Search results for ""Author Manas Chatterji""
Emerald Publishing Limited Peace Science: Theory and Cases
The process of globalisation has its own dynamics and several serious flaws that have resulted in significant economic, political and social imbalances in the global political economy. "Peace Science: Theory and Cases" examines the implications of these imbalances for achieving lasting global peace. The poorer regions of the current global system are beset with serious non-mutuality of interests, rivalry and potential conflicts over scarce resources, fragile environment, alternative energy sources and due to declining agricultural productivity and food shortages, contracting markets and owing to bifurcations in and social beliefs, mores and norms while the list of flaws goes on ad infinitum. The global system will need huge collective efforts and mediation from all branches of modern knowledge in overcoming the above problems for a sizeable section of the global population. "Peace Science: Theory and Cases" offers original research to understand the problems and prospects of global peace in the context of the above dichotomy of the global system.
Emerald Publishing Limited Conflict and Peace in South Asia
South Asia is a distinct geographical entity comprised of seven countries - India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Maldives (situated in the Indian Ocean). The region, as discussed in the contributions to this volume, is turning out to be the most dangerous place in the world, representing a breeding ground of bloody terror and radical extremism exemplified by the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, of Pakistan, in December 2007.India and Pakistan have been involved in a never-ending conflict over Kashmir since the sub-continent was divided in 1947, and have been involved in numerous wars and superpower games. The situation has now become alarming since both countries possess nuclear arms, religious extremism has spread, and there is increased internal ethnic fighting (particularly in Pakistan). Pakistan, often described as a failed state, is experimenting with democracy with serious internal and external results. Bangladesh, oscillating between brief periods of democracy and military dictatorship, is becoming a center for religious extremism, and poses serious problems for India due to illegal immigration. In Nepal, the monarchy has been abolished and a left-wing Maoist government has taken hold. For the last twenty years, Sri Lanka has been involved in a bloody civil war. Even Bhutan and Maldives experience security and internal problems. The chapters in this book look at these countries in a historical context, from inter-regional and international perspectives. Conflict and peace in South Asia connect with a diverse array of factors, ranging from poverty, nuclear proliferation, heavy military expenditure at the expense of development and social goods, militancy, insurgency, illegal migration, environmental degradation, resource depletion, child labor, gender discrimination, and so on. Globalization has increased the income of the region's wealthy class segments and promoted inter-regional inequality. All these factors are interrelated. Accordingly, this volume includes papers that link socio-economic factors, resource constraints, and international trade to human security. Although most of the papers are case studies for individual countries, an attempt has been made in other papers to show how the quantitative methods of Peace Science can be used to analyze the region's situation and make predictions for the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Frontiers of Peace Economics and Peace Science
Over the last three decades, a considerable amount of work has been conducted in the field of peace studies, conflict management, peace science in economics, sociology, anthropology and management. This volume presents up-to-date, cutting-edge research by respected scholars with an emphasis on theoretical and mathematical constructs in the area of peace economics & peace science.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Migration, COVID-19, and Environmental Sustainability
International migration afflicts nearly every corner of the globe, from the Americas, Europe and North Africa, and adjoining countries in South Asia. This migration links the socio-economic statuses of migrants’ home countries and those into which they are migrating. This phenomenon has a profound impact upon ethnic conflict, resource availability, famines and other natural and manmade disasters, as well as financial, political, social and environmental implications for some of the world’s most seemingly unsolvable crises, such as world peace. These vast complexities have been further exemplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, which, as analysed through an environmental and migratory lens, is the focus of this 32nd volume of the book series Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development. With contributions from world-renowned scholars, International Migration, COVID-19, and Environmental Sustainability tackles recent universal subject matter and ties it to key contemporary issues, including globalisation and sustainability, that are related to international migration and its impacts.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Wars, New Militaries, New Soldiers?: Conflicts, the Armed Forces and the Soldierly Subject
This volume explores three recent challenges the military faces: changing missions, changing socio-economic and demographic conditions, and end of conscription. The military will have to change its view of the world, the nature of conflicts and its profession considerably.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cooperation for a Peaceful and Sustainable World
Over the last three decades, a considerable amount of work has been conducted in the field of peace studies, conflict management, peace science in economics, sociology, anthropology and management. This volume presents up-to-date, cutting-edge research by respected scholars with an emphasis on theoretical and mathematical constructs in the area of peace economics and peace science.
