Search results for ""Author Lewis""
Abrams Life & Love of the Forest
The latest in the popular Life & Love Of series by Lewis Blackwell Showcasing the work of the world’s leading nature photographers, Life & Love of the Forest is a breathtaking visual tour of our most remarkable woodlands. Author Lewis Blackwell takes us on an extraordinary journey with essays and deep captions that explore the science and incredible histories of everything from seedlings, thickets, and underbrush to the extraordinary trees themselves. Capturing the beauty of these vibrant, fascinating landscapes, this book celebrates the spectacular power of forests around the world.
Quarto Publishing PLC 365 Gays of the Year (Plus 1 for a Leap Year): Discover LGBTQ+ history one day at a time
*SHORTLISTED FOR THE BRITISH BOOK DESIGN AND PRODUCTION AWARDS 2023*'A fascinating, whistle-stop tour of LGBTQIA+ icons and allies from across the globe and throughout history... This will be a great LGBTQIA+ reference book for years to come.' Peter Tatchell - Human Rights CampaignerA fun and fascinating compendium of LGBTQ+ icons, one for every day of the year, and a celebration of queer history – or as RuPaul would say; Herstory! Discover your queer hero and learn something new every day with 365 Gays of the Year, an accessible and fun introduction to LGBTQ+ history through the people that made it.Carefully curated and thoughtfully researched, author Lewis Laney assigns a person or group of note to each day of the year to form the ultimate LGBTQ+ hall of fame. Legendary queer icons such as Marsha P Johnson and Freddie Mercury sit alongside lesser known but equally important names such as activist Renée Cafiero, blood donor Barbara Vick, and Sappho the lesbian poet (who was doing her thing in 570BC). All have contributed amazing achievements to the LGBTQ+ story. Each month also features one ally - inspiring heterosexual people who have all contributed something significant to the lives of the LGBTQ+ community. People like Elizabeth Taylor who “brought AIDS out of the closet and into the ballroom – where there was money to be raised”. Each entry comprises a short biography plus a brief explanation about why that celebratory date represents an important milestone. Lewis brings international figures to life (famous and lesser-known) with his witty and uplifting prose which are peppered with little-known facts and accompanied by bright illustrative portraits from the hugely talented Charlotte MacMillan-Scott. This witty, unique celebration of queer history promises to inspire and empower readers with its wealth of bright stars.
Trinity University Press,U.S. Maverick: The American Name That Became a Legend
By definition, a maverick is a “lone dissenter” who “takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates” or “a person pursuing rebellious, even potentially disruptive policies or ideas.” The word maverick has evolved in the English language from being the term for an unbranded stray calf to a label given to a nontraditional person to a more extreme “uncontrollable individualist, iconoclast, unstable nonconformist.” The word has grown into an adjective (“he made a maverick decision”) and become a verb (mavericking or mavericked). Of all the words that originated in the Old West and survive to the present day, author Lewis Fisher notes, maverick has been called the least understood and most corrupted. But where did the word come from?The word’s definition is still such a mystery that Merriam-Webster lists it in the top 10 percent of its most-looked-up words. All of the origin stories agree it had something to do with Samuel A. Maverick and his cattle, but from there things go amok rather quickly. Was Sam Maverick a cattle thief? A legendary nonconformist who broke the code of the West by refusing to brand his calves? A Texas rancher who believed branding cattle was cruelty to animals? A runaway from South Carolina who branded all the wild cattle he could find and ended up with more cattle than anyone else in Texas?Samuel A. Maverick was a notable landholder and public figure in his own time, but his latter-day fame is based on the legend that he was a cattle rancher. No amount of truth-telling about maverick seems to have slowed the tall tales surrounding the word’s origination. Maverick: The American Name That Became a Legend is a whodunit, a historical telling of the man who unwittingly inspired the term, the family it’s derived from, the cowboys who embraced it as an adjective meaning rakish and independent, the curious inquirers intrigued by its narrative, and the appropriators who have borrowed it for political fame.Texas historian (and secondhand Maverick by marriage) Lewis Fisher has combed through Maverick family papers along with cultural memorabilia and university collections to get at the heart of the truth behind the far-flung Maverick legends. Maverick follows the history of the word through the “Maverick gene” all the way to Hollywood and uncovers the mysteries that shadow one of our country’s iconic words. Taken as a whole, the book is a fascinating portrayal of how we form, use, and change our language in the course of everyday life, and of the Maverick family’s ongoing relationship to its own contributions, all seen through the lens of a story featuring cowboys, Texas Longhorns, rustlers, promoters, movie stars, athletes, novelists, lawyers, mayors, congressmen, and senators—to say nothing of named maverick brands ranging from Ford cars and air-to-ground missiles to computer operating systems, Vermont maple syrup, and Australian wines. Ironically, given its literal meaning as unbranded, maverick is a brand name that helped shape the history of the American West and represents the ideal of being true to oneself.
