Search results for ""Author Mary Wanless""
Müller Rüschlikon Biomechanik des Reiters
Müller Rüschlikon Perfekt sitzen effektiv einwirken mit der WanlessMethode
Quiller Publishing Ltd Ride with Your Mind Clinic: Rider Biomechanics - From Basics to Brilliance
Riding skills guru Mary Wanless looks at a series of common rider faults or problems and, through words and photos, explains how to correct them. Each fault or problem is demonstrated by a different rider - some working at basic level, others advanced. Mary gives each rider a lesson, taking them through the (often subtle) changes they have to make, and recording their progress with specially taken photographs. Readers can witness the changes taking place and understand through Mary's gifted teaching, how to make the necessary shift to improve their own riding skills.The 'before' and 'after' pictures show not only the improvements in the rider's position and effectiveness but also in their horse's way of going, for the two are interconnected. Among the topics for in-depth discussion are rider position, muscle tone and stabilisation; how our minds and bodies learn new techniques or change old habits; rider asymmetry; mental attitudes; lateral work; advanced work; and faults such as tipping forward, leaning back, hollowing the back, rounding the back, and pulling on the inside rein.
Quiller Publishing Ltd Ride with Your Mind ESSENTIALS: Innovative Learning Strategies for Basic Riding Skills
Whilst the horse world is rich in descriptions that tell us what horse and rider should look like, we lack good information about exactly how to produce the desired results. Good horsemen ride well without knowing how they do it, and without understanding why you are not like them and cannot do it too. During 23 years of research it has been Mary Wanless's personal mission to expose the secrets of horsemanship, breaking down riding skills into 'bite-size chunks' and finding ways of describing them that work for average riders. By using the learning strategies given here the rider should discover how to connect with the horse in a way that makes sense to him and enables him to carry himself well, in self-carriage. At the same time the techniques aim to offer the rider security, stability and effectiveness in the saddle. This title sets out to simplify Ride With Your Mind methods and to provide a basic tool-kit for the acquisition of a truly independent seat in walk, trot and through transitions, on straight lines, turns and circles — and, importantly, how to make corrections when things don't go exactly to plan. Mary explains how to use the hands, legs and body correctly, and gives the ingredients for perfect contact. In each section, the instruction is backed up by practical self-tests and exercises to ensure success, and there are ideas for troubleshooting during the learning process and in the future.
Quiller Publishing Ltd Rider Biomechanics: An Illustrated Guide: How to Sit Better and Gain Influence
Rider Biomechanics begins by explaining fascia — the 'cinderella of body tissues'. Until recently, this was ignored by science, consigned to its apparent role as the body's packing material. However, research shows that, in reality, this biological fabric links muscles into functional chains, rather like strings of sausages. Recent research has shown that the horse's fascial system is remarkably similar to our own, with equivalent 'lines of pull' that affect posture, movement, stability and mobility. Inevitably, the problems inherent in sitting and riding well are magnified when there is imbalance within and between the fascial 'guy-ropes' of rider and/or horse. We should realise that imbalance in either partner can send the other 'out of true', whilst the 'equipoise' of one partner helps the other to regain that poise. By working through this book, you will learn to access and rebalance your own fascial net to significantly improve your stability, skill and 'feel'. Practical exercises, enhanced with copious photographs and diagrams, show how to balance your front and back, left and right — yielding skills that simultaneously address the equivalent imbalances in your horse. Mary explains how effective force transmission within the fascial system enables riders to push their hands forward, taking away the temptation to pull on the reins. Later chapters show how twists and distortions in both human and horse can be addressed through accessing the fascial lines that wrap diagonally around the body. Lastly, a look at the core of both partners shows just how profound their connection can be.