Search results for ""Author Leon Trotsky""
Reino de Cordelia S.L. Mis peripecias en Espaa
Expulsado de Francia por germanófilo y de Alemania por francófono, Lev Trotski llegó a España en 1916, donde permaneció tan sólo unos meses. Tiempo suficiente para que sufriese todo tipo de incidentes, que motivaron una interpelación parlamentaria al Gobierno del conde de Romanones. Trotski fue encarcelado en Madrid y trasladado posteriormente a Cádiz en espera de un barco con rumbo a Nueva York. El libro se publicó en español en 1929, traducido por Andrés Nin y con prólogo del propio Trotski enviado desde Constantinopla. Mis peripecias en España retrata a una sociedad atrasada, pícara y corrupta que el líder de la revolución soviética compara constantemente con Alemania y Francia. Este volumen recupera las ilustraciones realizadas por K. Rotova para la edición príncipe rusa.
Dover Publications Inc. The Revolution Betrayed
Dover Publications Inc. My Life
Editorial Renacimiento Cmo hicimos la Revolucin de Octubre
Well Red Publications Writings on Britain
Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij Problems of the Chinese Revolution
Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij The Chinese Revolution and the Theses of Comrade Stalin
Pathfinder Press Problems of Everyday Life And Other Writings on Culture and Science
Ediciones Akal Terrorismo y comunismo
Para hacer al individuo sagrado debemos destruir el orden social que lo crucifica. Y este problema sólo puede ser resuelto a sangre y hierro. Trotsky Escrito en el momento candente de la guerra civil de la Rusia revolucionaria, "Terrorismo y comunismo" de Trotsky es una de las defensas más potentes de la dictadura del proletariado. En su provocativo comentario a esta nueva edición, el filósofo Slavoj ?i?ek defiende la relevancia vital que actualmente tiene el ataque de Trotsky a las ilusiones de la democracia liberal.
Haymarket Books Trotsky On Lenin
Combining Young Lenin and On Lenin in one volume, this is a fascinating political biography by Lenin's fellow revolutionary, Leon Trotsky. Trotsky on Lenin brings together two long-out-of-print works in a single volume for the first time, providing an intimate and illuminating portrait of the Bolshevik leader by another of the twentieth century's greatest revolutionaries.
Aakar Books In Defence of Marxism
Well Red Publications The History of the Russian Revolution to Brest-Litovsk
Wellred Books History of the Russian Revolution: Volume 1
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd The Communist Manifesto: The Modern South African Edition
‘…the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.’ The Modern South African Edition of the Communist Manifesto Includes: Leon Trotsky’s Afrikaans Introduction to the 1937 edition with an English translation. Neville Alexander’s 2002 Introduction in isiZulu and English to the isiZulu translation of The Communist Manifesto. A new isiZulu translation of The Communist Manifesto. Jeremy Cronin’s Introduction to this edition. As the first in the new series RADICAL PASTS, RADICAL FUTURES, this edition of The Communist Manifesto is a vantage point from where to view the lives, work and creativity of ordinary South Africans in the years 1937, 2002 & 2022, and a prompt to visit and re-visit Marx & Engels’ urgent text.
Wellred Books The Permanent Revolution and Results and Prospects
Wellred Books The First Five Years of the Communist International
Wellred Books In Defence of Marxism
Penguin Books Ltd History of the Russian Revolution
'The greatest history of an event I know' - C.L.R. JamesRegarded by many as among the most powerful works of history ever written, The History of the Russian Revolution offers an unparalleled account of one of the most pivotal and hotly debated events in world history. This book presents, from the perspective of one of its central actors, the profound liberating character of the early Russian Revolution.Originally published in three parts, Trotsky's masterpiece is collected here in a single volume. It is still the most vital and inspiring record of the Russian Revolution ever published.
Pathfinder Press The Spanish Revolution, 1931-39
Resistance Books Unity & Strategy: Ideas for Revolution / The Transitional Program for Socialist Revolution and Other Writings
Wellred Books Marxism and Anarchism
Pathfinder Press Manifiesto Comunista
Pathfinder Press The Communist Manifesto
Resistance Books Building Unity Against Fascism: Classic Marxist Writings
Wellred Books The Classics of Marxism: Volume Two
Verso Books Terrorism and Communism: A Reply to Karl Kautsky
Written in the white heat of revolutionary Russia's Civil War, Trotsky's Terrorism and Communism is one of the most potent defenses of revolutionary dictatorship. In his provocative commentary to this new edition the philosopher Slavoj Zizek argues that Trotsky's attack on the illusions of liberal democracy has a vital relevance today.