Search results for ""Author Norman K. Denzin""
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Volume 32 of "Studies in Symbolic Interaction" contains five cutting-edge papers which examine the future of symbolic interaction. Adele Clarke, Kathy Charmaz, Fritz Schutze, Margaret Kearney, Karen Schumacher, and Susan Kools honor Anselm Strauss and 40 years of grounded theory. Additional essays offer new theoretical developments in the areas of social work, race, media, identity, and politics. The work of Norma Williams is also celebrated.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Volume 31 of "Studies in Symbolic Interaction" inaugurates the "Blue Ribbon Paper Series" under the editorship of Lonnie Athens. The papers in this series celebrate cutting-edge theory and research presented at the Couch-Stone Spring Symposium, and the Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. New theoretical developments in the areas of everyday life, race, Native Americans, politics, performance, Spartan Superhunks, and Persian Monsters in recent Hollywood film are also included.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
This 7th volume in the series discusses a variety of topics in the field of symbolic interaction.
GEDISA Mtodos de recoleccin y anlisis de datos manual de investigacin cualitativa
La investigación cualitativa conlleva, en todo el proceso de su desarrollo, el despliegue por parte del investigador de un conjunto de prácticas vinculadas con las decisiones que las preceden y que están encaminadas a resolver, por un lado, qué y con qué método investigar, cómo acceder a los datos y cómo interpretarlos y, por el otro, cómo representar los resultados obtenidos.Este Volumen IV, precisamente, ofrece una múltiple, variada y amplia gama de prácticas metodológicas, esto es, de estrategias de recolección y de análisis de datos y de formas de representación. Así, en el Capítulo 25 se examina la multiplicidad de enfoques, perspectivas y voces de la investigación narrativa; en el Capítulo 26 la investigación con base en las artes; en el Capítulo 27 la entrevista; en el Capítulo 28 la observación; en el Capítulo 29 los métodos visuales; en el Capítulo 30 la autoetnografía; en el Capítulo 31 la etnografía online; en el Capítulo 32 se abordan las perspectivas analíticas; en el C
Myers Education Press New Directions in Theorizing Qualitative Research: Indigenous Research
Emerald Publishing Limited Radical Interactionism and Critiques of Contemporary Culture
This volume includes contributions from experts such as Gil Musolf, Michael Katovich, Joseph Kotarba, Norbert Wiley, Alina Pop, Marco Marzano, John Pruit, Amanda Pruit, Carol Rambo, Norman Conti, Laura Rosenberg, Krzysztof Konecki, Erick Laming, Christopher J. Schneider, Stacey Hannem, Robert Perinbanayagam, Veronica Manlow, and Christopher Ferree to provide a robust and interdisciplinary critique of contemporary culture. For its breadth and depth of research, this volume of Studies in Symbolic Interaction is essential reading for researchers and students across the social sciences interested in current symbolic interactionist thought and contemporary readings of social situations.
GEDISA Manual de investigacin cualitativa el arte y la prctica de la interpretacin la evaluacin y la presentacin
El Volumen V: El arte y la práctica de la interpretación, la evaluación y la presentación finali-za la compilación de volúmenes del Manual de Investigación Cualitativa dentro de la co-lección Herramientas Universitarias. Este volumen profundiza en el ám
GEDISA Paradigmas y perspectivas en disputa manual de investigación cualitativa
Este volumen se destaca por incluir nuevas perspectivas epistemológicas y meto-dológicas, las que se traducen en relevantes aportes al desarrollo del proceso de investigación cualitativa: La incorporación de nuevos paradigmas, como el participativo, al conjunto de los que ya coexisten en las ciencias sociales (Capítulo 8); las propuestas sobre la necesidad de acción, como la investigación colaborativa (Capítulo 9); la exigencia, entre otras, de producir un conocimiento subjetivo y situado, que aborda la teoría del punto de vista (Capítulo 10); la búsqueda de una teoría y una metodología que cuestionen las jerarquías sociales y las normas legitimadas para crearlas, reproducirlas y conocerlas, como la teoría crítica de la raza (Capítulo 11); la propuesta de un estilo de investigación basada en una crítica en constante evolución (Capítulo 12); el planteo de un marco metodológico integrador para los estudios culturales (Capítulo 13) y la manifestación de la tensión entre el humanismo y la
Emerald Publishing Limited 40th Anniversary of Studies in Symbolic Interaction
To mark 40 volumes of Studies in Symbolic Interaction, this volume includes a special introduction from Series Editor, Norman K. Denzin. This 40th volume advances critical discourse on several fronts at the same time, including a report from the First Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines hui, Waikato, New Zealand; New Empirical Studies by D. Coates, J. Johnson, D. Altheide, C. J. Schneider and D. Trotter, R. J. Berger, C. Corroto, J. Flad, and R. Quinney, and B. Jarrett (respectively): new religious movements, the California School of Symbolic Interaction, Terrorism and the National Security University, the 2011 Vancouver Riot, The Terrains of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, and mediation processes. In a separate section to highlight the diverse and challenging aspects of symbolic interactionism; Ryan Turner asks if animals have selves? Michael Katovich and Robert Young and Carol Thompson use Turners article as a springboard for insightful commentary on the selves of other animals and the selves of humans.
