Search results for ""Author Martin Schulze Wessel""
C.H. Beck Der Fluch des Imperiums
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Prague Spring as a Laboratory
Retrospectively, the Prague Spring appears to have been a coherent but unsuccessful experiment in finding a synthesis of Western democracy and socialism. However, this perspective ignores that different groups and individuals participated in these developments and shaped the Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia with their completely varying professional, generational, national, and gender-specific experiences. What appears retrospectively as a goal-oriented reform movement or as an 'interrupted revolution' looked in the eyes of the protagonists rather like the situation in a laboratory, where they worked on new syntheses with uncertain results. The volume focuses on the protagonists' ideas of politics, society, and their reform plans. Of particular interest is the question which new thoughts about the interrelation of politics, science, economics, and arts were developed in Czechoslovakia.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Selbstorganisation im Sozialismus: Das Rote Kreuz in Polen und der Tschechoslowakei 1945--1989
Diese Arbeit stellt die nationalen Rotkreuzgesellschaften Polens und der Tschechoslowakei als Beispiele für Selbstorganisation im sozialistischen Staat vor. Als Teil der internationalen Rotkreuzbewegung unterschieden sich das Polnische Rote Kreuz (Polski Czerwony Krzyż, PCK) und das Tschechoslowakische Rote Kreuz (Československý Ċervený kří, ČSČK) von anderen verstaatlichten Massenorganisationen. Sie verknüpften sozialistische Ideologie und humanitäre Prinzipien zu einem "socialist humanitarianism". Maren Hachmeister untersucht die Arbeit des polnischen und des tschechoslowakischen Roten Kreuzes zwischen 1945 und 1989 insbesondere für die Themen- und Tätigkeitsfelder Suchdienste, Blutspende, Jugend und Eliten. Der historische Vergleich zeigt dabei auf, wann, wo und wie zivilgesellschaftliche Selbstorganisationen für beide Organisationen unter den Vorzeichen des Staatssozialismus möglich war.
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Religion, Nation, and Secularization in Ukraine
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG USA oder Sowjetunion?: Konkurrierende Modernitätsentwürfe in den Massenmedien der Weimarer Republik
Debates about social modernization processes determined the public discourse of the Weimar Republic. The images of the USA and the Soviet Union that were produced in German newspapers and magazines, which were perceived as modernity projects, played a special role. This is where David Franz's study comes in, comparing conflicting depictions of both countries in the leading German print media of the time and embedding them in the social conditions of the interwar period. In addition to journalistic texts, visual representations were also examined. The study thus takes into account both the role of the Soviet Union, which has so far received little attention, as well as the power of visual representation in the debates of the Weimar Republic. As a result, it traces the lines of the interpretive struggles over modernization processes in society, economy and politics that were characteristic of the public debate of the Weimar Republic.