Search results for ""Author Luis Amavisca""
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO El lapicero magico
When Margarita draws something with the magic pencil, it becomes real! But what will she draw when there is only a little piece of the pencil left? Cuando Margarita dibuja algo con el lapicero mágico ¡se hace realidad! Pero, ¿qué hará cuando quede tan solo un trocito de lapicero?When Margarita, Daniel and Charlie see a hungry little cat, they decide they have to feed it. Even if that means going into Mrs Cranky´s yard! But when she sees them, instead of telling them off, she rewards the children with three very special gifts: a pencil, a sharpener and an eraser. Margarita starts to draw and something incredible happens! The drawings become real! What will the three children choose to draw? A story of friendship, equality, diversity and inclusion. Margarita, Daniel y Carlos ven un gatito
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NubeOcho We Love You Teacher
Everyone loves the teacher Miss Gazelle, especially when she reads wonderful stories to them.Skunk, Squirrel, Fox, Bear Cub, Duck, Frog, and Rabbit really love their teacher, Miss Gazelle. In her classroom, they get to learn, have fun, dance and, best of all, listen to stories… But one day when they come to school, Miss Gazelle’s not there. What could have happened to her?The fun group of friends decides to go to her house to find out…
NubeOcho Te queremos profe
La profe Gacela consigue que sus alumnos y alumnas vayan al cole felices. Lo que más les gusta es que su profe les lea fantásticas historias.Mofeta, Ardilla, Zorro, Osezna, Pato, Rana y Conejo van cada mañana al colegio con una sonrisa, porque su profe, Gacela, es la mejor. Les enseña a leer, a cantar y bailar… y además, los escucha y los comprende. Pero un día, cuando llegan a clase, no hay nadie esperándolos.¿Dónde está la profe Gacela? ¿Qué le ha ocurrido? El divertido grupo de amigos decide ir a su casa a investigar.------------------Everyone loves the teacher Miss Gazelle, especially when she reads wonderful stories to them.Skunk, Squirrel, Fox, Bear Cub, Duck, Frog, an
Gallimard Vive la maîtresse
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO El espejo en la casa de mamá / El espejo en la casa de papá
A child growing up with divorced parents shows us both houses. The mirror unites the two sides of the book.This is a book with two stories about a young kid with two houses.You can open the book from one end or the other.In the child's bedroom there is magical mirror in both houses.In the middle of the book, you will find the image of the kid/mirror,joining the two different stories. Luis Amavisca is a visual artist and writer for kids in Spain. He has published several books included The Galinos and Bang Bang I Hurt the Moon.Betania Zacarias is an argentinian illustrator and graphic designer. Her work has been published in Mexico, Spain, England, United Arab Emirates, and Turkey. Her illustrations have been selected for the Bologna International Book Fair Fair (Italy), CJ Picture Books Awards (Korea), and the IV Illustration Ibero-American Catalog (Mexico). She works as an illustrator and a teacher.
NubeOcho El monstruo más feo del mundo
NubeOcho The Galinos
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO The Mirror in Mommy's House / The Mirror in Daddy´s House
A child growing up with divorced parents shows us both houses. The mirror unites the two sides of the book.This is a book with two stories about a young kid with two houses.You can open the book from one end or the other.In the child’s bedroom there is magical mirror in both houses.In the middle of the book, you will find the image of the kid/mirror,joining the two different stories.This title is also available in Spanish as El espejo en la casa de mamá / El espejo en la casa de papa 978-84-945415-6-8.Luis Amavisca is a visual artist and writer for kids in Spain. He has published several books included The Galinos and Bang Bang I Hurt the Moon.Betania Zacarias is an argentinian illustrator and graphic designer. Her work has been published in Mexico, Spain, England, United Arab Emirates, and Turkey. Her illustrations have been selected for the Bologna International Book Fair Fair (Italy), CJ Picture Books Awards (Korea), and the IV Illustration Ibero-American Catalog (Mexico). She works as an illustrator and a teacher.
Things are different on Planet Gala. The gala-bars are sweet, the gala-cars are fast, and the gala-computers are alive. But, what about the Galinos? Well They are very special. Come to meet the aliens who are trying to save their planet.
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO Bang Bang I Hurt the Moon
That night, Nicholas was making gun shapes with his hands:"Bang Bang I shot the moon," he said pointing at the moon.No one believed it when suddenly the moon fell into the family's garden. The moon was not injured but fell down because of the fright.Luis Amavisca is visual artist and writer from Spain. He has worked and written about equality, solidarity, environment and non-violence. He has published several books including Princess Li and The Galinos.Esther G. Madrid studied Fine Arts and teaches visual education and Fine Arts. She has published books with main publishers in Spain, such as Anaya.
Two groups of people live separated by a barbed wire fence. One group has plenty of water and the other plenty of bread, but they have difficulty sharing their resources with each other. What happens when a third group arrives that has neither?Created with the support of Amnesty International Spain.
