Search results for ""Author Konrad Merz""
De Gruyter Building with Hardwood
The worldwide booming timber construction sector and its rapid development beyond the limits of high-rise buildings demands high-performance materials, which are made possible by hardwood. Innovative production methods and manufacturing processes create economically competitive products that open up completely new possibilities for the construction sector - thanks to an almost forgotten building material. For it was not without reason that construction sector used predominantly hardwood until the 18th century.“Building with hardwood” focuses on its use in the supporting structure. The publication provides specialist knowledge for the safe handling of hardwood in building construction and shows successful examples of architecture from practice for practice.
De Gruyter Building in Timber - Room Modules
Ongoing urbanisation requires rapid, low-emission construction methods. Architects, investors and politicians are on the hunt for housing solutions that are fast and cost-effective, yet sustainable and flexible. Timber room modules meet all of these requirements: flexibility, variability, low construction and operating costs, short construction times thanks to high rates of prefabrication, a pleasant living environment, easy dismantling via detachable connections, excellent recyclability as well as a general acceptance by end users. This practical volume offers an overview, from the planning process to assembly, while contemporary examples show that building with room modules facilitates heretofore unimagined, multi-layered and differentiated architectures.
De Gruyter Holzbau - Raummodule
Die anhaltende Urbanisierung verlangt nach schnellen Bauweisen mit geringen Emissionen. Daher suchen Architekten, Investoren und Politiker nach Lösungen, zügig und kostengünstig, aber zugleich nachhaltigen und flexiblen Wohnraum zu schaffen. Raummodule in Holzbauweise bieten all dies: Flexibilität, Variabilität und günstige Bau- und Betriebskosten, kurze Bauzeiten durch hohe Vorfertigung, angenehmes Wohnklima, leichte Rückbaubarkeit durch lösbare Verbindungen und hohe Recyclingfähigkeit sowie eine allgemeine Akzeptanz durch die Nutzer. Dieser Praxisband bietet einen Überblick vom Planungsprozess bis zur Montage. Zeitgemäße Beispiele belegen, dass Bauen mit Raummodulen ungeahnt vielschichtige und differenzierte Architekturen ermöglicht.