Search results for ""Author Misra"
Radius Books Richard Misrach: Notations
A sumptuous, large-format photographic homage to the end of the analog era Since 2006, coinciding with his shift away from analog film to working exclusively with a digital camera, Richard Misrach has been exploring the aesthetic possibilities of the negative image. His latest body of work, debuted in this deluxe, oversize (16.75 by 13 inches), landscape-format volume, comprises dazzling, sublime photographs of landscapes and natural scenes—in negative, but using color with great dexterity and nuance. Inspired by Ansel Adams’ comparison of the photographic negative to a musical score, and John Cage’s 1969 book, Notations, which compiles music scores as art, Misrach here envisages the photographic image as a score-like negative, teetering on abstraction, that invites a diversity of interpretations. The result is a series of immense beauty unlike any previous Misrach publication. Richard Misrach (born 1949) is one of the most influential photographers working today. For the past five decades, he has used visually stunning, large-scale color vistas to address human intervention in the natural world. He lives and works in Berkeley, California.
Libros del KO, SLL Misrata calling
Violin and Piano with Online Accompaniments Score and Solo Part.
Cello and Piano with Online Accompaniments Score and Solo Part.
Trumpet and Piano with Online Accompaniments Score and Solo Part.
Clarinet and Piano with Online Accompaniments Score and Solo Part.
Flute and Piano with Online Accompaniments Score and Solo Part.
Hueber Verlag GmbH Les Misrables tome 1 Fantine Lektre AudioDownload
Hueber Verlag GmbH Les Misrables tome 2 Cosette Lektre MP3CD
Aperture Richard Misrach on Landscape and Meaning: The Photography Workshop Series
In the sixth installment of The Photography Workshop Series, Richard Misrach—well known for sublime and expansive landscapes that focus on the relationship between humans and their environment—offers his insight into creating photographs that are visually beautiful and contain cultural implications. Aperture Foundation works with the world’s top photographers to distill their creative approaches to, teachings on, and insights into photography—offering the workshop experience in a book. Our goal is to inspire photographers at all levels who wish to improve their work, as well as readers interested in deepening their understanding of the art of photography. Through images and words, in this volume Misrach shares his own creative process and discusses a wide range of issues, from the language of color photography and the play of light and atmosphere, to transcending place and time through metaphor, myth, and abstraction.
Anaconda Verlag Die Elenden Les Misrables Roman in fnf Teilen
Klett Sprachen GmbH Les Misrables Buch AudioCD Franzsische Lektre fr das 3 und 4 Lernjahr
Klett Sprachen GmbH Les Misrables Englische Lektre fr das 4 und 5 Lernjahr Buch AudioCD free web activities
Anthroposophic Press Inc "Freemasonary" and Ritual Work: The Misraim Service - Texts and Documents from the Cognitive-Ritual Section of the Esoteric School 1904-1919
Klett Sprachen GmbH Les Misrables Buch mit AudioCD Franzsische Lektre fr das 5 und 6 Lernjahr Mit Audio via ELI LinkApp zu ausgewhlten Kapiteln
HarperCollins India The Fine Print Of Life: How Panna Lal Found Happiness,Wisdom,And Misri Devi
Princeton University Press Challenging Colonialism: Bank Misr and Egyptian Industrialization, 1920-1941
Eric Davis challenges classic theories of dependency and imperialism and explains the history of the Bank Misr by interrelating world market forces, Egyptian class structure, and the Egyptian nationalist movement and state apparatus. Originally published in 1983. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press Challenging Colonialism: Bank Misr and Egyptian Industrialization, 1920-1941
Eric Davis challenges classic theories of dependency and imperialism and explains the history of the Bank Misr by interrelating world market forces, Egyptian class structure, and the Egyptian nationalist movement and state apparatus. Originally published in 1983. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
This new and necessary book—a collection of author profiles, literary journalism and speculative pieces about the Southland's writing and publishing scene—aims to capture the Southern California of here and now. We want to get at the Los Angeles that came after the gumshoes, the wisecracking Englishmen, after the Boosters, the Beats, and the boozers, after the despairing heroines of Joan Didion and the coked-up rich kids of Bret Easton Ellis.