GEDISA El campo de la investigación cualitativa manual de investigación cualitativa
El Manual de Investigación Cualitativa constituye un acontecimiento editorial en el ámbito de las ciencias humanas avalado por su gran éxito internacional. El presente volumen, El campo de la investigación cualitativa, despliega un mapa completo de esta técnica, su tradición universitaria, los problemas éticos de su trabajo de campo, su vertiente crítica de análisis de la (in)justicia social, la investigación de los nativos y su resistencia a la dominación neocolonial.La obra en general, incorpora las recientes contribuciones de la ciencia social o la pedagogía críticas, la investigación narrativa, la etnografía online, la historia oral, las comunidades de discapacitados, la teoría queer o la etnografía de la performance.En suma, el Manual de Investigación Cualitativa no solo define el presente de esta metodología sino que también determina su futuro, constituyendo en una referencia imprescindible para cualquier interesado en la materia, así com
Myers Education Press New Directions in Theorizing Qualitative Research: Indigenous Research
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Part I of Volume 34 of "Studies in Symbolic Interaction" contains 12 outstanding contributions by leading activist scholars on Commodity Racism, Chief Illiniwek, and Native American Sport Mascots. Part II, New Interpretative Works, contain seven performance narratives - black womanhood, masculinity, whiteness, and gender, sexual violation, old civilization and democratic citizenship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
This book emphasizes critical approaches to the study of race, identity and self, as well as developments in interactionist theory, ethics and dramaturical studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Volume 37 in the bi-annual series "Studies in Symbolic Interaction" is divided into three distinct parts: Part One, Theoretical Openings, focuses on new theoretical work in the interactionist tradition by leading interdisciplinary scholars. It examines the mesodomain of welfare reform through re-negotiating the order of economic inequality, provides a grounded fractal analysis into the medicalization of homelessness and the sociology of the self, and looks at the labeling of immigrant men as criminals. In Part Two, Studies in Social Construction, focus shifts to issues of gender, ethnicity, illness and the urban situation including articles on the social constructions of the non-prejudiced white self, women's interaction with romantic comedies and the impact on their relationship, and engaging cultural narratives of the ethnic restaurant. The third and final part, Autoethnographic Interventions, turns inward to autoethnographic reflections on identity, technology, family, work and self including contributions on the digital evolution of an American identity and nursing's moral imperative as the flexible professional and the discourse of unexpected evidence.
Left Coast Press Inc Custer on Canvas: Representing Indians, Memory, and Violence in the New West
The 1876 events known as Custer’s Last Stand, Battle of Little Big Horn, or Battle of Greasy Grass have been represented over 1000 times in various artistic media, from paintings to sculpture to fast food giveaways. Norman Denzin shows how these representations demonstrate the changing perceptions—often racist—of Native America by the majority culture, juxtaposed against very different readings shown in works composed by Native American artists. Consisting of autobiographical reminiscences, historical description, artistic representations, staged readings, and snippets of documents, this multilayered performance ethnography examines questions of memory, race, and violence against Native America, as symbolized by the changing interpretations of General Custer and his final battle.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Symbolic Interactionism and Cultural Studies: The Politics of Interpretation
Symbolic interactionism is one of the most enduring - and certainly the most sociological - of all social psychologies. In this landmark work, Norman K. Denzin traces its tortured history from its roots in American pragmatism to its present-day encounter with poststructuralism and postmodernism. Arguing that if interactionism is to continue to thrive and grow it must incorporate elements of post structural and post-modern theory into its underlying views of history, culture and politics, the author develops a research agenda which merges the interactionist sociological imagination with the critical insights on contemporary feminism and cultural studies. Norman Denzin's programmatic analysis of symbolic interactionism, which develops a politics of interpretation merging theory and practice, will be welcomed by students and scholars in a wide range of disciplines, from sociology to cultural studies.
