Search results for ""Author Michael Damron""
MP-AMM American Mathematical 50 Years of FirstPassage Percolation
Describes the main results of first-passage percolation (FPP), with two purposes in mind. First, they give self-contained proofs of seminal results obtained until the 1990s on limit shapes and geodesics. Second, they discuss recent perspectives and directions, including tools from metric geometry, applications of concentration of measure, and related growth and competition models.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Random Growth Models
Based on lectures delivered at the 2017 AMS Short Course “Random Growth Models”, held in 2017. The articles give an introduction to the most-studied models; first- and last-passage percolation, the Eden model of cell growth, and particle systems, focusing on the main research questions and leading up to the celebrated Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation.