Search results for ""Author Makoto Shinkai""
Ella y su gato
?Era un día lluvioso de comienzos de primavera. Ella me encontró?.Esta es la historia de una chica que vive sola y el gato que se encuentra un día de primavera. Ella descubre las alegrías y las penas de vivir independizada. El felino, llamado Chobi, se percata de cómo es el mundo gracias a la joven. Cuando están juntos, el tiempo pasa lentamente, pero la crueldad de la vida la acecha. *
Egmont Manga Suzume 01
Vertical Inc. A Sky Longing For Memories: The Art of Makoto Shinkai
Little, Brown & Company The Garden of Words
From director Makoto Shinkai comes the novelization of his award-winning 2013 film The Garden of Words, a moody drama about two lonely souls who meet in the garden of Shinjuku during rainy season and help each other "learn to walk again" in life.
Egmont EHAPA Verlag GmbH your name. 2
Vertical, Inc. Weathering With You Volume 2
''Your Name'' Director Makoto Shinkai''s latest movie ''WEATHERING WITH YOU'' will get a complete manga version with beautiful art and delicate depictions by the up-and-coming artist Wataru Kubota!! The summer of freshman year of high school. A boy named Hodaka runs away from his island home and goes to Tokyo, where he spends every day alone. Then, in a corner of the bustling city he meets a girl named Hina. But he soon finds out that she possesses a mysterious power. Up-and-coming artist and Afternoon Four Seasons Award winner Wataru Kubota is set to illustrate the complete manga version of the latest film by Director Makoto Shinkai, who received international acclaim for ''Your Name''!
Penguin Random House Group Suzume 2
Little, Brown & Company Weathering With You
Longing to escape his island home, a boy named Hodaka runs away during his first summer of high school to find a new life in Tokyo. As rain falls for days on end and Hodaka struggles to adjust, he meets a girl named Hina who holds a mysterious power: With a single prayer, she can part the clouds and bring back the sun. But her power comes at a price, and as the weather spirals further and further out of control, they must choose what future they truly want for themselves.Written concurrently with production of the 2019 film Weathering With You, this novel comes straight from director Makoto Shinkai, the mind behind 2016's hit your name.!
Little, Brown & Company your name. (light novel)
Mitsuha, a high school girl living in a rural town deep in the mountains, has a dream that she is a boy living an unfamiliar life in Tokyo. Taki, a high school boy living in Tokyo, dreams that he is a girl living in the mountains. As they realize they are changing places, their encounter sets the cogs of fate into motion. Written by director Makoto Shinkai, the work has become a global phenomenon!
Egmont EHAPA Verlag GmbH your name. 1
Egmont Manga The Voices of a Distant Star
Penguin Random House Group Suzume 1
Little, Brown & Company The Place Promised in Our Early Days
In the Soviet-occupied Japan of an alternate history, two childhood friends who have grown apart find each other again and begin a search for a missing third friend-and possibly save the world in the process. Acclaimed director Makoto Shinkai pens his own novelization of his first feature-length animated film!
Little, Brown & Company Suzume
Suzume Iwato lives with her aunt in a quiet port town in Kyushu, Japan. One day, on her way to school, she runs into a young man searching for a door and follows him to a ruin in the mountains. Standing alone amidst the collapsed walls is a single old, white door. As if pulled by an invisible force, Suzume reaches out her hand to open it... Eventually, doors begin to open up one after another across Japan, and they must be closed before disaster crosses over from the other side. Follow Suzume's journey to do just that in this novelization of Makoto Shinkai's film, written by the director himself.
Little, Brown & Company your name. The Official Visual Guide
This story guide for Makoto Shinkai's hit your name. features beautiful scenes from the film, along with background art, character and concept art, storyboards, and a variety of exclusive interviews from the people who brought Mitsuha and Taki's story to life!
Little, Brown & Company Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below + 5 Centimeters per Second
Experience in a new way the worlds of acclaimed animation director Makoto Shinkai's award-winning romantic drama 5 Centimeters per Second, along with the adventure of Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below, in this two-in-one novelization!