Harvest House Publishers,U.S. The Gay Gospel?: How Pro-Gay Advocates Misread the Bible
In this updated edition of A Strong Delusion, author and counselor Joe Dallas helps readers understand what pro-gay theology is and how to confront it. In a biblical manner, Dallas examines believers' personal responses and the need for bold love and commitment as they become familiar with the movement's background and beliefs study a clear, scriptural response to each belief extend Christ's love to those living the homosexual lifestyle This resource is an important one for those who have been unsure how to respond to the growing acceptance of homosexuality in the evangelical community. It offers the balance between conviction and compassion and a practical guide to communicating with those who have embraced the pro-gay Christian movement.
Harvard University Press Misreading Law, Misreading Democracy
American law schools extol democracy but teach little about its most basic institution, the Congress. Interpreting statutes is lawyers’ most basic task, but law professors rarely focus on how statutes are made. This misguided pedagogy, says Victoria Nourse, undercuts the core of legal practice. It may even threaten the continued functioning of American democracy, as contempt for the legislature becomes entrenched in legal education and judicial opinions. Misreading Law, Misreading Democracy turns a spotlight on lawyers’ and judges’ pervasive ignorance about how Congress makes law.Victoria Nourse not only offers a critique but proposes reforming the way lawyers learn how to interpret statutes by teaching legislative process. Statutes are legislative decisions, just as judicial opinions are decisions. Her approach, legislative decision theory, reverse-engineers the legislative process to simplify the task of finding Congress’s meanings when statutes are ambiguous. This theory revolutionizes how we understand legislative history—not as an attempt to produce some vague notion of legislative intent but as a surgical strike for the best evidence of democratic context.Countering the academic view that the legislative process is irrational and unseemly, Nourse makes a forceful argument that lawyers must be educated about the basic procedures that define how Congress operates today. Lawmaking is a sequential process with political winners and losers. If lawyers and judges do not understand this, they may well embrace the meanings of those who opposed legislation rather than those who supported it, making legislative losers into judicial winners, and standing democracy on its head.
University Press of Kansas Sovereign Mars: Transforming Our Values through Space Settlement
The goal of sending humans to Mars is becoming increasingly technologically feasible, but the prospect of space colonization raises important questions about civilizational ethics and collective morality. History shows how destructive colonialism has been, resulting in centuries-long struggles to achieve liberation from the violent competition for land and resources by colonial powers. Space settlement poses the same temptation on a cosmic scale, with commercial actors and government space agencies doing the work previously carried out by European empires. The question is whether humans will take a different approach in this new frontier.In Sovereign Mars, astrobiologist Jacob Haqq-Misra argues that settling Mars offers humankind a transformative opportunity to avoid the mistakes of the past by “liberating Mars” as a sovereign planet from the start. Rather than see space as a way to escape human problems on Earth, Mars presents humanity with a challenge to address these problems by thinking carefully about the theory and practice of civilization. Drawing on past examples of cooperative sovereignty, such as the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, the United Nations Law of the Sea Conventions, and the Antarctic Treaty System, Haqq-Misra begins a conversation about governance in space well in advance of the first arrival of humans on Mars and makes the case for an analogous approach to space that will preserve the space environment and benefit future generations.Haqq-Misra examines the emergence of sovereignty in space through the lens of historical precedent on Earth and develops models of shared governance that could maximize the transformative potential of Mars settlement. Sovereign Mars proposes the planet would serve humankind best as an independent planetary state, a juridical peer to Earth, to enable new experiments in human civilization and develop a pragmatic model for shared governance on Mars.
