator D School AU. ‘Nuff said, am I right? For a more detailed exposition of the events of subsequent movie field trips, dental check-ups, and cryogenic research attempts at immortality, please flip to beginning page of the volume.
Manga Cult Ich bin eine Spinne na und 2
Little, Brown & Company So Im a Spider So What Vol. 13 manga
In the midst of an ancient ruin (that look more like a spaceship than a ruin) our party boldly makes their way!! But, uhh, we make have accidentally awakened a weapon from the distant past...or would it be future? I mean, it does look like a UFO...Agh, not another last boss fight!!
Manga Cult Ich bin eine Spinne na und 13
Manga Cult Ich bin eine Spinne na und 3
Manga Cult Ich bin eine Spinne na und 12
Manga Cult Ich bin eine Spinne na und 8
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 12 (manga)
So apparently, I've somehow become besties with the demon lord and baby vampy, and now we're journeying together?! On the plus side, I did manage to evolve into my Arachne form, and so finally obtained a human face! Go me! But between evolution and our journey, it's kinda hard to level up, so I guess I'd better torture train vampy and her buddy to survive elf-fire...
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 15 (light novel)
After one final battle against the elves, the Demon Army emerges victorious! WithPotimas defeated, the next task is to save goddess Sariel from the System, butadministrator D keeps getting in the way!!! For her own amusement, she activatesWorld Quest and pulls absolutely everyone into the game. Now what are we gonnado?!
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 10 (light novel)
I've finally figured out why I was reborn in this world. Still, that doesn't mean I'm gonna change how I live day to day right away. For now, what's most important to me is regaining my strength and gaining some new skills. That's why I sent out thousands of spiders all around the world to keep an eye on things. I have more talent for being a spy than I thought...
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 5 (manga)
You think you can beat me?! You and what army!? Oh...that army...I thought I was getting the hang of things! Famous last words, right? This middle stratum is filled with fiery magma (with monsters to match!), but I've been holding my own. I may be a weak, little spider, but I've got brains on my side--three of them, in fact! I've got Information Brain to call the shots, Body Brain to do the moves, and my new Magic Brain to figure out...whatever the heck is up with magic in this world, sheesh. Think you can take on me, myself, and I, Mr. Big Giant Scary Dragon?!!
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 13 (light novel)
Now that killing the hero is off the table, it’s time for plan B. I might not be able to“hack” into the world’s RPG system, but I can certainly go clobber the goddess Sarielwho controls it! Meanwhile, the demon army is preparing to conquer the elf village, butYamada and the other reincarnations are royally screwing up by heading there as well.Jeez, give a girl a break!
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 4 (manga)
There's never a dull moment in this labyrinth, as that damn dragon is back again!! It's still too high level for me, so I guess it's time to escape while I can...Why does it always seem like, as soon as I get the hang of things, either I get knocked into a new (MUCH HARDER!) area or some other Big Boss comes outta the shadows to make me fear for my life all over again? I just want to know what I'm doing for once...
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 6 (light novel)
I did it. I did it! I'm finally an Arachne! ...Aaand things are already going way differently than I thought they would. I guess I kinda joined up with the Demon Lord? Which means working with, you guessed it, demons. I mean, I've just casually become traveling companions with the lord of demons and a vampire princess. I'll worry about that later, though. It's about time I properly acquainted myself with the world of humans!
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 8 (light novel)
Losing all her skills and stats after her deification has left Kumoko weaker than the average handbag, relegating her to luggage status. This couldn't have come at a worse time because the Demon Lord's party is about to come under attack by another reincarnation who's become a demon beserker!
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 11 (manga)
Hey there ladies and gents, everybody's favorite spider monster has an announcementto make! After finally makin' it outta the labyrinth and saving a dandy stud or two, Ihave now become...a god. Or so the locals seem to think at least. But 'cos my life'sbeen on Nightmare mode since the start, 'course THE Demon Lord just haaaas to picka fight. She's the toughest one yet, but I'll always come out on top-I hope.
