Search results for ""Author Martin Cohen""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Mind Games: 31 Days to Rediscover Your Brain
This original and innovative book is an exploration of one of the key mysteries of the mind, the question of consciousness. Conducted through a one month course of both practical and entertaining 'thought experiments', these stimulating mind-games are used as a vehicle for investigating the complexities of the way the mind works. By turns, fun, eye-opening and intriguing approach to thinking about thinking, which contains inventive and engaging 'thought experiments' for the general reader Includes specially drawn illustrations by the French avant-garde artist, Judit Reunites the social science disciplines of psychology, sociology and political theory with the traditional concerns of philosophy
John Wiley & Sons Inc Philosophy For Dummies
Confused by metaphysics? In a muddle with aesthetics? Intimidated by Kant? Then look no further! Philosophy For Dummies, UK Edition is a complete crash-course in philosophical thought, covering key philosophers, philosophical history and theory and the big questions that affect us today. Tying in with standard UK curricula and including core topics such as logic, ethics and political philosophy, this impartial, expert guide cuts through the jargon to give you the facts. Whether you're a philosophy student or a complete beginner, Philosophy For Dummies, UK Edition will get you thinking and talking about philosophy in no time, and with maximum confidence.
Imprint Academic Rethinking Thinking: Problem Solving from Sun Tzu to Google
Editorial Ariel Cuentos filosóficos una historia alternativa que nos descubre los personajes las tramas y las escenas ocultas de la verdadera historia de la filosofía
Un repaso a los fascinantes detalles biográficos de algunos de los más grandes filósofos de la historia y a las aportaciones de cada uno de ellos a la disciplina. Por qué querría alguien saber que Kant se enrollaba con tres vueltas de sábana antes de irse a dormir, o que Schopenhauer empujó escaleras abajo a una pobre anciana tejedora, o que Marx pasaba tanto tiempo entre mujeres y botellas de cervezas como en la British Library? Repasando estas aparentes trivialidades de las vidas de los filósofos y desmontando por el camino algunos mitos muy arraigados este libro nos ofrece luminosas perspectivas que nos animarán a pensar de una manera más lúcida y crítica. Pascal estaba en lo cierto cuando dijo que reírse de la filosofía es verdaderamente filosofar
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Wittgenstein's Beetle and Other Classic Thought Experiments
Wittgenstein’s Beetle and Other Classic Thought Experiments invites readers to participate actively in discovering the surprisingly powerful and fruitful tradition of "thought experiments." Gives a lively presentation of an "A to Z" of 26 fascinating and influential thought experiments from philosophy and science Presents vivid and often humorous discussion of the experiments, including strengths and weaknesses, historical context, and contemporary uses Provides a "how to" section for engaging in thought experiments Includes illustrations, mini-biographies, and suggestions for further reading.
Imprint Academic Paradigm Shift: How expert opinions keep changing on life, the universe, and everything
John Wiley & Sons Critical Thinking Skills For Dummies
Para Dummies Filosofa para dummies
Uno de los mayores atractivos de la filosofía es que te hace pensar mucho, para comprender los razonamientos e ideas de otros pensadores, y para desarrollar tus propias respuestas. Pero puede ocurrir que acabes con más preguntas que al principio!.Esta sencilla guía es como un agradable viaje a la historia de la filosofía, de la mano de un autor experimientado, que te acompañará en tu camino a través de terrenos como el ser, el conocimiento, la verdad o la belleza.? Qué es la filosofía? ? adéntrate en la ciencia de las ideas y ponte tu sombrero de pensar? Ah, ahora lo entiendo todo! ? comprende los conceptos clave que trataron los principales filósofos y disfruta con sus textos? Partidos de izquierdas, de derechas, de centro y de nada ? un poquito de filosofía política para que encuentres la lógica (o la incoherencia) de los programas políticos? Temas íntimos ? ética, moral, lógica, conciencia? cada persona es única e irrepetible, pero la socie
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophical Tales: Being an Alternative History Revealing the Characters, the Plots, and the Hidden Scenes That Make Up the True Story of Philosophy
Philosophical Tales “A lover of philosophical ideas and practiced debunker of intellectual sham, Martin Cohen knocks some thirty important philosophers from Socrates to Derrida off their pedestals, and presents in a series of philosophical tales various aspects of their thought, life and personality which few of us ever suspected.” Zenon Stavrinides, University of Bradford
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophical Tales: Being an Alternative History Revealing the Characters, the Plots, and the Hidden Scenes That Make Up the True Story of Philosophy
Philosophical Tales “A lover of philosophical ideas and practiced debunker of intellectual sham, Martin Cohen knocks some thirty important philosophers from Socrates to Derrida off their pedestals, and presents in a series of philosophical tales various aspects of their thought, life and personality which few of us ever suspected.” Zenon Stavrinides, University of Bradford
Distributed Art Publishers Ralph Gibson: Sacred Land: Israel before and after Time
Ralph Gibson's diptych portrayal of Israel, a land at once deeply modern and incredibly ancient The American photographer Ralph Gibson traveled throughout Israel and the surrounding region to create a portrait of a land where the past is vividly part of the present. He contrasts these in two-page spreads in which color and black-and-white images face one another: ancient language in a visual dialogue with contemporary human experience. As architect Moshe Safdie writes in his accompanying text: “This is the promise and paradox of Israel, a new country in an ancient land, modernity next to regression, with abundant and creative energy and cultural output. The high-tech world of invention next to Torah studies. It is still a young country, not even yet past its Centennial. With an optimistic eye, one sees the promise yet to be.” For this project, Gibson visited many of the well-known sites of the Holy Land, including the ancient city of Petra in Jordan as well as Masada and the Sea of Galilee flowing into the River Jordan. Sacred Land is a sumptuous study in the aesthetics of time. Ralph Gibson was born in Los Angeles in 1939. In 1956 he enlisted in the navy, where he began studying photography. Since he published his first photobook The Somnambulist in 1970, his work has been the subject of over 40 monographs. His work is widely exhibited and held in public collections around the world, such as the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, and the Museum of Modern Art, New York. He lives and works in New York.