Myers Education Press New Directions in Theorizing Qualitative Research: The Arts
Myers Education Press New Directions in Theorizing Qualitative Research: The Arts
Myers Education Press Qualitative Research in the Time of COVID: Lessons Learned and Opportunities Presented During a Pandemic
Myers Education Press New Directions in Theorizing Qualitative Research: Theory as Resistance
Myers Education Press New Directions in Theorizing Qualitative Research: Performance as Resistance
Myers Education Press Culturally Relevant Storytelling in Qualitative Research: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Examined through a Research Lens
Myers Education Press New Directions in Theorizing Qualitative Research: Theory as Resistance
Myers Education Press New Directions in Theorizing Qualitative Research: Performance as Resistance
Taylor & Francis Ltd Qualitative Inquiry in Neoliberal Times
Qualitative Inquiry in Neoliberal Times is written from the perspective that the scholarly lives of academics are changing, constantly in flux, and increasingly bound to the demands of the market – a context in which the university has increasingly morphed into a business enterprise, one that treats students as consumers to be marketed to, education as something to be purchased, and research as something to be capitalized on for financial gain. The effects of this market-orientation of scholarly life, especially on those in the social sciences and humanities, are ones that demand serious examination. At the same time, qualitative inquiry itself is changing and evolving within and against the rhythms of this ‘new normal’.This volume engages with these emerging debates in qualitative research over new materialism, 'data', public policy, research ethics, public scholarship, and the corporate university in the neoliberal age. World-renowned contributors from the United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Norway, Australia, and New Zealand present a global perspective on these issues, framed within a landscape of higher education marked if not marred by efficiency metrics, accountability, external funding, and university rankings. Qualitative Inquiry in Neoliberal Times is a must-read for faculty and students alike interested in the changing dynamics of their profession, whether theoretically, methodologically, or structurally and materially.This title is sponsored by the International Association of Qualitative Inquiry, a major new international organization that sponsors an annual congress.
AltaMira Press,U.S. 9/11 in American Culture
In response to the events following September 11, a number of leading cultural studies and interpretive qualitative researchers write from their own experiences and hearts. Their essays—by noted scholars Kellner, Fine, McLaren, Richardson, Denzin, Giroux and others—are collected in this volume, and were written in crisis within days and weeks of September 11. The immediacy of their writing is refreshing, and reflects the varied emotional and critical responses that bring meaning to this cataclysmal event. From the poetic to the personal, the theoretical to the historical, these contributions represent intelligent and reflective responses to crises like 9/11. This unique collection of essays represents a selfless act of sharing by poets and professors who tell us how they made sense of these tragic events, and predicts what the place of the humanities and the social sciences might hold in an age of terror. Lachrymal and elegiac, their words will stay with us for years to come. The articles were originally published in the journals Qualitative Inquiry and Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Oppression and Resistance: Structure, Agency, Transformation
Oppression and resistance dialectically envelop everyday life, for both the privileged and the oppressed. The disenfranchised live under regimes in which repression ranges from brutal to institutionally subtle. The privileged socially reproduce their rule through ideology that justifies and policy that institutionalizes subjugation. However, rejecting depression, detachment, and disaffection that emerges from surviving ruling-class regimes, many previously dispirited, instead, choose defiance. They engage in subjectivity struggles by crafting critical consciousness, refusing to be dupes to ideology that represents them as inferior. They undertake social struggles demanding policy that dismantles institutional discrimination and that enhances opportunities for learning and achievement. The exploited, as best as they can in regimes of ruling class and white male supremacy, reconstruct their selves and, it is hoped, transform society. The qualitative studies that comprise this edited collection, present a structure-and-agency perspective, broadly defined, that constitutes the best sociological lens through which to understand oppression and resistance. Contributors interrogate various aspects of oppression and resistance, from the personal to the institutional, exploring situations in which the structure of oppression was insurmountable and illustrating cases in which agency was able to transform either individual or group identity.
