Search results for ""Author Marc J. Epstein""
Berrett-Koehler Measuring and Improving Social Impacts: A Guide for Nonprofits, Companies, and Social Enterprises
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
"Advances in Management Accounting" ("AIMA") publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to researchers in both practice and academe. As one of the premier management accounting research books, "AIMA" is well poised to meet the needs of management accounting scholars.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Featured in Volume 20 are articles on: information overload and multiple constituency values related to environmental and social disclosures; the extent to which product life cycle cost analysis, customer involvement and cost management contribute to the competitive advantage of firms; the development of sustainable practices in complex organizations; how the cost performance of defense contracts varies among the U.S. Air Force, Army, Navy, and the Department of Defense (DoD) and among five major defense contractors; and, whether the use of both financial and nonfinancial measures by top managers in their evaluations influences middle-level managers' evaluations of their subordinates when the balanced scorecards are used. This title also features articles on: an analytical and structural insight into the implementation and application of PMMS; the process by which a reliance on budget to evaluate employee performance affects the job satisfaction and performance; the issue of the difficulty in the operationalization of value-based management and the Balanced Scorecard in actual practice; the effect of incentivizing both outcome and driver measures of strategic performance measurement systems (SPMS) on middle managers' proactivity in influencing the strategy formulation process; and, the factors that influence the design of the control arrangements involving non-strategic IT support services.
Emerald Publishing Limited Performance Measurement and Management Control: Measuring and Rewarding Performance
In 2001, we gathered a group of researchers in Nice, France to focus discussion on performance measurement and management control. Following the success of that conference, we held subsequent conferences in 2003, 2005, and 2007. This volume contains some of the exemplary papers that were presented at the most recent conference. The conference has grown in number of participants, quality of presentations, and reputation and this year attracted leading researchers in the field from North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. Though the conference has been generally focused on performance measurement and management control and has included presentations on many facets of the topic, each year we have also focused on a particular theme of current interest. This year's theme was directed at measuring and rewarding performance. This includes evaluating and rewarding the performance of organizations, units, teams, and individuals. It includes empirical, analytical and experimental research. In addition to the three plenary sessions, this volume also includes some of the other excellent papers presented at the conference. The contents of this book represent a collection of leading research in management control and performance measurement and provide a significant contribution to the growing literature in the area. This collection of papers also covers a representative set of topics, research settings, and research methods. We are hopeful that this book will continue the search for additional understanding and development in performance measurement and management control, and provide guidance for both academic researchers and managers as they work toward improving organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
"Advances in Management Accounting" ("AMA") publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to researchers in both practice and academe. As one of the premier management accounting research journals, "AMA" is well poised to meet the needs of management accounting scholars.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting publishes thoughtful, well-developed articles across a broad spectrum of current topics in the field of management accounting, using a variety of research methods including survey research, field tests, corporate case studies and modeling. Volume 24 exemplifies the broad scope of Advances in Management Accounting, examining areas of management accounting such as performance evaluation systems, accounting of product costs, behavioral impacts on management accounting, and innovations in management accounting, including all systems designed to provide information for management decision making.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Featured in Volume 19 are articles on a call for future research on management accounting service quality; budget ratcheting and performance; effect of trust-in-superior and trustfulness on budgetary slack; relationship between purposes of budget use and budgetary slack; selection bias and endogeneity issues on the relationship between IT and firm performance; strategic budgeting in public schools; using a management accounting perspective to evaluate the production of future accounting professionals; the links between management control approaches and performance measurement systems; and, antecedents and consequences of cost.
Emerald Publishing Limited Performance Measurement and Management Control: Global Issues
Over the years, the performance measurement and management control conference has grown in number of participants, quality of presentations and reputation, and has attracted leading researchers in the field from North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. The 2011 theme was directed at global issues, and included the significant challenges of managing and measuring performance within and across different organizational and geographical boundaries, using theoretical, empirical, analytical, experimental, and case-based research to address these topics. In addition to the three plenary sessions, this volume contains some of the exemplary papers that were presented at the 2011 conference; representing a collection of leading research in management control and performance measurement and providing a significant contribution to the growing literature in the area. The editors hope this book will continue the search for additional understanding and development in performance measurement and management control, and provide guidance for both academic researchers and managers as they work toward improving organizations.
