Search results for ""Author Larry Dossey""
Crotona Verlag GmbH One Mind Alles ist mit allem verbunden
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Be Careful What You Pray For...: You Just Might Get It
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Reinventing Medicine: Beyond Mind-body to a New Era of Healing
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Healing Words
Crotona Verlag GmbH Heilende Worte Die Kraft der Gebete als Schlssel zur Heilung
Crotona Verlag GmbH Werde gesund Die Ursachen von Gesundheit und Krankheit verstehen
Hay House Inc One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters
In the 20th century, we were introduced to several subdivisions of the mind: the conscious, unconscious, subconscious, preconscious, and so on. But what we didn't know was that there was another level of consciousness, an all-encompassing, infinite dimension of shared intelligence: the One Mind. This universal consciousness connects all of us through space and time. Emerging studies have shown that the One Mind isn't just an idea; it's a reality. In this book, Larry Dossey shares compelling experiences and research that support the One Mind concept, such as: Shared thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations with a distant individual Communication between humans and sentient nonhumans, such as pets Acquisition of previously unknown knowledge from a person who has died Hidden or lost objects found through mental means alone Direct contact with a transcendent domain through near-death experiences Through engaging stories, fascinating case studies, and brilliant insights from great thinkers throughout history, One Mind explores the outer reaches of human consciousness. In it, you will discover a new way to interpret the great mysteries of our experience and learn how to develop the empathy necessary to engender more love, peace, and collective awareness. The result is a rich new understanding of what it means to be human and a renewed hope that we can successfully confront any challenges we face. 'The Buddha said: Isolation is the world's great misery. In an increasingly complex world, we feel overwhelmed, discouraged, and more and more alone. Dr. Larry Dossey, a gifted physician of the soul, relieves the agony of modern isolation. He reveals our deep connections to everything around us, to reassert our belonging with everything everywhere.' Rev. Wayne Muller, best-selling author of Sabbath and A Life of Being, Having, and Doing Enough
Hampton Roads Publishing Co Distant Mental Influence: Its Contributions to Science, Healing, and Human Interactions
Parallax Press The Energy of Prayer: How to Deepen Your Spiritual Practice
Select Books Inc What is Consciousness?: Three Sages Look Behind the Veil
What is consciousness? Conventional thinking tells us it is the images, sensations, thoughts, and feelings produced by the brain. When the neurons in the brain stop firing, consciousness ceases to be. But does it?