Oxford University Press Inc The F-Word
We all know what frak, popularized by television's cult hit Battlestar Galactica, really means. But what about feck? Or ferkin? Or foul--as in FUBAR, or "Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition"? In a thoroughly updated edition of The F-Word, Jesse Sheidlower offers a rich, revealing look at the f-bomb and its illimitable uses. Since the fifteenth century, no other word has been adapted, interpreted, euphemized, censored, and shouted with as much ardor or force; imagine Dick Cheney telling Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy to "go damn himself" on the Senate floor--it doesn't have quite the same impact as what was really said. Sheidlower cites this and other notorious examples throughout history, from the satiric sixteenth-century poetry of James Cranstoun to the bawdy parodies of Lord Rochester in the seventeenth century, to more recent uses by Ernest Hemingway, Jack Kerouac, Ann Sexton, Norman Mailer, Liz Phair, Anthony Bourdain, Junot Diaz, Jenna Jameson, Amy Winehouse, Jon Stewart, and Bono (whose use of the word at the Grammys nearly got him fined by the FCC). Collectively, these references and the more than one hundred new entries they illustrate double the size of The F-Word since its previous edition. Thousands of added quotations come from newly available electronic databases and the resources of the OED, expanding the range of quotations to cover British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, Irish, and South African uses in addition to American ones. Thus we learn why a fugly must hone his or her sense of humor, why Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau muttered "fuddle duddle" in the Commons, and why Fanny Adams is so sweet. A fascinating introductory essay explores the word's history, reputation, and changing popularity over time. and a new Foreword by comedian, actor, and author Lewis Black offers readers a smart and entertaining take on the book and its subject matter. Oxford dictionaries have won renown for their expansive, historical approach to words and their etymologies. The F-Word offers all that and more in an entertaining and informative look at a word that, while now largely accepted as an integral part of the English language, still confounds, provokes, and scandalizes.
Simon & Schuster One White Dolphin
Synopsis coming soon.......
Simon & Schuster That Hideous Strength Space Trilogy Book 3
The final book in C.S. Lewis’s acclaimed science fiction Space Trilogy, which follows Out of the Silent Planet and Perelandra, concludes the adventures of the matchless Dr. Ransom.Now, the dark forces that have been repulsed in Out of the Silent Planet and Perelandra are massed for an assault on planet Earth. Word is that the mighty wizard Merlin has come back to the land of the living after many centuries, holding the key to ultimate power for the force that can find him and bend him to its will. A sinister technocratic organization is gaining power throughout Europe, with a plan to “recondition” society, and it is up to Ransom and his friends to stop this threat by applying age-old wisdom to a new universe dominated by science. The two groups struggle to a climactic resolution that brings the Space Trilogy to a magnificent, crashing conclusion. Written during the dark hours immediately before and during World War II
Scribner Book Company Out of the Silent Planet Space Trilogy
Canterbury Classics Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the LookingGlass
Graywolf Press TheYellowlighted BookshopA Memoir a History
Crossway Books The Preachers Catechism
This book offers nourishment to the busy, weary pastor in the thick of ministry, with brief chapters that combine a question-and-answer format reflecting historical catechisms with content concerned with the pastor's personal spiritual health.