SAGE Publications Inc The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research
This new edition of the SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research represents the sixth generation of the ongoing conversation about the discipline, practice, and conduct of qualitative inquiry. As with earlier editions, the Sixth Edition is virtually a new volume, with 27 of the 34 chapters representing new topics or approaches not seen in the previous edition. To mark the Handbook’s 30-year history, we are pleased to offer a bonus PART VI in the eBook versions of the Sixth Edition: this additional section brings together and reprints ten of the most famous or game-changing contributions from the previous five editions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Volume 53 of Studies in Symbolic Interaction is divided into three parts, providing contemporary readings of social situations. Part 1 includes three pathbreaking essays interpreting translational science. This is the study of the general scientific, medical and operational principles that turn observations into interventions, helping to improve patients’ lives. Part 2 consists of five essays, including an analysis of the ‘Phantasmal in Qualitative Research’ and ‘Miami’s Sea-level Rise Committee’. Part 3, Norman K. Denzin and Studies in Symbolic Interaction, includes essays by Shing-Ling Sarina Chen, Michael Katovich and Joe Kotarba.
Emerald Publishing Limited Revisiting Symbolic Interaction in Music Studies and New Interpretive Works
This volume addresses the perceived gap between symbolic interaction and ethnomusicological approaches to the study of music. It seeks to bring the fields closer by highlighting some of the complementary theoretical constructs of phenomenology and symbolic interaction as they relate to music studies. The papers, presented at the 2012 Couch-Stone Symposium, work toward this reconciliation by applying the lens of symbolic interaction to various musical genres, from traditional Inuit music to jazz to hip-hop, reflecting a sensitivity to their various topics as both artistic achievement and social activity. The authors' work in multiple disciplines (Sociology, Ethnomusicology, and Communication Studies), along with their own sharing of ideas in this project, nurtures the opportunity to bring these studies into a full interdisciplinary conversation. It is the hope of the authors that we can not only open a deepened conversation between scholars in different fields, but also integrate concepts from symbolic interactionism and ethnomusicology as they continue to address the complexity of meaning in varying musical contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
This vibrant volume is a refreshing piece of work full of cutting-edge contributions on popular music and interaction, with seminal essays on music and identity, the spaces of musical interaction (subcultures, scenes, communities), and music in and as interaction. It explores the positive impact popular music has on the field of symbolic interaction and how it helps us to revitalize and reposition existing concepts. The editors and authors of this volume are themselves researchers and writers in the area of popular music and major players in the bright future of symbolic interaction. They present a creative mix of exciting articles including 'Grandmamma, What Great Ears You Have!', 'Digging a River Downstream', 'Driving to the beat of one's own hum' and 'Brutal Belonging in Melbourne's Grindcore Scene'. Genres discussed range from country, jazz and the virtuoso to latino, grindcore and extreme metal. This volume features 7 new interpretive works focused on cross-generational musical interaction, becoming "Yellow", race in the South in the 1920s, friendship, managing emotion in sport families, futureless pasts, and G. H. Mead's theory of social becoming.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Part I, "Theoretical Openings," of Volume 39 of Studies in Symbolic Interaction contains outstanding contributions by leading interactionists on welfare reform, history, biography and memory. The three chapters in Part II, "Studies in Social Construction," interrogate the complexities of social interaction, interpersonal and professional identity, and the cinematic representation of alcoholism. Part III takes up important interpretive interventions on the topics of imagination and intimate deception in everyday life.
Emerald Publishing Limited Blue Ribbon Papers: Interactionism: The Emerging Landscape
Volume 36 of "Studies in Symbolic Interaction" is solely devoted to the "Blue-Ribbon Papers". Nine papers are published in which hotly-contested issues are raised that, even if only resolved partially, could permanently change the future direction of interactional thought. Among the questions addressed are: whether there ever existed a genuine sociological school of thought based on "interactionsim" at the University Chicago, whether Herbert Blumer misinterpreted the major thrust of George Herbert Mead's thought, whether conventional or radical interactionism is the most insightful perspective from which to examine crucial life decisions that are conflict-ridden, whether George Herbert Mead's and George Santayana's perspectives converged with or diverged from one another's and with radical interactionism, whether language develops primarily from the inside out or from the outside in, whether personal economics is mainly responsible for self esteem and the over-all functioning of the self in everyday life, and whether filming constitutes a method of recording data that traditional ethnographers should include in their tool box?