Berrett-Koehler The Innovation Paradox: Why Good Businesses Kill Breakthroughs and How They Can Change
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizational Learning Approach to Process Innovations: The Extent and Scope of Diffusion and Adoption in Management Accounting Systems
In times of economic turbulence, an organization's ability to learn from its environment and adopt innovations enhances its competitive advantage as well its ability to improve its performance. This book focuses specifically on the contribution learning and innovation in management accounting can contribute to the success of the organization. However, all management accounting innovations may not be successful. The success of an innovation is contingent upon whether the learning and implementation processes have been properly integrated. When they are not, an innovation that has been successful in one organization may fail in another. An integrative framework is developed for studying management accounting process innovations. The framework draws on theories from organizational sociology. It focuses on the impact of the innovation on the organization along two important dimensions. First, to what degree does the innovation alter the organization's management accounting system (labeled as extent)? Second, what portion of the organization is affected by the change (labeled as scope)? We classified these dimensions on a continuum ranging from high or low. This yields a 2x2 contingency framework. The book examines each of the resulting four situations using both Argyris's typology of single and double loop learning as well as the variety of theories used to explain the adoption, or failure to adopt, a particular innovation, e.g., Rogers, Sandberg, in an organization. Recent management accounting innovations such as Activity Based Costing (ABC) and Balanced Scorecard (BSC) are used to illustrate the concepts and examples drawn from organizational practices. ABC and BSC are used as examples of management accounting innovations to illustrate why they are more successful in some organizations but not in others.
Emerald Publishing Limited Performance Measurement and Management Control: Contemporary Issues
Volume 31 of Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting (SMFA) covers contemporary issues in performance measurement and management control.These papers are taken from 8th Conference On Performance Measurement And Management Control 2015. The topic of this edition is contemporary issues in performance measurement and management control. This is a broad topic by design with the intent of reporting on important research and issues relevant today. For example, papers in the book explore the following: Performance measurement and management control in emerging markets; the use of social and or informal controls; Linkages between creativity, innovation, and control; Innovative control practices in healthcare; Behavioral effects of alternative incentive schemes; Performance evaluation for different organizational designs; Performance measurement in high-performing firms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizational Change and Development in Management Control Systems: Process Innovation for Internal Auditing and Management Accounting
This text applies sociological approaches to organizational change and development to explain process innovation and diffusion in internal auditing and management accounting systems. While management accounting reports have emphasized the measurement of quality and improved organizational performance, the extent to which process innovation strategies of total quality management (TQM) and reengineering have been integrated into behavioral accounting research has been limited. The book broadens quality and process innovation research by incorporating theories from organizational development, systems analysis, organizational learning, contingency theory, population ecology and collaborative management. In doing so, it integrates the study of TQM and reengineering into management accounting, internal auditing and control systems. TQM and process reengineering are presented as specific process innovation approaches, which can bring about either incremental or radical organizational change and development in management control systems, particularly in internal auditing and accounting control systems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting publishes thoughtful, well-developed articles across a broad spectrum of current topics in the field of management accounting, using a variety of research methods including survey research, field tests, corporate case studies and modeling. Volume 27 exemplifies the broad scope of Advances in Management Accounting, examining a number of areas within management accounting.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting publishes thoughtful, well-developed articles across a broad spectrum of current topics in the field of management accounting, using a variety of research methods including survey research, field tests, corporate case studies and modeling. Volume 25 exemplifies the broad scope of Advances in Management Accounting, examining a number of key areas in management accounting.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting (AIMA) publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to both practitioners and academicians. As a respected professional journal, AIMA is well poised to meet their information needs. Featured in volume 10 is an article reporting on the findings of an in-depth field study at Bell Atlantic, now Verizon. The impact of teaming on productivity, quality, and employee satisfaction was measured using research design methods not commonly found in field study research. Another article reports field research describing how two firms used accounting in new product development and proposes a conceptual framework hypothesizing how management accountants' participation can enhance the firm's performance. The remaining nine articles deal with a variety of topics such as the frequency and perceived usefulness of strategic management accounting, the relationship between a product's revenue and cost functions and much more. The eleven articles represent relevant, theoretically sound, and practical studies the discipline can greatly benefit from, providing a high level of contributions to management accounting research and practice. Accountants at all levels who work in corporations and not-for-profit organizations will be interested. Contents
