Search results for ""Author Niccolo Machiavelli""
Culturea La Mandragola
Editorial Tecnos La mandrágora
Legend Press Ltd The Prince (Hero Classics)
Penguin Putnam Inc The Prince
MIT Press Ltd The Prince
Penguin Books Ltd On Conspiracies
Machiavelli is one of the most famous strategists of all time. In this collection he discusses the dangers of conspiracies, and the component parts of an army, vital for gaining and holding power in his day. He also gives advice on tactics and discipline, and explains why promises made under force ought not to be kept. GREAT IDEAS. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.
MB - Cornell University Press Machiavelli and His Friends Their Personal Correspondence
Taurus De las conjuras
El muerto no puede pensar en la venganza.Maquiavelo es uno de los estrategas más famosos de todos los tiempos. En este libro aborda los peligros de las conspiraciones y los componentes de un ejército, algo vital en su día para conseguir y conservar el poder. Aconseja, además, sobre tácticas y disciplina, y explica por qué las promesas realizadas bajo el uso de la fuerza no deberían cumplirse.A lo largo de la historia, algunos libros han cambiado el mundo. Han transformado la manera en que nos vemos a nosotros mismos y a los demás. Han inspirado el debate, la discordia, la guerra y la revolución. Han iluminado, indignado, provocado y consolado. Han enriquecido vidas, y también las han destruido. Taurus publica las obras de los grandes pensadores, pioneros, radicales y visionarios cuyas ideas sacudieron la civilización y nos impulsaron a ser quienes somos.
EINAUDI Machiavelli N Mandragola
El príncipe De Principatibus
Es posible que Il Principe resulta una obra intraducible por una serie de razones que van desde la riqueza del lenguaje empleado por un Maquiavelo que se expresaba en frases cortas y precisas, hasta la significación que encierran muchos de sus conceptos situados en el tránsito del mundo de los antiguos a los modernos. Pese a todo, este breviario ha terminado convirtiéndose en el arquetipo del clásico, siempre leído y citado, siempre recurrente, para explicar los acontecimientos del presente. Y es que tras quinientos años, Il Principe continúa siendo un texto vivo, excepcionalmente útil para afrontar las complejas realidades de la vida y la política. Por ello, Tecnos ha querido reunir en este libro cuatro aportaciones extraordinarias: el texto italiano preparado por Giorgio Inglese, considerado la mejor fijación del original; la excelente versión española de Helena Puigdomenèch; los ensayos de John G. Pocock, el gran responsable de la relectura de lo maquiavélico que actualmente nos est
Nikol Verlagsges.mbH Der Frst
Reclam Philipp Jun. Der Fürst
HarperCollins Publishers The Prince (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. ‘We have declared before that it is not only expedient but necessary for a prince to take care his foundations be good, otherwise his fabric will be sure to fail.’ Considered one of the first works of modern philosophy, Machiavelli’s The Prince is an intense study on the nature of power and the course it should take when ruling a country and expresses the author’s strong and unyielding ideals and beliefs on using force rather than law to achieve your aims. Responsible for the widely-used phrase ‘Machiavellian’, with all of its negative connotations, his extreme treatise remains a classic text to this day.
Alianza Editorial Discursos sobre la primera década de Tito Livio
Publicados póstumamente, los ?Discursos sobre la primera década de Tito Livio? no son sólo la obra de teoría política más ambiciosa de Nicolás Maquiavelo (1469-1527), sino también un libro combativo y militante que, escrito entre 1513 y 1520 en el ostracismo político, alienta el propósito de servir de instrumento para edificar el futuro inmediato, con la perspectiva de una república italiana con centro en Florencia. Sin entrar en contradicción con ?El Príncipe?, que se ocupa de la formación de los estados o de su reforma en situaciones de crisis, esta obra de madurez defiende la superioridad de la república en relación con valores tales como la libertad, el bien común, la igualdad, el respeto a la ley o el patriotismo.Prólogo y traducción y de Ana Martínez Arancón
Plutón Ediciones El prncipe
Encuadernación: Rústica.Colección: Eterna.Uno de los ensayos más famosos sobre política y el arte de gobernar escrita por Nicolás Maquiavelo considerado el padre de la moderna ciencia política que vio como los cambios sociales y económicos transcendían al terreno político y a la composición del estado.