HarperCollins Publishers THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS Lewis Carroll Collins Classics
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics.
Nocturna Ediciones Diario de un viaje a Rusia The Russian Journal
labutxaca Alcia al pas de les meravelles
Somiant que segueix el Conill Blanc, Alícia entra a la seva llodriguera i hi descobreix un món on tot és possible, el país de les meravelles. La mescla magistral de somni i realitat d'aquesta novella excepcional permet construir un espai imaginari, ple d'animals fantàstics i d'objectes animats, on Lewis Carroll ataca les convencions socials mitjançant la sàtira i la caricatura.
Algar libros S.L.U. Alice in Wonderland
Alianza Editorial El juego de la lógica y otros escritos
La aparente antinomia entre Lewis Carroll autor de ?Alicia en el País de las Maravillas? y ?Alicia a través del espejo? y su auténtica identidad Charles Dodgson (1832-1895), diácono de la Iglesia de Inglaterra, profesor de matemáticas y ciudadano de vida ordenada se resuelve para Alfredo Deaño en el campo de la lógica, donde fabulación y matemáticas realizan la contradictoria tarea de aunar la ciencia del sentido y el flujo del sinsentido. En ?El juego de la lógica? la neurosis del victoriano conformista, transferida a las construcciones mentales, muestra cómo el rigor de la inferencia puede desembocar en la locura; en la paradoja de los tres peluqueros y el debate entre Aquiles y la tortuga, la mentalidad del matemático plantea con sorprendente lucidez algunos problemas claves de la lógica moderna.Edición y traducción de Alfredo Deaño
Alianza Editorial Alicia en el País de las Maravillas Alicia a través del espejo
Pepitas de calabaza La cultura de las ciudades
La cultura de las ciudades es quizá la obra más personal de Lewis Mumford. En ella, y bajo la forma de tratado histórico, el autor realiza un repaso fascinante a las diversas formas de evolución de la ciudad desde la núcleo urbano organizado alrededor de los gremios de la Edad Media, hasta las nefastas megalópolis de nuestros días, pasando por la insensata ciudad barroca y la tenebrosa ciudad industrial.Pero Mumford no se detiene ahí, y en los capítulos finales propondrá una forma de estructuración social alternativa basada en el propio territorio entendido como unidad viva, delimitando un proyecto de ciudad a escala humana vinculado de forma natural a su entorno, es decir: la región.Escrito en 1938, La cultura de las ciudades, significó una magnífica ampliación a Técnica y civilización ?su inmediato predecesor, de inminente aparición en Pepitas? y propició que Mumford comprendiera la necesidad de escribir su siguiente trabajo, el también crucial La ciudad en la historia. No obst
Planeta Publishing Alicia En El País de Las Maravillas TD / Alice in Wonderland
Anness Publishing My Mother Goose Collection: Best Ever Rhymes
This chunky collection of traditional nursery rhymes is the perfect way to introduce young children to the wonderful world of verse. You can enjoy 17 beloved rhymes that have been enjoyed by families for hundreds of years - including Jack and Jill, Sing a Song of Sixpence, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Hey Diddle Diddle, and The Grand Old Duke of York. You can meet Humpty Dumpty, Old Mother Hubbard, Little Boy Blue, Old King Cole, Little Bo-Peep and many more. It is ideal for little ones and adults to enjoy together, with a wipe-clean padded cover and sturdy board pages. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses And all the king's men, Couldn't put Humpty together again. Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle-shells, And pretty maids all in a row.