Open University Press Teaching the Primary Foundation Subjects
This handy textbook offers a one-stop compendium on teaching the extensive range of primary foundation subjects. It takes an innovative 'three lens' approach which considers the Identity and Pedagogy of each of the foundation subjects, as well as presenting a Toolkit of teaching activities. This useful framework helps you develop your knowledge and understanding of the foundation subjects, as well as how to plan, assess and teach these diverse subjects.The book also helps you understand the value that the foundation subjects bring and enables you to reflect on why and how to teach them in a creative, imaginative and inspirational way. In particular the book offers:A clear structure that is easy to follow A concise overview of the curriculum requirements for each subject Great teaching ideas for each subject to try out in the classroom Links to academic research and practical experiences from the classroomWith its rich range of creative and practical teaching activities, and underpinned by the pedagogy and identity of each discipline, this is essential reading for beginning and early career teachers. Maggie Webster is Senior Lecturer and RE Subject Leader at Edge Hill University, UK. Sarah Misra is Senior Lecturer and PGCE Programme Leader at Staffordshire University, UK. An essential companion for both new and experienced educators of the Primary Curriculum. Webster and Misra draw on the pertinent knowledge and experience of subject specialists to deliver a modern, articulate and knowledgeable overview of how to effectively deliver the Foundation Subjects. Their passion for the Foundation Subjects is evident through their in-depth analysis of the value they have to the holistic development of children. Through a comprehensive examination of subject identity, effective pedagogy and creative teaching strategies, Webster and Misra provide the tools to be a pro-active, reflective and versatile leader in the Foundation Subjects. The knowledge and experience of the authors and contributors is evident in the books ability to convey theory and pedagogy using coherent and accessible language which makes it both informative and practical. This book adopts a unique and fresh approach which seamlessly combines theory and experience to deliver information that is enlightening, inspiring and truly useful.Nick Murphy, Edge Hill University, Trainee teacher and Teaching Assistant This book fills a void in the world of ITE. The links between theory and practice can be difficult to comprehend for those making their first steps into the profession. With the three lens approach exploring the unique nature of each discipline synthesised with pedagogical aspects and creative ideas, this book provides fabulous support for trainee teachers to clearly make those links. I feel that ‘Teaching the Primary Foundation Subjects’ will be an invaluable text for ITE providers to share with their students to support and guide them not only through their placements but through their academic work too.Emma McVittie, Senior Lecturer Primary and Secondary RE, York St John University
Fordham University Press Anarchaeologies: Reading as Misreading
How do we read after the so-called death of literature? If we are to attend to the proclamations that the representational apparatuses of literature and politics are dead, what aesthetic, ethical, and political possibilities remain for us today? Our critical moment, Graff Zivin argues, demands anarchaeological reading: reading for the blind spots, errors, points of opacity or untranslatability in works of philosophy and art. Rather than applying concepts from philosophy in order to understand or elucidate cultural works, the book exposes works of philosophy, literary theory, narrative, poetry, film, and performance art and activism to one another. Working specifically with art, film, and literature from Argentina (Jorge Luis Borges, Juán José Saer, Ricardo Piglia, César Aira, Albertina Carri, the Internacional Errorista), Graff Zivin allows such thinkers as Levinas, Derrida, Badiou, and Rancière to be inflected by Latin American cultural production. Through these acts of interdiscursive and interdisciplinary (or indisciplinary) exposure, such ethical and political concepts as identification and recognition, decision and event, sovereignty and will, are read as constitutively impossible, erroneous. Rather than weakening either ethics or politics, however, the anarchaeological reading these works stage and demand opens up and radicalizes the possibility of justice.
University of Washington Press Misreading the Bengal Delta
Nine Elms Books Military Misreadings of Shakspere
From the deliberate, but delightful, misspelling of Shakespeare in the title to the carefully portrayed perils of being a Victorian soldier and the appropriately selected Shakespearian quotes to go alongside each cartoon, Thomas Seccombe’s book will resonate with all who have an interest in observing life – military and otherwise. Seccombe was a true son of the Victorian Empire and served in The Royal Artillery until retiring as a Lieutenant-Colonel in 1881. This book was first published in 1880 and was so popular that it went on to six reprints in the following two years. Seccombe subsequently had a flourishing civilian career as an illustrator. Some 140 years later, even today’s readers will see why Military Misreadings of Shakspere [sic] was such a success. Seccombe’s subtle, but perceptive, observations of human character are as true today as they ever were. He had a wonderful eye for detail as well as the ridiculous – but never with malice even when pairing his cartoons with quotes from the Bard of Avon. This re-issued edition has the added benefit of former Grenadier Paul Cordle’s highly informative commentary which puts Seccombe’s army into perspective and relates regiments to their modern successors-in-arms. With a similar eye for detail as the original illustrator, military historian Paul brings the illustrations to life with fascinating military observations.
Indiana University Press Popobawa: Tanzanian Talk, Global Misreadings
Since the 1960s, people on the islands off the coast of Tanzania have talked about being attacked by a mysterious creature called Popobawa, a shapeshifter often described as having an enormous penis. Popobawa's recurring attacks have become a popular subject for stories, conversation, gossip, and humor that has spread far beyond East Africa. Katrina Daly Thompson shows that talk about Popobawa becomes a tool that Swahili speakers use for various creative purposes such as subverting gender segregation, advertising homosexuality, or discussing female sexuality. By situating Popobawa discourse within the social and cultural world of the Swahili Coast as well as the wider world of global popular culture, Thompson demonstrates that uses of this legend are more diverse and complex than previously thought and provides insight into how women and men communicate in a place where taboo, prohibition, and restraint remain powerful cultural forces.