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO Princess Li / La princesa Li
Princess Li lived with her father in a beautiful palace. Li was in love with Beatrice, a girl from a distant land. Both of them were very happy until the day her father sent for the princess: The time had come for Li to marry a young man from the court.Luis Amavisca is a visual artist from Spain. He has written five children's books focusing on the themes of diversity, environment, poetry, and peace.Elena Rendeiro is a visual artist and was a finalist for the Generaciones Award for visual artists in Spain. She works with sculpture, installations, and painting.
NubeOcho Little Person
Coauthors Acosta (Little Captain Jack) and Amavisca (Bang Bang I Hurt the Moon) keep their focus tight, concentrating on Ben’s feelings and the way the boys’ taunting torments him (“He felt even sadder than the day his fish went to fish heaven”). Loose-lined drawings with gently tinted wash by Gusti (Mallko and Dad) underscore the intimacy and loyalty of Ben’s family. ~Publishers Weekly This is a story inspired by true events. Ben is a little boy, and he likes painting his nails. There’s no big reason to it, he just loves all the amazing colors on the tips of his fingers. Until one day, some of his schoolmates start laughing at him because of it. He suddenly feels sad, helpless, and doesn’t want to paint his nails anymore. Even when his father starts painting his nails to support Ben, the helplessness doesn’t go away. Why can’t boys paint their nails? A tale to understand that a kid’s joy has no boundaries. A simple story about a small revolution.
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO Vivan las uñas de colores!
Coauthors Acosta (Little Captain Jack) and Amavisca (Bang Bang I Hurt the Moon) keep their focus tight, concentrating on Ben’s feelings and the way the boys’ taunting torments him (“He felt even sadder than the day his fish went to fish heaven”). Loose-lined drawings with gently tinted wash by Gusti (Mallko and Dad) underscore the intimacy and loyalty of Ben’s family. ~Publishers Weekly This is a story inspired by true events. Ben is a little boy, and he likes painting his nails. There’s no big reason to it, he just loves all the amazing colors on the tips of his fingers. Until one day, some of his schoolmates start laughing at him because of it. He suddenly feels sad, helpless, and doesn’t want to paint his nails anymore. Even when his father starts painting his nails to support Ben, the helplessness doesn’t go away. Why can’t boys paint their nails? A tale to understand that a kid’s joy has no boundaries. A simple story about a small revolution.
NubeOcho Pequeña Persona
NubeOcho The Ugliest Monster in the World
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO Pum Pum hice daño a la luna
Aquella noche Nicolás jugaba con sus manos haciendo forma de pistolas: Pum Pum he matado a la luna. Dijo mientras la apuntaba.No podían creer lo que ocurrió de repente. La luna aterrizó en el jardín de la familia.No estaba herida, pero se había caído por el tremendo susto.Pero ahora, cómo podría la familia ayudarla a subir al cielo?
When Margarita draws something with the magic pencil, it becomes real! But what will she draw when there is only a little piece of the pencil left? When Margarita, Daniel and Charlie see a hungry little cat, they decide they have to feed it. Even if that means going into Mrs Cranky´s yard! But when she sees them, instead of telling them off, she rewards the children with three very special gifts: a pencil, a sharpener and an eraser. Margarita starts to draw and something incredible happens! The drawings become real! What will the three children choose to draw? A story of friendship, equality, diversity and inclusion.
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO Niñas y niños feministas
What does it mean to be a feminist? Through everyday situations, the girls and boys in this book, help us better understand it.¿Qué es ser feminista? Las niñas y niños protagonistas, a través de situaciones cotidianas, nos ayudan a entenderlo. Feminist girls and boys like all colors, wear their hair as long as they want and choose their own toys. They love to play all together and express their emotions. But, above all, they refuse to classify things as "girl´s stuff" and "boy´s stuff". Luis Amavisca and Blanca Lacasa, with Gusti's wonderful illustrations, present, in the form of everyday situations, a brief manual for feminist girls and boys. Equality is everyone’s responsibility. A las niñas y niños feministas nos gustan todos los colores, llevar el pelo lo largo que queramos y elegir nuestros juguetes. Nos encanta jugar todas y todos juntos y mostrar nuestras emociones. Pero, sobre todo, no queremos que haya “cosas de chicas” y “cosas de chicos”. Luis Amavisca y Blanca Lacasa, junto a las inconfundibles ilustraciones de Gusti, presentan, en forma de situaciones cotidianas, un breve manual para niñas y niños feministas. La igualdad es cosa de todas y de todos.
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO Feminist Girls and Boys
What does it mean to be a feminist? Through everyday situations, the girls and boys in this book, help us better understand it.Feminist girls and boys like all colors, wear their hair as long as they want and choose their own toys. They love to play all together and express their emotions. But, above all, they refuse to classify things as "girl´s stuff" and "boy´s stuff". Luis Amavisca and Blanca Lacasa, with Gusti's wonderful illustrations, present, in the form of everyday situations, a brief manual for feminist girls and boys. Equality is everyone’s responsibility.