Search results for ""Author Maria St. Goar""
Temple Lodge Publishing May Human Beings Hear It!: The Mystery of the Christmas Conference
'It depends on the human being whether he merely conceives of anthroposophy or whether he experiences it.' - Rudolf Steiner During the Christmas period of 1923-4, Rudolf Steiner refounded the Anthroposophical Society at its headquarters in Dornach, Switzerland. This important event, which has come to be known as the Christmas Conference, can be studied on many levels, and its many mysteries have been central to Sergei O. Prokofieff's anthroposophical research over the years. His beginning point has been an enduring question: What did Rudolf Steiner mean when he called the Christmas Conference the 'start of a World-Turning-point of Time'? In this far-reaching work, the author - working from several different viewpoints - guides the reader towards an answer. Prokofieff suggests that the impulse of the Christmas Conference can only be reenlivened today through conscious action by individuals to experience its spiritual essence. Rather than offering dogmatic conclusions, he opens up paths of approaching this goal by throwing light on different aspects of the Conference and what lies at its heart: the Foundation Stone and its Meditation. In particular, Prokofieff explores three key perspectives: the connection of the Christmas Conference with humanity's evolution; the inner relationship of each individual anthroposophist to the Christmas Conference; and the significance of the Conference to Rudolf Steiner himself. Although this is major work of some length, the individual chapters of May Human Beings Hear It! are complete in themselves, and can therefore be studied independently of each other.
Temple Lodge Publishing Why Become a Member of the Anthroposophical Society?
The author developed this booklet from talks that were held for members of the Anthroposophical Society. These became occasions for many to question potential membership of the First Class in a more conscious way, and for some to take the decisive step of entering the Michael School. 'This experience gave rise to the occasion for printing this lecture separately for interested individuals, as a stimulus to consider their relationship to the Michael School on Earth against the background of the karma that guides human beings in their present incarnation to anthroposophy. In this sense, the present text may well be an aid for some interested individuals to grasp to its full extent the unique significance of the establishment of the Esoteric School - carried out as it was by Rudolf Steiner based on the Michael Spirit - so as to gain the courage and will to become a member out of full inner conviction.' (From the Preface)
Anthroposophic Press Inc Materialism and the Task of Anthroposophy: Seventeen Lectures Given in Dornach Between April 2 and June 5, 1921
Floris Books Moses: From the Mysteries of Egypt to the Judges of Israel
During the time of Moses a fundamental change in people's consciousness took place. Moses himself still had the ancient faculty of natural clairvoyance while a new, intellectual faculty was awakening.Bock describes the symbols and myths of the Osiris-Isis mysteries, the Messianic hopes concerning the young sun-Pharaoh, Akhenaton, and the spiritual twilight of the Egyptian mysteries that led Moses to leave Egypt for the desert.Bock interprets the imagery of the Bible in detail: the unconsumed burning bush, the miracles of staff and spring, the revelation on the Mount Sinai. He finds an inner history running parallel to the outer, linking far past and distant future. In its trials and temptations, the history of this people follows the same stages and crises as the life of Jesus of Nazareth.Emil Bock brings his wide reading of the occult and mythological traditions to bear on one of the central Old Testament texts.
Floris Books Saint Paul: Life, Epistles and Teaching
Describing the environment into which Saul was born, his education, his conversion before Damascus and his subsequent journeys, Bock's study gives a spiritual dimension to Paul's background, providing a deeper understanding of this great Christian figure and his teaching. Above all he shows that Paul was the apostle who carried Christianity beyond the Jewish communities to humanity at large. As a zealous Jew, Paul was convinced he was serving the coming Messiah in his persecution of the followers of Jesus. When the light suddenly came to him before Damascus, his innermost being was opened. Paul shows that the time of the Law of Moses had run its course and conscience as 'inner jurisdiction' was now to replace the rules and laws imposed from without.
Temple Lodge Publishing The Guardian of the Threshold and the Philosophy of Freedom: On the Relationship of the Philosophy of Freedom to the Fifth Gospel
In the same way that the entire plant is contained in germinal form in its seed, so the totality of anthroposophy can be discovered in Rudolf Steiner's central work The Philosophy of Freedom, a book that lays the foundation for the modern scientific path to the spiritual world. Given the centrality of the Guardian of the Threshold to modern initiation, one may therefore ask where this theme is to be found in The Philosophy of Freedom. Prokofieff presents his insights to this little researched question in the first part of this volume. In the second part, he investigates The Philosophy of Freedom's connection to the content of Rudolf Steiner's research relating to the Fifth Gospel. Through Prokofieff's thoughtful commentary, new light is shed on the connection between Rudolf Steiner's early and late work. Study of the relevant texts reveals that the roots of Steiner's early work lie in the same spiritual reality - the Christ Impulse - as those of the later anthroposophy he was to develop.
Temple Lodge Publishing Anthroposophy and the Philosophy of Freedom: Anthroposophy and Its Method of Cognition, the Christological and Cosmic-human Dimension of the Philosophy of Freedom
Some people's path to anthroposophy leads them directly to Rudolf Steiner's early work and The Philosophy of Freedom, and this becomes the philosophical basis for their future exploration. Rudolf Steiner referred to this as a 'safe' approach.But many people's destiny leads them directly to anthroposophy itself, or via one of its practical initiatives, making it difficult sometimes for them to relate to the cognitive basis of anthroposophy. In this unique study Sergei O. Prokofieff offers fresh means of access to Rudolf Steiner's crucially important book, The Philosophy of Freedom. Prokofieff indicates why The Philosophy of Freedom is so important to anthroposophy. It is here that Rudolf Steiner lays the foundations for his method of research. In Steiner's own words: "One who is willing can indeed find the basic principles of anthroposophy in my Philosophy of Freedom". Prokofieff discusses the Christian nature of the anthroposophical method of cognition, and how it is integrally related to freedom and love. This in turn reveals the deeply Christian roots of The Philosophy of Freedom and its importance for modern Christian esotericism. In fact, says Prokofieff, the book holds a 'central position the spiritual history of the Occident'. In considering its multifaceted 'cosmic-human dimension', the author discusses The Philosophy of Freedom in relation to the Mystery of the Resurrection, the Working of the Hierarchies, the Being Anthroposophia, the Fifth Gospel, Rudolf Steiner's Path of Initiation, the Rosicrucian and Michaelic Impulses, the Life Between Death and Rebirth, the Foundation Stone, the Christian Mysteries of Karma and the Science of the Grail.
Temple Lodge Publishing Why Become a Member of the School of Spiritual Science?
The author developed this booklet from talks that were held for members of the Anthroposophical Society. These became occasions for many to question potential membership of the First Class in a more conscious way, and for some to take the decisive step of entering the Michael School. 'This experience gave rise to the occasion for printing this lecture separately for interested individuals, as a stimulus to consider their relationship to the Michael School on Earth against the background of the karma that guides human beings in their present incarnation to anthroposophy. In this sense, the present text may well be an aid for some interested individuals to grasp to its full extent the unique significance of the establishment of the Esoteric School - carried out as it was by Rudolf Steiner based on the Michael Spirit - so as to gain the courage and will to become a member out of full inner conviction.' (From the Preface)
Anthroposophic Press Inc Origins of Natural Science