Anness Publishing Birth of Jesus
This book includes all the best-loved aspects of the famous story, from the appearance of the Angel Gabriel before the virgin Mary, to the arrival of the shepherds and wise men at the stable. It retells key moments from the first Christmas, such as the journey to Bethlehem, Jesus sleeping in a manger, and the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. This special padded boardbook is ideal for babies and toddlers to hold, look at, and talk about. Bright, appealing illustrations and simple rhyming text make this the perfect introduction to the Nativity. When a glowing angel informs Mary that she is going to have a son, the woman frets, because she is not yet married to her fiance Joseph. The angel tells her not to worry, because the baby will be a holy child - the Son of God. However, when the Roman emperor orders a count of all his subjects, Joseph and the pregnant Mary are forced to travel from their home in Nazareth to the little town of Bethlehem...The words and pictures in this sturdy little boardbook have been carefully chosen to help little ones share and treasure the Christmas message.
Anness Publishing My First 123
This book helps you learn to count from 1 to 100! This is a first counting book for babies and toddlers, with big bright illustrations on every page. It offers lots of familiar objects to look at: 4 cars, 10 butterflies, 15 drums, 17 fishes and 70 bananas...all the way up to 100 knives and forks. Fun question-and-answer pages challenge readers to count the sides of shapes, work out the next number in the sequence, and pair up the mismatched footwear. It is designed for children and grown-ups to enjoy together, with a wipe-clean padded cover and sturdy board pages. This interactive book will help young children to count, add up and take away. It will also encourage them to group items, put things into pairs, talk about what they see, and develop simple number skills. The first 14 pages cover the numbers 1 to 100, with the figure in question shown big and bold, to aid learning. The rest of the book includes visual games, such as finding the 5 starfish in an underwater scene, or counting the slices of toast in the kitchen. With hundreds of brightly painted pictures, this chunky boardbook makes learning to count fun!
Anness Publishing Princess Fairy Tales
Cinderella. The Princess and the Pea. Sleeping Beauty. The Little Mermaid. Four classic stories are retold in entertaining rhyme in this chunky padded boardbook. These are delightful tales of princes and princesses, true love and loyalty, and triumph over adversity. Bright pictures and amusing rhyming text make this book ideal for reading aloud to small children, or for more confident readers to enjoy by themselves. It is designed for children and grown-ups to enjoy together, with a wipe-clean cover and sturdy board pages. You can read about Cinderella, whose fairy godmother makes it possible for her to attend a royal ball - but only until midnight...You can see what happens when a handsome prince despairs of ever meeting a real princess, until his mother has a clever idea involving a pea...You can meet Beauty, who is cursed to sleep by a bad fairy, and the brave prince who releases her...And follow the adventures of the little mermaid, who falls in love with a human man, but must do a dreadful deal in order to walk on land...Youngsters and their parents are sure to enjoy these magical stories.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Bisexuality The Basics
My partner doesn''t believe I''m bisexual, what should I do?How should I approach sex with someone of a different gender for the first time?Can I reconcile being bisexual with wanting a biological child? Identifying as bisexual can be a pretty confusing experience - navigating experimentation versus orientation, at times presenting as a straight-passing member of a queer community, at other times having people discredit your attraction to multiple genders. Lewis Oakley, creator of the Ask A Bi Dad column, knows every trick in the book - and he''s here to answer your most burning questions...Warm, chatty, wise and startlingly honest - this is your new bi bible.
Arcturus Publishing Ltd The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
American Medical Publishers Clinical Assessment and Treatment of Eating Disorders
Skyhorse Publishing Why Cant a Man Be More Like a Woman The Evolution of Sex and Gender
Skyhorse Publishing A World Champion's Guide to Running the Beer Mile: A Manual and Memoir of Running, Chugging, and (Not) Throwing Up
Part memoir, part how-to manual, A World Champion's Guide to Running the Beer Miles is for both serious athletes and recreational runners who love to run, enjoy a drink, and like the idea of a challenge.In June, 2015, Lewis Kent was just an ordinary twenty-one-year-old college kid who liked to run. By December, 2015, just six months later, he had appeared in ESPN, Buzzfeed, Ellen, and dozens of other major outlets. Videos of him running went viral, and he received daily calls from agents. So why all the attention? Simple: He ran the Beer Mile, and he ran it unbelievably fast.The beer mile is a track or road race in which you chug a beer, run a quarter mile, chug another beer, run another quarter mile, chug, run, chug, run: four beers, four laps, no vomiting allowed. “Chug, run, repeat.” If it sounds difficult (but really fun), it’s because it absolutely is. The event first went viral in 2014 when the five-minute barrier was broken. Kent became the world champion and broke the world record in late 2015 with a time of 4 minutes, 47 seconds, just over a minute longer than the world record for the regular mile. After that, he became the world’s first professional Beer Miler, literally being paid for his superhuman ability to run fast and drink quickly.
