Search results for ""Author Lars Eisenlöffel""
Arnoldsche Ransve: Prints 1963 - 2013
The Norwegian painter Bjørn Ransve (b. 1944) is one of the best-known contemporary Scandinavian artists. Very few painters indeed express themselves so brilliantly in two dimensions, thematically, technically and formally. The third volume of the catalogue raisonné is devoted to Ransve 's graphic oeuvre: in over 1,300 illustrations it documents prints and multiples, created from the 1960s to 2013. This book is not only an indispensable standard reference for all scholars, art dealers and collectors, it also provides insights in the complex interrelations between prints, paintings and drawings in Ransve 's artistic work. The accompanying text by Lars Eisenlöffel investigates the changing and recurrent groups of motifs and places the works in their art historical context. Since each page of the book has been designed individually in close collaboration between Ransve and the graphic artist and book designer Silke Nalbach, Bjørn Ransve 's development as an artist can be traced in a way that is particularly illuminating. Text in Norwegian.
De Gruyter Der Berliner Dom
Kaiser Wilhelm II. hat sich mit dem Berliner Dom ein repräsentatives Wunderwerk des Neobarock bauen lassen, seine Einweihung wurde am 27. Februar 1905 feierlich begangen. Die monumentale Hauptfront und die imposante Kuppel gehören zu den Wahrzeichen der Stadt. Im Inneren erwarten die Besucher ein prachtvoller Altarraum, großformatige Mosaikgemälde, zahlreiche Standbilder und Skulpturen sowie die Hohenzollerngruft. Reich mit Neuaufnahmen bebildert, informiert der Kunstführer über Geschichte, Architektur und Ausstattung der 'Hauskirche des Kaisers'.