Search results for ""Author Michael Minkov""
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, Third Edition
The revolutionary study of how the place where wegrew up shapes the way we think, feel, and act--with new dimensions and perspectivesBased on research conducted in more than seventy countries over a forty-year span,Cultures and Organizations examines what drives people apart—when cooperationis so clearly in everyone’s interest. With major new contributions from MichaelMinkov’s analysis of data from the World Values Survey, as well as an account ofthe evolution of cultures by Gert Jan Hofstede, this revised and expanded edition: Reveals the “moral circles” from which national societiesare built and the unexamined rules by which people think,feel, and act Explores how national cultures differ in the areas of inequality,assertiveness versus modesty, and tolerance for ambiguity Explains how organizational cultures differ from nationalcultures—and how they can be managed Analyzes stereotyping, differences in language, cultural rootsof the 2008 economic crisis, and other intercultural dynamics
Emerald Publishing Limited Cultural Differences in a Globalizing World
Endorsed by Geert Hofstede, the most-quoted author in the cross-cultural field, this is the only book that explains the relationship between national culture and national differences in crucially important phenomena, such as speed of economic growth, murder rates, and educational achievement. It explains differences in suicide rates, road death tolls, female inequality, happiness, and a number of other phenomena in an unprecedented way. It provides comprehensive coverage of these important cross-cultural differences while showing how they covary across the world and presents strong empirical/statistical evidence for the explanations. Chapters focus on culture and cross-cultural studies, economic dynamism, universalism versus exclusionism, risk-taking reproductive competition, monumentalism versus flexumility (flexibility + humility), and the world's cultural clusters. Each chapter contains a subchapter in which implications for international management and organizational behavior are discussed, making the book attractive not only to readers with a special interest in the social sciences, but also to management consultants, management educators and business executives.