Fordham University Press Anarchaeologies: Reading as Misreading
How do we read after the so-called death of literature? If we are to attend to the proclamations that the representational apparatuses of literature and politics are dead, what aesthetic, ethical, and political possibilities remain for us today? Our critical moment, Graff Zivin argues, demands anarchaeological reading: reading for the blind spots, errors, points of opacity or untranslatability in works of philosophy and art. Rather than applying concepts from philosophy in order to understand or elucidate cultural works, the book exposes works of philosophy, literary theory, narrative, poetry, film, and performance art and activism to one another. Working specifically with art, film, and literature from Argentina (Jorge Luis Borges, Juán José Saer, Ricardo Piglia, César Aira, Albertina Carri, the Internacional Errorista), Graff Zivin allows such thinkers as Levinas, Derrida, Badiou, and Rancière to be inflected by Latin American cultural production. Through these acts of interdiscursive and interdisciplinary (or indisciplinary) exposure, such ethical and political concepts as identification and recognition, decision and event, sovereignty and will, are read as constitutively impossible, erroneous. Rather than weakening either ethics or politics, however, the anarchaeological reading these works stage and demand opens up and radicalizes the possibility of justice.
Indiana University Press Popobawa: Tanzanian Talk, Global Misreadings
Since the 1960s, people on the islands off the coast of Tanzania have talked about being attacked by a mysterious creature called Popobawa, a shapeshifter often described as having an enormous penis. Popobawa's recurring attacks have become a popular subject for stories, conversation, gossip, and humor that has spread far beyond East Africa. Katrina Daly Thompson shows that talk about Popobawa becomes a tool that Swahili speakers use for various creative purposes such as subverting gender segregation, advertising homosexuality, or discussing female sexuality. By situating Popobawa discourse within the social and cultural world of the Swahili Coast as well as the wider world of global popular culture, Thompson demonstrates that uses of this legend are more diverse and complex than previously thought and provides insight into how women and men communicate in a place where taboo, prohibition, and restraint remain powerful cultural forces.
SAGE Publications Inc Crisis Management: Resilience and Change
Modern organizational crises are complex, diverse, and frequent. Ineffective crisis management can result in catastrophic loss. Crisis Management: Resilience and Change introduces students to best practices for preventing, containing, and learning from crises in our global, media-driven society. While covering the strengths of existing works on crisis management, such as systems, leadership, communication, and stakeholder perspective, this innovative new text goes beyond to include global, ethical, change, and emotional aspects of crisis communication. Using her proven transformative crisis management framework, Sarah Kovoor-Misra illustrates how organizations of all sizes can be adaptable, proactive, resilient, and ethical in the face of calamity.
University of California Press Walking Mannequins: How Race and Gender Inequalities Shape Retail Clothing Work
In malls across the United States, clothing retail workers navigate low wages and unpredictable schedules. Despite these problems, they devote time and money to mirror the sleek mannequins stylishly adorned with the latest merchandise. Bringing workers' voices to the fore, sociologists Joya Misra and Kyla Walters demonstrate how employers reproduce gendered and racist "beauty" standards by regulating workers' size and look. Interactions with customers, coworkers, and managers further reinforce racial hierarchies. New surveillance technologies also lead to ineffective corporate decision-making based on flawed data. By focusing on the interaction of race, gender, and surveillance, Walking Mannequins sheds important new light on the dynamics of retail work in the twenty-first century.
