Search results for ""Author Koushi Tachibana""
Little, Brown & Company Kings Proposal Vol. 4 light novel
When Anviet saves a mysterious little girl named Surya, the last thing he expected was for her to call him Papa. He denies the existence of a daughter, but the news about the discovery of a secret illegitimate child is spreading like wildfire. In the middle of the commotion, Saika appears in black clothes before Mushiki-but isn't she supposed to be fused with him?
Little, Brown & Company Date A Live Vol. 12 light novel
When the power of the sealed Spirits builds too high, Shido goes out of control. Before the situation can get any worse, the Spirits try to kiss Shido, but something's different?
Little, Brown & Company Date A Live, Vol. 10 (light novel)
Five years ago, a Spirit killed Origami Tobiichi’s parents. Spurred by the grudge that has only grown since then, Origami turns to DEM in hopes of becoming powerful enough to let her kill every last Spirit and enact her revenge. Can Shido stop her from harming Tohka and the other Spirits before it’s too late?
Little, Brown & Company Date A Live, Vol. 7 (light novel)
Things are looking grim. The entire city of Tengu City has been enthralled by a spirit.Worse, Tohka has fallen into the clutches of DEM. When Shido feels trapped by thisseemingly hopeless dilemma, the sinister Kurumi Tokisaki appears before him with theworst possible timing...and offers to help rescue Tohka?!
Little, Brown & Company Date A Live, Vol. 6 (light novel)
While preparing for the Tenou Festival, a cultural event put on by the ten high schoolsin Tengu City, Shido encounters the sixth Spirit, a talented vocalist named Miku. Buthis efforts to make her fall for him quickly go awry when he discovers she hates men.“What are you blabbering on to me about? Quit it, you’re grossing me out.” Will Shidobe able to win her over for a date in time? Or will his attempts hasten disaster?
Yen Press Kings Proposal Vol. 5 Light Novel
Little, Brown & Company Date A Live, Vol. 9 (light novel)
After a harrowing game of find-the-Natsumi, Shido successfully discovered who she was impersonating. Unfortunately, Natsumi didn't take the loss very well and in a fit of rage, she used her powers to turn everyone into children! Now Shido is up to his eyeballs in crybabies while dangerous trouble brews at DEM. Nothing's ever easy, is it?
Little, Brown & Company Date A Live, Vol. 4 (light novel)
Shido was going to save Kurumi and Mana. He had to. And yet in this critical moment,he finds himself immobilized, unable to follow through on his promise. If Kotori Itsukahadn’t shown up at the last second, everything would have fallen to ruin...but Shidostill feels like his world has come crashing down as he finds out his little sister is aSpirit, too...
Little, Brown & Company Date A Live, Vol. 1 (light novel)
Shidou Itsuka has a problem. The world has been racked by massive quakes of an unknown source for years now, though life goes on. Then one day, Shidou's calm life ends forever when in the middle of a quake in his city, he meets a girl who's apparently a spirit-and the cause of all the destruction! When a team arrives to eliminate the threat, Shidou becomes embroiled in a war to protect these spirits-by making them fall in love with him?!
Little, Brown & Company Date A Live, Vol. 3 (light novel)
June 5th. The day disaster strikes Shido’s high school. Transferring into his class is anew student, Kurumi, who immediately makes the jaw-dropping confession thatshe’s...a Spirit. With a twisted sense of justice and homicidal tendencies, she buzzeswith impish glee whenever she destroys a piece of the world and its human populace.As tensions mount, Shido’s instructed to do the one thing that’ll placate her: takeKurumi out on a date.
Little, Brown & Company Date A Live, Vol. 2 (light novel)
Things have only gotten stranger for Shido ever since Tohka transferred to his school, especially since she and Origami seem to go at it over the tiniest of things. Lately, it seems the only place he can catch a break is in the comfort of his own home. Unfortunately for him, that's all about to change. Apparently, he's going to be living under the same roof as Tohka as part of his new "training" regimen...! And just when he's feeling most vulnerable, Shido stumbles upon a second Spirit, caught in a sudden deluge. You know what they say: when it rains, it pours...
Little, Brown & Company Date A Live, Vol. 11 (light novel)
Five years ago, Origami’s parents were killed by a spirit the same day Kotori became a spirit. And that’s when Tobiichi Origami changed forever. To make sure the worst doesn’t come to pass, Shido has gone back in time and there’s only one thing to do: hange the world.
Little, Brown & Company King's Proposal, Vol. 2 (light novel)
Mushiki Kuga has slowly gotten used to life as the powerful mage, Saika Kuozaki. However, Saika is chosen to represent Void’s Garden in the upcoming interschool exhibition match with Shadow Tower. Not only that, the popular broadcaster of Magitube and representative for Shadow Tower—Clara Tokushima—challenges Saika for the position of Mushiki’s girlfriend!
Little, Brown & Company King's Proposal, Vol. 1 (light novel)
Saika Kuozaki is an all-powerful witch with looks to die for. She’s also the only womanwho can thwart the mysterious entities attempting to destroy the world once every 300hours. When Saika is mortally wounded, however, she bequeaths both her powers andbody to the normal high school boy who happens upon her, Mushiki Kuga. But justbecause Mushiki has her abilities doesn’t mean he can control them. To stand a chanceof saving the world, he’ll have to attend an academy for mages as Saika—all whilekeeping his identity under wraps!
Little, Brown & Company Date A Live, Vol. 5 (light novel)
Summer break is just around the corner, and it’s time for Raizen High School’s field tripto Arubi Island. Shido, however, has no time to relax! When his class reaches thedestination, they immediately encounter twin spirits Kaguya and Yuzuru, who lock eyeswith Shido and compete to be the first to seduce him! Can Shido make it out of thisdouble-date alive and save the twins from their fate?!