Emerald Publishing Limited Integral Ecology and Sustainable Business
This collection addresses the relationship between business, the natural environment, ethics, and spirituality. While traditional economic theory generally assumed firms maximize profits, it has long been acknowledged that other factors may be important to understanding firm activities. The role of ethics and spirituality in society is clearly significant, yet economists have traditionally had little to say on these topics and how they intersect with economic activity. Integral Ecology integrates concerns for people and the planet. It sees the world as systemically linked to ecology, economy, equity and justice and accessible through the natural and social sciences, arts and humanities. It links to sustainable business through frugal consumption, acknowledging the intrinsic value of nature, and adopting holistic management practices. This insightful study provides the insights of economists, business scholars, philosophers, lawyers, theologians and practitioners who are working in Europe, North America, and Asia. Their contributions highlight the relationship between integral ecology and sustainable business practices, and explore the meaning of sustainability in relation to both human and non-human life, offering a series of new and invigorating approaches to sustainable business practices and sustainability leadership.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotions, Decision-Making, Conflict and Cooperation
The role of emotions is important in explaining conflicts and their resolution. Witness the emotions surrounding the outbreak of wars past and current and their endings. In order to introduce the perspective of emotions as an explanatory scheme of conflict escalation and crises, a comparison to classical conceptions such as the pursuit of power or commercial and financial interests is warranted. On first glance these two explanatory schemes seem to be at opposite extremes. However, new approaches to decision-making and rationality and challenges to the traditional expected utility model make these two conceptions much more compatible. The new perspective of rank dependent expected utility and the closely related notion of utility functions, which can both represent risk averse and risk preferring attitudes in decision-making go a long way in incorporating emotions within otherwise rational choices. One can thus build models that account more easily for conflict escalations but also for conflict resolution. These theoretical considerations are investigated within empirical cases of civil wars and shown to be effective in explaining the origins but also the breakdown of conflicts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Military Sociology: Essays in Honor of Charles C. Moskos
There could be no better homage to recently deceased sociologist Charles C. Moskos than dedicating to him this selection of the papers presented at RC01's international conference in Seoul (July 2008). It offers an up-to-date view of the panorama of social studies on armed forces and conflict resolution in a context of fast-moving change that renders many preceding theoretical previsions obsolete. Just to cite two aspects of this change, one can point first of all to how the presented studies move beyond the very concept of globalization, after which the conference had been named. It in fact emerged with clarity that the new dimensions of the context in which militaries and military policy must move are those of a constant, diffuse interaction of the 'local' and the 'global', so-called globalization. A second aspect, in the international area, is the shift towards a multipolar global order with the United States, the European Union, China, Russia, Latin America, Japan and India all manoeuvring for position, a shift that has significant consequences on military action as well.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technology, Society, and Conflict
Technology, Society, and Conflict comprehensively studies and systematically highlights technological inequalities as a source of conflict in digital development while developing an economic and legal approach to resolving them. With a progressive approach, chapters reveal the social nature of technological inequality and digital development conflicts and model them as social institutions. The conflicts of digital development are identified and analysed in detail: global conflict of the technological inequality in the modern world economy; gender conflict; conflict in the labour market in the context of automation based on Robots, Big Data, and AI; and conflict in international trade. The manifestations of the digital divide are considered based on international practical experience at all levels of management – country, regional, business and household levels. This 30th volume of Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics, and Development gives special attention to the latest experience in technological inequality and the aggravation of digital development conflicts in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and crisis in 2019-2020 with foresight for the post-pandemic period.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethnic Conflicts, Civil War and Cost of Conflict
This volume of "Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development" includes some of the selected papers presented by scholars in a European Peace Science Network Meeting recently held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Chapters in this volume cover the conflicts in Maoist India, South America, and Sub-Saharan Africa. The authors have employed highly sophisticated quantitative techniques and principles of Economics and Political Science in determining the causes of these ethnic conflicts and effects on human and material resources.