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 8
I was your average, everyday high school girl, but now I've been reborn in a magical a spider?! Wait-this isn't how these stories are supposed to go! Read the next volume of So I'm a Spider, So What?!
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 11 (light novel)
Man, becoming the hero of all humans at the age of six? That's rough buddy. But you know, sometimes life is like that. Hang in there kid and maybe I'll...wait, what do you mean I don't show up at all this time?! This is outrageous!!
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 7 (light novel)
Okay, let me explain. All I did was wipe out a bunch of spider monsters that attacked me in broad daylight. It was self defense! Completely justified. But...maybe, juuust maybe...I was noisy enough to wake up a swarm of ancient unmanned weapon systems. Now there's robots and tanks and who-the-hell knows what else running around!! What do we do???
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 6 (manga)
I'm continuing to level up, but it hasn't been easy! You really can never tell what you'll find in this labrynth, huh?! Or who I guess-there's a mysterious man headed this way! And...hold up, is that a smartphone?! Maybe there's a translation app on here that can help me out...
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 10
Mother’s going down! But there’s one teensy-tiny snag in my strategy to take outMother--that is, we’re both spiders. So Mother’s got a lotta experience with tricky trapsand countering them...and now I’m in a pretty pickle. Stuck with no way tocounterattack, my last remaining hope is for my fellow Kumokos to return...!!
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 4 (light novel)
I've finally escaped the monster infested Elroe Labyrinth and now making my way towards the land of humans! But what was waiting for me on the surface was something even worse than's MY MOTHER!! We don't have the greatest relationship for various spidery reasons but am I going to make it out of this family reunion in one piece?!
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 7
Challenging Earth Dragon Araba? Check! Traveling away from my home? Check. But wait-even though I put in so much prep to be separated from my home, a group of humans came in and burned it all to the ground? Why I oughtta...! And if that weren't bad enough, it seems like they're comin' in for the kill! Sure wasn't prepared for that...
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 14 LN
The demon army is on the march, rushing toward the decisive battle that will rid theworld of the elves and their evil once and for all. Meanwhile, the time is fastapproaching for Shun and his friends to reunite with their friends and classmates whothey assumed were long dead. But when that moment comes, who will they standwith-the elves they’ve been fighting alongside with, or people they knew in theirformer lives?
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 9 (manga)
I escaped!! ...For about five seconds anyways. Until Mother showed up and chased me back into the Great Elroe Labyrinth. On top of that, my home is surrounded by my siblings-and they look pretty hungry to me! It'll take a miracle to get outta this alive...
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What? Vol. 5 (light novel)
After my battle to the death with Mother, now my days are filled with preparing the next boss-the Demon Lord! But now I have a problem... I've said it before, but I'm TOO STRONG. Now I'm attracting all kinds of unwanted attention! Now I'll have to interact humans whether I want to or not...
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What? The Daily Lives of the Kumoko Sisters, Vol. 4
Hey, y’all, lemme tell you ‘bout all the fabulous happenings in the Great ElroeLabyrinth. If you’re lookin’ to pick up some mad skillz, we got plenty of options. Likedancing or fencing...or even working for the Great Elroe Labyrinth’s animation studio!And if yer reeeal lucky, you might even spot a Shiny Araba in its natural habitat! Socome one, come all! Spider Sisters over and out.
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What? The Daily Lives of the Kumoko Sisters, Vol. 2
Ladies and gentleman...Act II of the fabulous daily lives of me, Kumoko, and my foursisters will now begin. Clearly, you couldn't get enough of how splendiferous we are, sohere's a sneak previewï¿9;just for you! Ahem, this time a few of our regularly scheduledprograms include fashion shows, arts and crafts days, boxing matches...and of coursethe labyrinth wide Need for Speed car race...!!
Manga Cult Ich bin eine Spinne na und 10
Little, Brown & Company So I'm a Spider, So What? Vol. 3 (manga)
Having defeated the fire dragon in the sea of flames, what awaited the spider was none other than the natural enemy of destiny: The Earth Dragon, Araba! How will she fare against the powerful magic of the leader of Eruro's Labyrinth?