University of California Press Walking Mannequins: How Race and Gender Inequalities Shape Retail Clothing Work
In malls across the United States, clothing retail workers navigate low wages and unpredictable schedules. Despite these problems, they devote time and money to mirror the sleek mannequins stylishly adorned with the latest merchandise. Bringing workers' voices to the fore, sociologists Joya Misra and Kyla Walters demonstrate how employers reproduce gendered and racist "beauty" standards by regulating workers' size and look. Interactions with customers, coworkers, and managers further reinforce racial hierarchies. New surveillance technologies also lead to ineffective corporate decision-making based on flawed data. By focusing on the interaction of race, gender, and surveillance, Walking Mannequins sheds important new light on the dynamics of retail work in the twenty-first century.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Elvis Costello's Armed Forces
Thirty-Three and a Third is a series of short books about critically acclaimed and much-loved albums of the past 40 years. Over 50,000 copies have been sold! "Passionate, obsessive, and smart." —Nylon " inspired new series of short books about beloved works of vinyl." —Details Franklin Bruno's writing about music has appeared in the Village Voice, Salon, LA Weekly, and Best Music Writing 2003 (Da Capo). He has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from UCLA, and his musical projects include Tempting: Jenny Toomey Sings the Songs of Franklin Bruno (Misra) and A Cat May Look At A Queen (Absolutely Kosher), a solo album. He lives in Los Angeles.
Running Press,U.S. Little Red Reading Hood and the Misread Wolf
Little Red Reading Hood loves--you guessed it--reading! She applies everything she learns from books to the real world. So, when she sets off to take her sick grandmother a homemade treat, she's prepared for anything that comes her way. In keeping with the original story, Red is in for a surprise when she arrives to find a wolf disguised as her grandmother. But this is no ordinary wolf. . . This is the Misread Wolf, who's after something more delicious than your average snack. He's desperate for a bedtime story and knows Little Red Reading Hood might just be his only hope.
Zubaan High Wind
Jeumon has a complicated story stuck in her head: her family’s. In the newly-drawn boundaries of Assam and Meghalaya in 1972 India, young Jeumon wonders how she should define herself. Is she Assamese, like her father, or Khasi, like her mother? As a researcher and writer, she speaks with passion of the oral narratives and folk tales shared by the people of the hills and plains, those of different tribes, and those with different languages. To herself, she wonders: if stories can do this, why can’t people? Why must they be trapped in singular identities? In this moving narrative of change, Tilottoma Misra tells the story of one family to explore how lives are impacted by sweeping geographical partitions and how human relationships morph under the weight of political turmoil.
Intellect Books Misreading Postmodern Antigone: Marco Bellocchio’s Devil in the Flesh (Diavolo in Corpo)
In the mid-1980s, film director Marco Bellocchio and renegade psychoanalyst Massimo Fagioli cowrote The Devil in the Flesh, a politically and sexually charged film illustrating some of Fagioli's controversial theories. Echoing the anti-Lacanian sentiment popularized by Gilles Deleuze, the film is perhaps best remembered for a scene in which the character Andrea misreads a section of the famous Greek tragedy Antigone. But this scene has itself been frequently misread, opening up the text to questions of feminism, politics, and the representation of Antigone—a figure frequently used and abused in feminist politics. Displaying considerable analytic depth, Misreading Postmodern Antigone considers these divergent readings and what they have to tell us about contemporary society.
University of Washington Press Misreading the Bengal Delta: Climate Change, Development, and Livelihoods in CoastalBangladesh
Perilously close to sea level and vulnerable to floods, erosion, and cyclones, Bangladesh is one of the top recipients of development aid earmarked for climate change adaptation. Yet to what extent do adaptation projects address local needs and concerns? Combining environmental history and ethnographic fieldwork with development professionals, rural farmers, and landless women, Misreading the Bengal Delta critiques development narratives of Bangladesh as a "climate change victim." It examines how development actors repackage colonial-era modernizing projects, which have caused severe environmental effects, as climate-adaptation solutions. Seawalls meant to mitigate against cyclones and rising sea levels instead silt up waterways and induce drainage-related flooding. Other adaptation projects, from saline aquaculture to high-yield agriculture, threaten soil fertility, biodiversity, and livelihoods. Bangladesh’s environmental crisis goes beyond climate change, extending to coastal vulnerabilities that are entwined with underemployment, debt, and the lack of universal healthcare. This timely book analyzes how development actors create flawed causal narratives linking their interventions in the environment and society of the Global South to climate change. Ultimately, such misreadings risk exacerbating climatic threats and structural inequalities. Misreading the Bengal Delta is available in an open access edition through the Sustainable History Monograph Pilot, thanks to the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Open access edition: DOI 10.6069/9780295749624
Liverpool University Press Misreading Anita Brookner: Aestheticism, Intertextuality and the Queer Nineteenth Century
Anita Brookner was known for writing boring books about lonely, single women. Misreading Anita Brookner unlocks the mysteries of the famously depressed Brookner heroine by creating entirely new ways to read six Brookner novels.Drawing on Brookner’s legacy as a renowned historian of French Romantic art and on diverse intertextual sources from Charles Baudelaire to Henry James, Renée Vivien and Freud, this book argues that Brookner’s solitary twentieth-century women can also be seen as variations of queer nineteenth-century male artist archetypes. Conjuring a cast of Romantic personae including the flâneur, the dandy, the aesthete, the military man, the queer, the analysand, the degenerate and the storyteller, it illuminates clusters of nineteenth-century behaviours which help decode the lives of Brookner’s twentieth-century women. This exploration of Brookner’s ‘performative Romanticism’ exposes new depths within her outsider introverts, who are revealed as a subversive blend of the historical, the contemporary, the masculine and the feminine.