Simon & Schuster The Prince
Random House USA Inc The Prince
Aatos Editions The Prince
Meiner Felix Verlag GmbH Der Frst
Micheal Smith The PrinceIllustrated
Reclam Philipp Jun. Der Frst Was bedeutet das alles
Gallimard Le Prince Et Autres Textes
Ediciones Brontes, S.L. El Prncipe Anotada Por Napolen Bonaparte
Formato: Epub Adobe DRMNicolás Maquiavelo (1469-1527), nació en el seno de una familia de rancio abolengo de la bella República de Florencia. Fue embajador y diplomático, pero como escritor alcanza la fama universal, legándonos un vocablo nuevo en casi todas las lenguas del mundo: maquiavelismo. Su obra máxima, El Príncipe, podría resumirse argumentando que, en su comentario de Tito Livio, Maquiavelo describe el Estado como debería ser, según su concepción del mismo, mientras que El Príncipe nos muestra como es gobernado en época de crisis y decadencia. Se incluyen unos comentarios de Napoleón Bonaparte, según notas manuscritas realizadas por el Gran Corso, y encontradas entre sus papeles.
Ediciones Akal Discursos sobre la primera dcada de Tito Livio
Editorial Tecnos Escritos de gobierno
Editorial Tecnos Historia de Florencia History of Florence La Istorie Fiorentine Clasicos del pensamiento Classical Thought
de la obra Virtud pública y favores privados.. VI. Declive y corrupción en la Historia de Florencia.. VII. La estructura interna de la Historia de Florencia.. VIII. La Historia de Florencia como expresión de continuidad argumental del discurso del Príncioe y de los Discursos. Algunas particularidades nuevas.
Editorial Tecnos Del arte de la guerra
Suhrkamp Verlag Der Furst
Sirius Entertainment The Prince
Union Square & Co. The Prince (Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions)
"It is safer to be feared than loved." These words embody the spirit of The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli's classic work of political philosophy. Machiavelli's advice for how a ruler should acquire and ruthlessly exercise power over others continues to be relevant to contemporary readers more than five centuries after it was first published. This is one of Barnes & Noble's 'Collectible Editions' classics. Each volume features authoritative texts by the world's greatest authors in an elegantly designed bonded-leather binding, with distinctive gilt edging. Durable and collectible, these volumes are an indispensable cornerstone of every home library.
Nikol Verlagsges.mbH Der Fürst
Klett Sprachen GmbH Mandragola. Lektüre Audio online
Dover Publications Inc. The Prince
HarperCollins Publishers The Prince (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. ‘We have declared before that it is not only expedient but necessary for a prince to take care his foundations be good, otherwise his fabric will be sure to fail.’ Considered one of the first works of modern philosophy, Machiavelli’s The Prince is an intense study on the nature of power and the course it should take when ruling a country and expresses the author’s strong and unyielding ideals and beliefs on using force rather than law to achieve your aims. Responsible for the widely-used phrase ‘Machiavellian’, with all of its negative connotations, his extreme treatise remains a classic text to this day.
Everyman The Prince
Born in Florence in 1469, Niccolo Machiavelli was one of the principal secretaries to the Signoria at Florence and undertook diplomatic missions to various courts, before his imprisonment and exile. To quote his own words, this book discusses "what a principality is, what kinds there are, how they can be acquired, how they can be kept and why they are lost". The book was written at a crisis when Machiavelli considered the case of Italy so desperate that it could hope for salvation only by the intervention of a powerful despot. The significance of this work today, is that it marks a stage in the development of the scientific method, whether in statecraft, or in general political analysis.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Prince: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)
Penguin Books Ltd The Prince
'A gripping work, and a gripping translation' Nicholas Lezard, GuardianNiccolò Machiavelli's brutally uncompromising manual of statecraft, The Prince is translated and edited with an introduction by Tim Parks in Penguin Classics As a diplomat in turbulent fifteenth-century Florence, Niccolò Machiavelli knew how quickly political fortunes could rise and fall. The Prince, his tough-minded, pragmatic handbook on how power really works, made his name notorious and has remained controversial ever since. How can a leader be strong and decisive, yet still inspire loyalty in his followers? When is it necessary to break the rules? Is it better to be feared than loved? Examining regimes and their rulers the world over and throughout history, from Roman Emperors to renaissance Popes, from Hannibal to Cesare di Borgia, Machievalli answers all these questions in a work of realpolitik that still has shrewd political lessons for today. Tim Parks's acclaimed contemporary translation renders Machiavelli's no-nonsense original as alarming and enlightening as when it was first written. His introduction discusses Machiavelli's life and reputation, and explores the historical background to the work.'Tim Parks's swift and supple new translation brings out all its chilling modernity' Boyd Tonkin, Independent
WW Norton & Co The Prince: A Norton Critical Edition
This Norton Critical Edition includes: • Wayne A. Rebhorn’s thorough and thought-provoking introduction to Machiavelli, his world, and his famous political treatise (1513). • An accurate and highly readable translation, detailed explanatory annotations, and a map of North Central Italy in Machiavelli’s time. • A judicious selection of Machiavelli’s other writings that inform his immense influence as a diplomat, democrat, and correspondent. • Twelve interpretive essays from American and European sources, eleven of them new to the Third Edition. • A selected bibliography and an index. ABOUT THE SERIES Read by more than 12 million students over fifty-five years, Norton Critical Editions set the standard for apparatus that is right for undergraduate readers. The three-part format—annotated text, contexts and criticism—helps students to better understand, analyse and appreciate the literature, while opening a wide range of teaching possibilities for instructors. Whether in print or in digital format, Norton Critical Editions provide all the resources students need.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Prince