Emerald Publishing Limited Business, Ethics and Peace
Good business needs a peaceful and just world in which to operate and prosper. Likewise, peace thrives in a healthy economic environment. However, many companies - either directly or indirectly - are involved in the arms race and in a battle to exploit and control scarce resources. As a result of the ambiguous power of business, a timely reflection on its impact on war and peace is needed as well as a conscious pro-peace commitment. Business, Ethics and Peace gathers a selection of papers presented at the International SPES Conference Business for Peace, Strategies for Hope at Ypres, April 10 - 12, 2014. Among the many initiatives commemorating the centennial of World War I, this project focuses on the ethical need to prevent the next conflict. It interprets and presents peace as a holistic and evolving concept, defining the need for an ethical charter of human rights and responsibilities. The papers illustrate the impact of religion in peace management and present solutions and practices for corporate peace-building.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Military Sociology: Essays in Honor of Charles C. Moskos
There could be no better homage to recently deceased sociologist Charles C. Moskos than dedicating to him this selection of the papers presented at RC01's international conference in Seoul (July 2008). It offers an up-to-date view of the panorama of social studies on armed forces and conflict resolution in a context of fast-moving change that renders many preceding theoretical previsions obsolete. Just to cite two aspects of this change, one can point first of all to how the presented studies move beyond the very concept of globalization, after which the conference had been named. It in fact emerged with clarity that the new dimensions of the context in which militaries and military policy must move are those of a constant, diffuse interaction of the 'local' and the 'global', so-called globalization. A second aspect, in the international area, is the shift towards a multipolar global order with the United States, the European Union, China, Russia, Latin America, Japan and India all manoeuvring for position, a shift that has significant consequences on military action as well.
Emerald Publishing Limited Governance, Development and Conflict
Over the last three decades, a considerable amount of work has been conducted in the field of peace studies, conflict management, peace science in economics, sociology, anthropology and management. This volume presents up-to-date, cutting-edge research by respected scholars with an emphasis on theoretical and mathematical constructs in the area of peace economics & peace science.
Emerald Publishing Limited Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives
"Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives" brings together recent, cutting-edge research on economic factors affecting peace and war. This important area of continuing research was the focus of an international conference held at the University of Sydney in June 2009 and these chapters are partly drawn from among the best contributions to that meeting. The book weaves together threads from a number of themes in current research including new theoretical perspectives on the economic foundations of peace, violence and war within countries, connections between international trade and inter-state conflict, and the role of legal/institutional factors in international and internal conflict. Through a focused exploration of these related topics emerge areas of scholarly consensus as well as areas of continued debate. International in scope, it is the only book to explicitly bring together economic, legal and political scholarship to focus on the problem of conflict. It employs a range of modern social science analytical methods, including qualitative cases, econometrics, and game-theoretic models, to rigorously advance understanding of conflict within and between countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Globalisation and COVID-19
The beginnings of globalisation are usually dated to the last third of the twentieth century, alongside the rise of supranational companies, the financial economy and the information technology revolution. However, from the time the Earth was “anthropocized” during the Palaeolithic era, globalisation has not ceased, though it has seen a number of fluctuations, including the era of WWI and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Globalisation and COVID-19 examines how the simultaneous immobilisation of billions created a temporary hold on the mobility which constitutes the very irrigation of globalisation. In this 31st volume of the book series Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development, world-renowned contributors explore the pandemic through the lens of globalisation, analysing its implications for the globalised world and its development over time. Through innovative tools and methodologies of emerging social sciences like Regional Science, Peace Science, and particularly of Management Science which includes artificial intelligence and quantum mechanics, Globalisation and COVID-19 brings together researchers and practitioners to create a transversal and systemic approach necessary to interrogating essential questions of pandemic-era globality.