University of California Press Public Sociology: Fifteen Eminent Sociologists Debate Politics and the Profession in the Twenty-first Century
In 2004, Michael Burawoy, speaking as president of the American Sociological Association, generated far-reaching controversy when he issued an ambitious and impassioned call for a 'public sociology'. Burawoy argued that sociology should speak beyond the university, engaging with social movements and deepening an understanding of the historical and social context in which they exist. In this volume, renowned sociologists come together to debate the perils and the potentials of Burawoy's challenge. The contributors include Andrew Abbott, Michael Burawoy, Patricia Hill Collins, Barbara Ehrenreich, Evelyn Nakano Glenn, Sharon Hays, Douglas Massey, Joya Misra, Orlando Patterson, Frances Fox Piven, Lynn Smith-Lovin, Judith Stacey, Arthur Stinchcombe, Alain Touraine, Immanuel Wallerstein, William Julius Wilson, and Robert Zussman.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Blitzkrieg Myth: How Hitler And The Allies Misread The Strategic Realities Of World War II
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Afghanistan: The Labyrinth of Violence
Afghanistan has become synonymous with violence. In the past 25 years alone, the country has endured Russian invasion and occupation, civil war and a US-led military campaign, resulting in the combined loss of over 2 million lives, most of them civilian. Even now, following the overthrow of the Taliban regime, old ethnic animosities have resurfaced which seem likely to push the country into another spell of internal war. But why is it that Afghanistan has experienced such bloody conflict and slaughter? What factors have allowed the country to be exploited by external powers who have intervened to determine its politics, social structure and, consequently, its place in the world? In this fascinating new book, Amalendu Misra seeks to provide answers to these pressing questions. By analysing the nature of conflict in Afghanistan, he exposes the various geopolitical, ethnic, economic and religious variables which have contributed to the breakdown of the Afghan state, and ponders whether post-war reconstruction could lead to a more democratic and peaceful Afghanistan.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd The Landscape of Silence: Sexual Violence Against Men in War
Why is it that men and boys have been and still are violated in human conflict, be it in conventional war, insurgencies or periods of civil and ethnic strife? Above all, why, throughout history, have victims, perpetrators and society as a whole refused to acknowledge this violation, and why do episodes of male-on-male rape and sexual abuse feature so rarely in accounts of war, be they official histories, eye-witness ac- counts or popular narratives? Is there more to this elision of memory than simply shame? Is there more to it than the victor's desire to violate the enemy body? Amalendu Misra's startlingly original re- search into male sexual violence explores the meaning and role of the male body prior to its abuse and how it is altered by violation in war- time. He examines the bio-political contexts of conflict in which primarily men and occasion- ally women sexually violate men; he details the inadequate legal safeguards for survivors of such events; and in unearthing and analysing an ignored aspect of war, he inquires whether such violence can ever be deterred.
Columbia University Press The Headless State: Aristocratic Orders, Kinship Society, and Misrepresentations of Nomadic Inner Asia
In this groundbreaking work, social anthropologist David Sneath aggressively dispels the myths surrounding the history of steppe societies and proposes a new understanding of the nature and formation of the state. Since the colonial era, representations of Inner Asia have been dominated by images of fierce nomads organized into clans and tribes-but as Sneath reveals, these representations have no sound basis in historical fact. Rather, they are the product of nineteenth-century evolutionist social theory, which saw kinship as the organizing principle in a nonstate society. Sneath argues that aristocratic power and statelike processes of administration were the true organizers of life on the steppe. Rethinking the traditional dichotomy between state and nonstate societies, Sneath conceives of a "headless state" in which a configuration of statelike power was formed by the horizontal relations among power holders and was reproduced with or without an overarching ruler or central "head." In other words, almost all of the operations of state power existed at the local level, virtually independent of central bureaucratic authority. Sneath's research gives rise to an alternative picture of steppe life in which aristocrats determined the size, scale, and degree of centralization of political power. His history of the region shows no clear distinction between a highly centralized, stratified "state" society and an egalitarian, kin-based "tribal" society. Drawing on his extensive anthropological fieldwork in the region, Sneath persuasively challenges the legitimacy of the tribal model, which continues to distort scholarship on the history of Inner Asia.