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Featured in Volume 22 of Advances in Management Accounting are articles on: The Effect of Personality Traits and Fairness on Honesty in Managerial Reporting; The Impact of Firm Size on the Productivity of Resources; Transfer of Performance Measurement System Innovations Across Economic Sectors; Target Costing and Product and Production Interdependencies; Cost Accounting, Simulation, and Post-Structuralist Understanding; Input-Based Performance Evaluation, Incentive Intensity, and Proactive Work Behavior; Normative and Instrumental commitments on Budgetary Slack Creation; The Adoption of Lean Operations and Lean Accounting; and Governance in the Hospital Sector. Researchers in both practice and academe, as well as libraries, would be interested in the articles featured in the AIMA.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Volume 21 features articles on: the impact of framed information and project importance on capital budgeting decisions; the measurement of participation in budgeting practice and research; the impact of adverse selection and risk propensity on managers' project evaluation decisions; relative hedonic utility and budgetary conflict resolution; management control systems, environmental uncertainty, and organizational slack; industrial relations, budgetary participation and budget use; corporate strategy, employees' attitudes towards the balanced scorecard, and corporate performance using a contingency approach; the role of cost control systems and the effects of information technology integration on manufacturing financial performance; and the characteristics of no-budget firms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
This second volume in the series discusses such topics as management accounting's role in improving corporate performance, strategic cost management perspectives and accountability and knowledge workers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reputation Building, Website Disclosure & The Case of Intellectual Capital
This study investigated the following aspects of the 100 most entrepreneurial firms more widely known as the fastest growing firms in Australia. Firstly, the study analysed the association between intellectual capital disclosure types (narrative, visual, and numerical) on company-sponsored websites, using content analysis, and the corporate growth aspect of reputation of these firms over a three-year period from 2005 to 2007. Secondly, the study investigated the perceptions of directors about the value relevance of intellectual capital resource items in enhancing corporate reputation. Thirdly, the study identified motivations behind the extent of intellectual capital resource items disclosure on company-sponsored websites when the director perception survey was inconsistent with such disclosures.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to researchers in both practice and academe. As one of the premier management accounting research journals, Advances in Management Accounting is well poised to meet the needs of management accounting scholars. Volume 23 of Advances in Management Accounting features articles on: The Sociological Approaches of Organizational Learning and Applications to Process Innovations of Management Accounting Systems; How Framed Information and Justification Impact Capital Budgeting Decisions; Procedural Justice and Information Sharing During The Budgeting Process; and The Impact of Production Variance Presentation Format on Employees' Decisions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Usefulness of Corporate Annual Reports to Shareholders in Australia, New Zealand and the United States: An International Comparison
This volume covers such topics as prior evidence on corporate annual reports, research methodology and the demographics of the corporate shareholder, investors' investment objectives and their information sources, and the readership and usefulness of corporate financial statements.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Accounting Ethics
This annual publication is devoted to the advancement of ethics research and education in the profession and practice of accounting. It aims to advance innovative and applied ethics research in all accounting-related disciplines on a global basis and to improve ethics education in the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Globalisation and Contextual Factors in Accounting: The Case of Germany
This research monograph critically examines convergence of financial reporting in Germany by taking into account the influence of political, social and economic factors on accounting. This study makes an original and significant contribution by examining issues and biases in the convergence process that may challenge the assumption of superiority, global comparability and universal applicability of International Financial Reporting Standards. Specifically, this monograph critically evaluates convergence by taking into account German accounting development and examines issues concerning the application of professional judgment, which has increasingly been recognized as an important and controversial topic in international accounting. By applying a holistic approach with an emphasis on multiple perspectives, this study shows that accounting research will be enhanced by a critical examination of contextual environments of countries rather than a focus on measurement, quantification, simplification and categorisation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting publishes thoughtful, well-developed articles across a broad spectrum of current topics in the field of management accounting, using a variety of research methods including survey research, field tests, corporate case studies and modeling. Volume 26 exemplifies the broad scope of Advances in Management Accounting, examining a number of areas within management accounting.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
"Advances in Management Accounting" (AIMA) publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to researchers in both practice and academe. As one of the premier management accounting research journals, AIMA is well poised to meet the needs of management accounting scholars. Featured in Volume 13 are articles on expanding management accounting researchers frontiers in the next decade, innovation strategy and the use of performance measures, performance effects of financial incentives, evaluating product mix and capital budgeting decisions, performance-based government organizations, a nomological framework of budgetary participation and performance, organization-mandated budgetary involvement and managers budgetary communication, effects of individual and group performance feedback and task interdependence, fairness perceptions and managers use of budgetary slack, and effects of responsibility and cohesiveness on group escalation decisions. Researchers in both practice and academe, as well as libraries, would be interested in the articles featured in the AIMA.