Penguin Random House Group Suzume 3
Egmont Manga Weathering With You 03
FISCHER, S. Das Geschenk eines Regentages Roman
Vertical, Inc. She And Her Cat
Vertical Inc. The Garden Of Words
Little, Brown & Company your name., Vol. 1
The manga adaptation of the hit movie and light novel will enthrall both new and old readers! Mitsuha, a high school girl from a town deep in the mountains, dreams of an unfamiliar life in Tokyo. Taki, a high school boy from Tokyo, dreams that he is a girl living in the mountains. As the two change places in their dreams, their encounter sets a miraculous story into motion.
Vertical, Inc. Voices Of A Distant Star
Vertical, Inc. 5 Centimeters Per Second: One More Side
Little, Brown & Company your name. Another Side:Earthbound (light novel)
Mitsuha is a young girl living in a rural town named Itomori and is fed up with her life. One day, her family and friends notice she's suddenly acting strange. Little do they know, a high school boy from Tokyo named Taki Tachibana found himself randomly switching places with her when he fell asleep. But he has no clue how to act as a high school girl in an unfamiliar place! This is the story of the hit novel your name. from the perspective of Mitsuha's friends and family as they deal with her strange new quirks--and avoid disaster.
Little, Brown & Company your name., Vol. 2
The second installment of the manga adaptation of the film that took the world by storm!
Vertical Inc. 5 Centimeters Per Second (collector's Edition)
Little, Brown & Company your name., Vol. 3
The third installment of the manga adaptation of the film that took the world by storm! To save Mitsuha and all of Itomori from the comet Tiamat, Taki joins up with Saya-chin and Tesshi to evacuate the town. But Mitsuha's father is stubborn and refuses to listen...
Vertical Inc. 5 Centimeters Per Second
Duomo Ediciones Ella Y Su Gato
Little, Brown & Company your name. Another Side: Earthbound. Vol. 2 (manga)
The second volume of the manga adpatation of your name. Another Side:Earthbound concludes with still more stories pulled from the lives of the people surrounding Mitsuha and Taki!
Transworld Publishers Ltd She and her Cat: for fans of Travelling Cat Chronicles and Convenience Store Woman
The uplifting Japanese bestsellerTHE PERFECT GIFT FOR CAT LOVERS'Compassionate and touching' DAILY MAIL'Totally beguiling' OBSERVERPerfect fans of The Travelling Cat Chronicles and Convenience Store Woman____________On the outskirts of Tokyo, local cats weave their way through the lives and homes of their owners as they navigate difficult times.- A cat named Chobi sends silent messages of courage to a young woman, willing her to end a faltering relationship- A gifted artist fatally misunderstands her boss's enthusiasm for her paintings- A manga fan shuts herself away after the death of her friend, while her cat Cookie hatches a plan to persuade her outside- A woman who has dedicated her life to a distant husband learns a lesson in independence from her catAgainst the urban backdrop of humming trains and private woes, SHE AND HER CAT explores the gentle magic of the everyday.Populated by both the friendly and the feral, it reveals - with heartstopping clarity and warmth - how even in our darkest moments, community and connection may lead us to a happier place.***Includes four fabulous illustrations***____________'A beautiful, uplifting novel. As mesmerizing as it is strange' SAINSBURY'S MAGAZINE'Goes to show how cats will save us all' Nick Bradley, author of The Cat and the City'A gem, written with deep insight and finely attuned to the ways of cats and their humans. An absolute delight' HAZEL PRIOR author of Call of the Penguins
Little, Brown & Company your name. Another Side: Earthbound. Vol. 1 (manga)
During the events of your name., Mitsuha and Taki's miraculous encounter forever changed their lives. But they weren't the only ones affected by their body swapping -- Mitsuha's friends and family have their own sides of the story to tell!
Simon & Schuster She and Her Cat: Stories