Search results for ""Author Kurone Mishima""
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 10 (light novel)
The war against the Demon King has put the kingdom in a financial bind. In order to get some monetary assistance from the neighboring kingdom, Princess Iris has been engaged to their prince! But Kazuma's not about to take that lying down. Volunteering to be Iris's escort as she travels to meet her betrothed, Kazuma prepares mentally and physically to confront the ones who would dare snatch away his adorable little sister!
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 5 (light novel)
After Kazuma and crew's less-than-relaxing vacation, Yunyun burst onto the scene with shocking news-the Crimson Magic Clan is in danger, and she wants to bear his children to save it! Kazuma returns with her to the village, but the situation isn't quite what he expected...
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! Memorial Fan Book
This book is not for the faint of heart. This Explooosive compendium of Konosuba content is a must-have for isekai hopefuls, collectors, and diehard fans of Natsume Akatsuki's isekai adventure comedy masterpiece. Every character, every joke, every spinoff has been faithfully represented and acknowledged in this full-color love letter to Konosuba enjoyers worldwide! And the fun doesn't end there! Exclusive art, interviews, and a special short story are just a few of the extra goodies featured within. If you consider yourself the ultimate Konosuba enthusiast, or if you're just getting into the series and feel like having a handy reference tool, this gorgeous art book will be right at home on your shelf!
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 9 (light novel)
The Demon Lord's forces are headed to Axel Town. And among them is a user of...Explosion Magic?! Looks like it's Megumin's time to shine!
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 8 (light novel)
Out of nowhere, devout followers decide to throw an "Aqua Festival" and Kazuma gets dragged into helping out. At the same time, Chris asks for Kazuma's help with a festival of her own. While all this is going on, Chris also ropes Kazuma into infiltrating a mansion to recover the Sacred Treasure, the "Talking Armor." Between helping out with two different festivals and tracking down another Sacred Treasure, can Kazuma catch a break...?
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 6 (light novel)
After being invited to a royal banquet, Kazuma meets the young Princess Iris-the little-sister type he's always dreamed of. Enthralled by his tales of derring-do as an adventurer, she whisks him away to a fairy-tale life in the castle. Kazuma hopes it'll last forever, but then he declares he'll capture an infamous thief...
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 2 (light novel): Love, Witches & Other Delusions!
Kazuma's first winter in another world isn't going so well. With companions like Aqua (Arch-priest), Megumin (Arch-wizard), and Darkness (Crusader), his party of advanced classes should be the most powerful in Axel--but they're so dysfunctional, even the easiest-seeming quest goes terribly awry, and they can barely save enough to afford a stable! When an opportunity arises to stay in a mansion, it's like a dream come true--the only catch is that they have to exorcise the evil spirits haunting it. Goddess Aqua is an expert with the undead, so the quest should be a piece of cake, right...? Unfortunately, with this useless goddess, things have a way of working out for the worst...
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 14 light novel
It's back to Crimson Magic Village for Kazuma's party! Yunyun is about to undertakethe chieftain's trial, and it always helps to have friends close by. The challenge is onethat steadily ramps up in difficulty, so it's attempted in pairs. But why is Yunyun sodetermined to become chieftain, anyway? Could she possibly have an idea forsweeping village reform? In the meantime, reports are flooding in of loud explosionsechoing through the night. Just who could be behind this disturbance? Kazuma mighthave an idea...
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 3 (light novel)
Megumin finally touches down in Axel Town and it's time to begin her adventure at long last! There's just one problem. She can't seem to find a party... Why can't anyone appreciate the greatness that is explosion magic?! It's not a gimmick! It's not!
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 12 (light novel)
There's a new girl in town! And for some reason, she keeps calling Darkness "Mama". But there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for that...right? So while that gets sorted out, Darkness has taxes to collect! It's time for the high-income adventurers to pay their dues and Kazuma's at the top of the list. Naturally, one night after a long game of Cat and Mouse: Tax Evasion Edition, they find themselves handcuffed together, and Darkness sees it as the perfect opportunity to ask Kazuma a burning question."...Do you like Megumin?"
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 4
When adventurers are stressed and tired, there's only one place to go-hot springs! Kazuma and crew head to a town well known for their amazing open air baths and atmospheric surroundings. The only problem is that it's also famous as home to the Axis Church. Aqua couldn't be more delighted to visit all her "cute" followers but the others have heard more than enough stories to be afraid...