Emerald Publishing Limited Information Asymmetry: A Unifying Concept for Financial and Managerial Accounting Theories
This monograph seeks to provide a theoretical foundation and linkage between financial and managerial accounting. Just as the lines between the CPA-auditor or the financial analyst and consultants, underwriters, and management have been blurred through the Enron audit failure, so, too, will the lines between research streams relating to management (management accounting) and external parties (financial accounting) be less easily drawn. After providing the theoretical foundation for information asymmetry in the first three sections, emphasis shifts to case studies. Section four focuses on case studies and issues relating to the transmission of symmetric and asymmetric information on the Internet.
Emerald Publishing Limited US Individual Federal Income Taxation: Historical, Contemporary, and Prospective Policy Issues
This is a monograph that examines US individual federal income taxation. It is suitable for academics, graduate students, and those interested in tax policy and the historical evolution of contemporary individual federal income tax issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited Performance Measurement and Management Control: Innovative Concepts and Practices
In 2001, we gathered a group of researchers in Nice, France to focus discussion on performance measurement and management control. Following the success of that conference, we held subsequent conferences in 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2009. This volume contains some of the exemplary papers that were presented at the most recent conference. Though the conference has been generally focused on performance measurement and management control and has included presentations on many facets of the topic, each year we have also focused on a particular theme of current interest. This year's theme was directed at innovative concepts and practices. This includes creative approaches to solving management challenges of performance and management control and improving organizational performance. It also includes the innovative use of empirical, analytical, experimental, and case based research. The contents of this book represent a collection of leading research in management control and performance measurement and provide a significant contribution to the growing literature in the area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Performance Measurement and Management Control: Behavioral Implications and Human Actions
This new volume contains selected papers that were presented at the 2013 conference on performance measurement and management control focusing on behavioral implications and human actions associated with the use of performance measurement and management control systems. These systems do not work in a vacuum, rather they guide and motivate how people in organizations and markets behave. The intersection between management tools and human action is a central aspect in these research fields. Yet, multiple variables impact the result of certain designs on the behavior of people. The volume presents issues such as national culture, organizational culture, strategy, technology, partnerships and joint ventures, and the presence of other management systems. The editors hope this book will continue the search for additional understanding and development in performance measurement and management control, and provide guidance for both academic researchers and managers as they work toward improving organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Non-Financial Performance Measurement and Management Practices in Manufacturing Firms: A Comparative International Analysis
In order to be successful in today's world wide competitive environment, companies must be capable of manufacturing products of high quality at low cost and providing a first-class customer service. Many companies have responded to these competitive demands by implementing Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMTs) and Innovative Managerial Practices (IMPs) as well as emphasizing quality, delivery, innovation and flexibility to meet customer needs in their corporate objectives. The adoption of such practices and technologies and the redesign of work processes has altered the stakes of corporate well being over the past two decades. This study provides a framework for exploring the relationships between the measurement of non-financial performance at the shop-floor of manufacturing firms across four different countries (UK, Italy, Japan, and Canada) and a range of twenty-eight contingent factors incorporating technological, managerial, organisational and environmental factors. In particular, the book examines whether these twenty-eight contingent factors are associated with the existence and importance of 19 non-financial performance measures used at shop-floor level for each country. The book also aims to develop models for each of the four countries which will determine the amount of change in the use and existence of each shop-floor non-financial performance measure that is associated with levels of the contingent factors. A better understanding of non-financial performance measures at shop-floor level in manufacturing firms will contribute to a more effective management of manufacturing enterprises in the four countries. It also will enhance organisations knowledge about the use of non-financial measures in performance measurement systems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Performance Measurement and Management Control: The Relevance of Performance Measurement and Management Control Research
This volume contains exemplary papers that were presented at the 2017 Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control in Nice, France, by researchers in the field from North America, South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. This book represents a collection of innovative research in management control and performance measurement, and provides a significant contribution to the growing literature in the area. The collection also covers a representative set of topics, research settings, and research methods. The editors hope that this book will stimulate researchers to continue the search for additional understanding of performance measurement and management control, and provide guidance for both academic researchers and managers as they work toward improving organizations.