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Volume 28 of "Studies in Symbolic Interaction" emphasizes new developments in interactional theory and practice, as well as examples of post-modern ethnography and performance texts focused on border crossings and border performances. The volume also presents essays honoring Carolyn Ellis' contributions to 'Symbolic Interaction and Communications', as well as the annual address in the "Peter M Hall Lecture" series.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Part one of volume 33 of "Studies on Symbolic Interaction" contains seven outstanding contributions by leading symbolic interactionists in the 'Annual Blue Ribbon Papers Series' under the editorial leadership of Lonnie Athens. Part two, under the special issue editorship of Richard King, examines commodity racism: representation, racialization and resistance. Part three presents papers in the 'Annual Peter M. Hall Lecture Series' and Part four presents new interpretive works in the interactionist tradition. International in scope, the series draws upon the work of urban ethnographers, interpretive, constructionist, ethnomethodological, critical race, postcolonial, feminist, queer, and cultural studies traditions. The emphasis is on new thought and research. Essays which interrogate the intersections between biography, media, history, politics and culture are encouraged.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Interaction Order
This volume brings together leading scholars in the area of symbolic interactionism to offer a broad discussion of issues including identity, dialogue and legitimacy. Authors move the concept of interaction order into new interpretive spaces, marking the unique contributions of symbolic interactionism to the contractions that define the postmodern social order.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cultural Studies: A Research Annual
This is the first volume of an interdisciplinary publication, drawing on contemporary scholarship in such fields as speech communication, education, anthropology, sociology, history and English. Manuscripts focus on the intersection of interpretive critical theory, qualitative inquiry, culture, media, history, biography and social structure.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Astructural Bias Charge: Myth or Reality?
The charge that symbolic interactionism (SI) is impaired by an astructural bias orbits around a number of sociology's core concerns: structure and agency, methodological individualism and methodological holism, the micro-macro link, the proper procedures to conduct research and when to state and how to test hypotheses and, whether interactionism can address structural concerns such as class, race, gender, power, and oppression. The Astructural Bias: Myth or Reality constitutes a collection of outstanding essays by scholars who address the concern of an astructural bias. Chapters explore the nature of social structure and SI's effectiveness in using the concept. This volume is beneficial for contemporary interactionists and their critics, social theorists, and all students of sociology who are interested in assessing the ability of SI to fully address the grave social circumstances and social problems of an increasingly precarious and dangerous world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Radical Interactionism on the Rise
This issue focuses on "radical interactionism," which recent emergence as an alternative perspective to conventional symbolic interactionism has sparked fierce debate in both North America and Europe. Lonnie Athens discusses the four fundamental differences between radical and conventional symbolic interactionism. The prominent scholars compare the relative insights offered not only between radical interactionism and symbolic interactionism, but between radical interactionism and feminism, dramaturgy, critical studies, and neo-pragmatism. Without exception, they found the radical interactionism revealed new and formidable insights that improved our general understanding of human group life and critical problems that arise during it. While some contributors believe that radical interactionism marks the development of a new and more vibrant form of interactionism which in due time will replace its much older and more conservative cousin, others believe that it only signals the need for traditional interactionists to finally start making some much-needed modifications in symbolic interactionism if they wish it to remain a viable sociological perspective in the 21st century.
Emerald Publishing Limited Blue Ribbon Papers: Behind the Professional Mask: The Autobiographies of Leading Symbolic Interactionists
"Volume 38 of Studies in Symbolic Interaction" is devoted exclusively to the "Blue Ribbon Papers Series", which is under the intellectual leadership of Lonnie Athens. In this issue, Athens presents the autobiographies of scholars who have made significant contributions to symbolic interactionist approach over the 20th and 21st centuries, including David Altheide, Paul Atkinson, Kathy Chamaraz, Adele Clarke, Gary Cook, Carolyn Ellis, Martyn Hammersley, John Johnson, Joseph Kotarba, and Laurel Richardson. The contributors were all asked to address the question of how they got into their particular fields of study and later became interactionist? They were also prodded to reveal "who is the person behind the professional mask" by describing why and how they changed over the intellectual journeys that they took in becoming some of the best known and well-respected advocates of the symbolic-interactionist's approach in America and Great Britain. These autobiographic reflections and revelations not only shatter the popular stereotype of academics, but also the stereotype of scholars who subscribe to viewpoint of symbolic interactionism.
Emerald Publishing Limited Symbolic Interactionist Takes on Music
Participants from Couch-Stone Symposium 2014 have transformed their presentations into elegant papers for this collection. Chapters fall into three categorical themes, largely reflecting their position in the symposium but, more importantly, reflecting a natural progression in scope of symbolic interactionist work in music: moving from observations of the individual to observation of organizations to interdisciplinary observations of music from scholars in related disciplines.