Haymarket Books Philosophy After Marx: 100 Years Of Misreadings And The Normative Turn In Political Philosophy: Historical Materialism, Volume 65
In Philosophy After Marx, Christoph Henning writes a concise history of mis-readings of Marx in the 20th century. Focusing on German philosophy from Heidegger to Habermas, he also addresses the influence of Rawls and Neopragmatism, subsequently scrutinizing a previous history of Marx - interpretations that had served as the premises upon which these later works were based. With the recent resurgence of interest in Marx, Henning's historical recursions make evident where and how academic Anti-Marxism had previously got it wrong.
Giles de la Mare Publishers Shakespeare and the Prince of Love: The Feast of Misrule in the Middle Temple
Through his researches in the rich archive of 16th and 17th century manuscripts and documents at the Middle Temple in London, where he is a senior barrister, Anthony Arlidge has revealed that Shakespeare's Twelfth Night was commissioned for performance there in 1602. Middle Temple Hall is the only building surviving from Shakespeare's time where it is known that one of his plays had its first night. He shows that, with its many legal references and 'inn-jokes', Twelfth Night was almost certainly written for an audience of lawyers. The Middle Temple was in fact full of talented young poets and playwrights at the time -- John Webster, John Ford and John Marston, author of What You Will, amongst others -- and it seems probable that Shakespeare knew some of them personally. Also, a 'cousin' of Shakespeare's was a student in the Inn in 1602. Like other Inns of Court, it had its own tradition of holding a feast of 'misrule' over the Christmas period, led by the Bright Prince of Burning Love. Twelfth Night has many oblique references to such festivities. That, for example, is the meaning in Italian of the name of the important character Feste. The still extant text of the Inn's 1597/8 festivities is included complete in an appendix. In the course of the book, Anthony Arlidge describes in detail the background of the contemporary legal world, and brings to life the extravagant literary and social milieu of the Elizabethan Inns of Court in all its complexity. Shakespeare and the Prince of Love is written in such a way that it will have a strong appeal to the general reader as well as to Shakespeare enthusiasts, students of English literature and historians, for whom it will be an essential acquisition.
Hodder & Stoughton Spice Road
DUTY . . . OR LOVE?THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERThe first book in an epic young adult romantic fantasy series set in an Arabian-inspired land with secret spice magic and rivals-to-lovers romance. The desert city Qalia has shielded its existence - and the secrets of its magic misra tea - from outsiders for generations.But when her brother disappears into the Forbidden Wastes, soldier Imani joins the mission sent to find him - before he can expose Qalia''s magic, and face punishment for his crime.Accompanied by her rival, the devastatingly handsome Taha, Imani soon discovers that many secrets lie beyond the shifting desert sands, and in her own heart. Caught between her duty to her nation, her love for her brother and her growing feelings for Taha, Imani must decide where her loyalties lie . . . before it''s too late.''MAGIC-FUELED AND ACTION PACKED'' Dana Swift''GRIPPING''
Not Stated Spice Road
★ THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ★ Raised to protect her nation from the monsters lurking in the sands, sixteen-year-old Imani must fight to find her brother, whose betrayal is now the country''s greatest threat.In the hidden desert city of Qalia, there is secret spice magic that awakens the affinities of those who drink the misra tea. Sixteen-year-old Imani has the affinity for iron and is able to wield a dagger like no other warrior. She has garnered the reputation as being the next great Shield for battling djinn, ghouls, and other monsters spreading across the sands. Her reputation has been overshadowed, however, by her brother, who tarnished the family name after it was revealed that he was stealing his nation''s coveted spice—a telltale sign of magical obsession. Soon after that, he disappeared, believed to have died beyond the Forbidden Wastes. Despite her brother’s betrayal, there isn’t