Cambridge University Press Unlock Level 4 Listening Speaking and Critical Thinking Students Book with Digital Pack
Unlock your academic potential with this six-level, academic-light English course created to build the skills and language students need for their studies (CEFR Pre-A1 to C1). It develops students' ability to think critically in an academic context right from the start of their language learning. Every level has 100% new inspiring video on a range of academic topics.
Kregel Publications Ephesians: God's Plan for a Thriving Church
Penguin Publishing Group The Newborn Sleep Book A Simple Proven Method for Training Your New Baby to Sleep Through the Night
Developed and refined by two successful pediatricians, the Jassey Way boasts more than a 90% success rate of getting children to sleep through the night in their first 4 weeks of life. A safe and proven technique, the Jassey Way uses a feeding schedule that allows newborns (and their parents) a full night's sleep at a younger age than other sleep training techniques.
WW Norton & Co Beethoven's Symphonies: An Artistic Vision
Lewis Lockwood’s compelling story introduces each symphony as an individual artwork and traces the creative background of each, set against the contemporary political upheavals, the growth of concert life and the relationship to his major works in other genres. From the first symphonies to the monumental Ninth, his lifelong passion to compose works of transcendent aesthetic and moral value is brilliantly brought to life.
Oxford University Press Inc Writing Philosophy: A Student's Guide to Reading and Writing Philosophy Essays
Writing Philosophy: A Student's Guide to Writing Philosophy Essays is a concise, self-guided manual that covers the basics of argumentative essay writing and encourages students to master fundamental skills quickly, with minimal instructor input. Opening with an introductory chapter on how to read philosophy, the book then moves into the basics of writing summaries and analyzing arguments. It provides step-by-step instructions for each phase of the writing process, from formulating a thesis, to creating an outline, to writing a final draft, supplementing this tutorial approach with model essays, outlines, introductions, and conclusions. Skills essential to evaluating arguments, citing sources, avoiding plagiarism, detecting fallacies, and formatting final drafts are dealt with in detail. The final two chapters serve as a reference guide to common mistakes and basic skills in sentence construction, writing style, and word choice.
EasyOriginal Verlag e.U. Kinder Klassiker Kollektion Bücher 3 MP3 AudioCDs Lesemethode von Ilya Frank Zweisprachige Ausgabe EnglischDeutsch
EasyOriginal Verlag e.U. Alice in Wonderland Alice im Wunderland mit AudioOnline StarterSet
Reprodukt Ralph Azham 10
Reprodukt Ralph Azham 6 Der Feind meines Feindes
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. Alice in Wonderland/Alice im Wunderland
Arena Verlag GmbH Alice im Wunderland
Anatiposi Verlag Alices Adventures in Wonderland
Reclam Philipp Jun. Die Jagd nach dem Schnatz Eine Agonie in acht Krmpfen
Ugly Duckling Presse Residual Synonyms for the Name of God
Readerlink Distribution Services, LLC Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the LookingGlass Keepsake Edition
This keepsake edition of Lewis Carroll’s classic stories includes a creatively embroidered cover.Follow Alice down the rabbit hole to Wonderland and enjoy tea with the Mad Hatter, find your way with the Cheshire Cat, and play croquet with the Queen of Hearts. On the other side of the looking-glass, meet Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the White Queen, and a host of other characters that share a different reality. Lovely black-and-white illustrations by Sir John Tenniel add a memorable touch to Alice’s adventures. This Crafted Classics edition features two of Lewis Carroll's most memorable tales and a decorative embroidered cover that gives the book a unique, handcrafted appearance.