To investigate the imaginative leaps of so agile and incisive a mind as Machiavelli's one needs as much commentary about history, political theory, sources, and language as possible. I have gradually come to realize that readers who remain unaware of these topics frequently finish reading The Prince, put down their copies, and wonder what the shouting was all about. Thus commented eminent Machiavelli scholar James B. Atkinson thirty years ago in justifying what remains today the most informative English-language edition of Machiavelli's masterpiece available.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Prince
To investigate the imaginative leaps of so agile and incisive a mind as Machiavelli's one needs as much commentary about history, political theory, sources, and language as possible. I have gradually come to realize that readers who remain unaware of these topics frequently finish reading The Prince, put down their copies, and wonder what the shouting was all about. Thus commented eminent Machiavelli scholar James B. Atkinson thirty years ago in justifying what remains today the most informative English-language edition of Machiavelli's masterpiece available.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Machiavelli: Selected Political Writings
Here are The Prince and the most important of the Discourses newly translated into spare, vivid English. Why a new translation? Machiavelli was never the dull, worthy, pedantic author who appears in the pages of other translations, says David Wootton in his Introduction. In the pages that follow I have done my best to let him speak in his own voice. (And indeed, Wootton’s Machiavelli does just that when the occasion demands: renderings of that most problematic of words, virtu, are in each instance followed by the Italian). Notes, a map, and an altogether remarkable Introduction no less authoritative for being grippingly readable, help make this edition an ideal first encounter with Machiavelli for any student of history and political theory.
Dover Publications Inc. The Art of War
Penguin Books Ltd The Prince
Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization, and helped make us who we are.
Penguin Books Ltd The Discourses
Few figures in intellectual history have proved as notorious and ambiguous as Niccolò Machiavelli. But while his treatise The Prince made his name synonymous with autocratic ruthlessness and cynical manipulation, The Discourses (c.1517) shows a radically different outlook on the world of politics. In this carefully argued commentary on Livy’s history of republican Rome, Machiavelli proposed a system of government that would uphold civic freedom and security by instilling the virtues of active citizenship, and that would also encourage citizens to put the needs of the state above selfish, personal interests. Ambitious in scope, but also clear-eyed and pragmatic, The Discourses creates a modern theory of republic politics.Leslie J. Walker’s definitive translation has been revised by Brian Richardson and is accompanied by an introduction by Bernard Crick, which illuminates Machiavelli’s historical context and his new theories of politics. This edition also includes suggestions for further reading and notes.
Vintage Publishing The Prince
Machiavelli’s highly influential treatise on political power 'It is far safer to be feared than loved...' The Prince shocked Europe on publication with its advocacy of ruthless tactics for gaining absolute power and its abandonment of conventional morality. Niccoló Machiavelli drew on his own experience of office under the turbulent Florentine republic, rejecting traditional values of political theory and recognising the complicated, transient nature of political life. Machiavelli made his name notorious for centuries with The Prince, his clever and cynical work about power relationships. The key themes of this influential, and ever timely, writer are that adaptability is the key to success and that effective leadership is sometimes only possible at the expense of moral standards.'Everyone should have a copy of Machiavelli's The Prince, whose original purpose may have been to counsel Renaissance rulers in the art of statecraft but is still applicable to and, indeed, acted on by modern politicians and power-brokers' Guardian
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Prince
"This is an excellent, readable and vigorous translation of The Prince, but it is much more than simply a translation. The map, notes and guide to further reading are crisp, to-the-point and yet nicely comprehensive. The inclusion of the letter to Vettori is most welcome. But, above all, the Introduction is so gripping and lively that it has convinced me to include The Prince in my syllabus for History of Western Civilization the next time that I teach it. . . . Great price, too! And lovely printing and layout." --Rachel Fulton, University of Chicago
Alma Books Ltd The Life of Castruccio Castracani
"Rising from humble beginnings as a foundling, Castruccio Castracani came to prominence as one of the most powerful and shrewd warlords in Italy. Indeed, Machiavelli argues, so great was his vigour and charisma that - had he not been prevented by his untimely death - he might have surpassed in fame the great generals of antiquity and brought all the territories of Italy under his sole dominion. Written in Machiavelli's characteristically lucid and terse style, Life of Castruccio Castracani is not only a key text in understanding the development of the author's ideas on leadership and good statesmanship that would find fuller expression in The Prince, but also a revealing account of the political ferment and fractious factionalism of fourteenth-century Italy. This edition is accompanied by selected passages from Machiavelli's Florentine Histories and a detailed map with historical notes."