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University of Wales Press Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru / The University of Wales Press: Y Degawdau Cynnar (1922–1953) / The Founding Years (1922–1953)
OPEN ACCESS: To read the ePDF version of this book free of charge, click the below link: This short study presents the history of the founding of the University of Wales Press, and the work that it accomplished during the first half of the twentieth century. It describes a formative period in the publishing and wider cultural history of modern Wales, and provides a snapshot of the work of a variety of the nation’s most influential scholars and authors during this era. Detailing the key role played by famous literary figures and historians such as T. H. Parry-Williams, W. J. Gruffydd and R. T. Jenkins in the work of the Press Board between 1922 and 1953, it discusses some of the main works and series that were published under the Press’s name during these years. The work of the Press is placed in the wider context of the development of modernism internationally, and of Welsh nationalism, between the world wars.
University of Wales Press Yr Anymwybod Cymreig: Freud, Dirfodaeth a’r Seice Cenedlaethol
Mae’r gyfrol hon yn rhoi cipolwg ar gyfoeth hanes syniadau yng Nghymru dros hanner canrif cynhyrfus rhwng diwedd y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf a marwolaeth yr athronydd disglair J. R. Jones ym 1970. Bu Jones yn rhan ganolog o’r ymgais a wnaed yn y cyfnod i gyflwyno syniadau newydd, heriol a chwyldroadol o feysydd fel seicdreiddiad a dirfodaeth i’r diwylliant Cymraeg. Adeiladodd meddylwyr ac ysgolheigion tebyg iddo ddarlun o’r anymwybod Cymreig mewn gwaith sydd o gymorth parhaol i ddeall ein profiadau hanesyddol a gwleidyddol fel cenedl. Trwy ddadansoddi sut yr ymatebodd awduron Cymraeg i syniadau Freud, Jung, Sartre, de Beauvoir ac eraill, lleolir hanes deallusol y Gymru Gymraeg mewn cyd-destun rhyngwladol eang. Ceisir ymhellach ddangos perthnasedd a phwysigrwydd y dehongliad Cymraeg o rhai o’r syniadau hyn i ddadleuon cyfoes ynglˆyn ag iechyd meddwl, gwleidyddiaeth ac hunaniaeth yng Nghymru. Ymatebodd cenhedlaeth o awduron i’r argyfwng dirfodol a wynebai’r diwylliant Cymraeg yn y cyfnod dan sylw trwy ddangos ymrwymiad a phenderfyniad i gymhwyso ac addasu’r datblygiadau deallusol mwyaf modern er mwyn ceisio goresgyn yr argyfwng mewn modd sy’n parhau’n ysbrydoliaeth heddiw, yng nghysgod Brexit a thwf awdurdodaeth.