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 17 (light novel)
Using a huge pile of Mananite to power up Megumin’s Explosion, Kazuma’s party blowsa hole into the barrier surrounding the Demon Lord’s Castle. But after reconvening withAqua, our intrepid heroes will have to answer an important question before they settlethings once and for all... Just how much cash can they expect for bringing the DemonLord down? In the final volume of the hit action-comedy, a cowardly NEET and Axel’sfavorite bunch of misfits steel themselves for one last battle!
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 16 (light novel)
In the wake of the chaos wrought by Selena, Aqua runs away from home, leaving onlya note behind...bearing a request to chase after her. With everyone's favorite mascotnowhere to be found, the whole of Axel descends into tumult. However, with Kazumahaving reverted to level one, there isn't much he can do to help. That is, until Megumindrags him off to do some Giant Toad hunting and he gets a power up so crazy it'sbasically cheating. It's time to get off the couch and chase after that runaway goddess!
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 11 (light novel)
With the Iris Escort mission behind them, Kazuma and the gang relax in the lap of luxury at the Royal Palace, but it isn't long before they receive an unexpected visitor. A wild Komekko appeared! They decide to look after her for a while and bring her back to the mansion. But once she starts gushing about how amazing Axel's adventurers are, they can't resist the urge to flex and end up accepting a rather troublesome quest from the adventurers guild...
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 3 (light novel): You?re Being Summoned, Darkness
It's been nearly a year since Kazuma and his useless goddess began their life in another world. After saving the town of Axel from the Mobile Fortress Destroyer, Kazuma is arrested for teleporting a time bomb to the house of a lord. Thanks to Aqua's unhelpful testimony, Kazuma is sentenced to die...again!
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 15 (light novel)
After Wiz reveals her true identity and Vanir robs her blind, Dark Priest Selenanegotiates with Kazuma and promises not to let slip what she’s about to do. But willthis set the city of Axel on a course for disaster yet again?!
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World!, Vol. 1 (light novel)
One year before Kazuma and Aqua ever set foot in the world, Megumin, the self-proclaimed greatest wizard in the entire Crimson Magic Clan, struggles through school while devoting all her time and energy to her one true love...Explosion magic.
Little, Brown & Company The Devil Is a Part-Timer! High School!, Vol. 3
The Devil King and the Hero have found themselves flung from their world into ours--now they're just Maou and Emi, high school students in modern Japan. They've both got their sights set on becoming president of the student council, and sparks fly as their campaigns get rolling! But when the two get a little too up in each other's faces at the summer festival, their fellow student Chiho (with her crush on Maou) can remain silent no longer! Is there more between these two than they're willing to admit even to themselves?
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! TRPG
Live out the wildest fantasies in the world of KonoSuba: God's Blessing on thisWonderful World with the TRPG developed under Natsume Akatsuki's full oversight.Whether it's playing as a luckless reincarnation or pursuing a quest as an all powerfulmagician, a life of hilarious adventures awaits!
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor Vol. 14
THE FLAME OF MEGGIDOLazare, fallen hero and member of the Researchers of Divine Wisdom, begins his attack on the Alzano Magic Academy. Thanks to the help of their friends, Glenn and Rumia arrive in the nick of time to save the school from certain doom. But something doesn’t seem quite right…Meanwhile, Eve challenges Jatice one-on-one to defend the honor of the Ignite family. Terror and despair loom over the city of Fejite!
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor Vol. 13
A CITY IN PERILGlenn's old rival Jatice has kidnapped Rumia, but that abduction is only the first disaster in a rapidly broadening crisis. One of the kingdom's legendary heroes, Lazare Asteel, has joined the nefarious Researchers of Divine Wisdom, and he's got Glenn and everyone at the Academy in his sights. If the Researchers get their way this time, it could spell the doom of all Fejite!
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor Vol. 16
Trapped underneath an impenetrable dome, the city of Fejite has only hours to live before it's swallowed up by devastating, apocalyptic fire. Overhead looms the Flaming Ark, where the demon general Accelo Iero prepares his judgment. Every last soul at the University of Magic will have to join forces if they're to have any hope of saving the town from annihilation. Glenn, Sistine, Rumia, and all the rest are in for the fight of their lives! Don't miss the thrilling conclusion of the manga adaptation of The Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor!
Little, Brown & Company Konosuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World! Bonus Story, Vol. 1 (light novel)
The right magic words can stir a person's soul. For Megumin, those words are "vigilante justice." Join everyone's favorite one-trick wizard, as well as Iris the Headstrong, Cecily the Problematic, and they get a taste of the righteous bandit lifestyle! "For the sake of justice, there's no line I won't cross! No criminal act I won't commit!"