Search results for ""Author Koichi""
Kyoto University Press and Trans Pacific Press Beyond Fukushima: Toward a Post-Nuclear Society
Written in the immediate aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake and accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of March 2011, Koichi Hasegawa's Beyond Fukushima presents a compelling account of the events of 3/11 against the backdrop of the history and geopolitics of the nuclear industry worldwide.The book begins with the accident and its immediate impact on Japan and then expands to form a critical analysis of the global nuclear power industry, providing a framework through which to explain Japan's continued reliance on nuclear power despite widespread public concern. Hasegawa's analysis is convincing. He argues passionately for denuclearisation and is highly critical of the Japanese Government for failing to phase out nuclear power in the wake of the Fukushima accident. In the final chapter, Hasegawa outlines steps toward a post-nuclear society, arguing strongly that this transformation must be made to avoid further catastrophe.
Pie International Co., Ltd. Yokai Storyland: Illustrated Books from the Yumoto Koichi Collection
Pie International Co., Ltd. YOKAI
Dover Publications Inc. Optical Illusions Coloring Book
Kyoto University Press and Trans Pacific Press Re-Thinking Economic Development: Green Revolution, Agrarian Structure and Transformation in Bangladesh
This study investigates the impact of agrarian development programs on rural class structure in Bangladesh, and it highlights how the local administration of infrastructure affected the social stratification of villages.Re-thinking Economic Development shows how the so-called Green Revolution was conducive to the formation of the groundwater market and the emergence of the 'waterlords'. The book demonstrates the ways in which the failure of formal finance facilities contributed to the credit flow from the wealthy to the poor, with the transformation of the potato-marketing system and the structure of rural finance.
Klett-Cotta Verlag Der Ochs und sein Hirte Eine altchinesische ZenGeschichte erlutert von Meister Daizohkutsu R Ohsu mit japanischen Bildern aus dem 15 Jahrhundert
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Strategic Approaches to the International Economy: Selected Essays of Koichi Hamada
Strategic Approaches to the International Economy brings together a selection of Koichi Hamada's innovative and acclaimed essays on the applications of game theory to international economics, capital movements, migration, income distribution, portfolio choice, law and economics and the Japanese economy.As Professor Hamada says of his own work, 'My analyses are usually simple . . . partly because in some sense I have tried not to follow the fashion of the profession but to pursue what genuinely interests me.' Featuring work published over the last 30 years, this major volume is a triumphant assertion of the value of his approach. The autobiographical essay, which introduces this collection and places his work in context, describes his education in Japan and the United States, his early influences including Takashi Negishi, James Tobin, Richard Cooper and Hirofumi Uzawa, and his development of interests in income distribution, law and economics, and international economics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Green Reaction Media in Organic Synthesis
Green, sustainable chemistry involves the designing of chemical processes with a view to reducing or even eliminating the use and production of hazardous materials. Recent endeavors have focused on limiting the use of organic solvents and replacing them with new, environmentally benign media. The chemical industry is interested in these cost-effective, alternative solvents and processes. This book provides a broad overview of the three most commonly used green reaction media. Directed at synthetic organic chemists working in academic and industrial laboratories, it will also serve as a textbook for graduate courses on green chemistry. Successful green reactions are considered, and experimental sections at the ends of the chapters provide important practical details, with illustrations of potential applications. Sufficient information is included to allow selection of the most appropriate medium. Extensively referenced, the volume offers a point of entry into the detailed literature.
Duke University Press Recentering Globalization: Popular Culture and Japanese Transnationalism
Globalization is usually thought of as the worldwide spread of Western—particularly American—popular culture. Yet if one nation stands out in the dissemination of pop culture in East and Southeast Asia, it is Japan. Pokémon, anime, pop music, television dramas such as Tokyo Love Story and Long Vacation—the export of Japanese media and culture is big business. In Recentering Globalization, Koichi Iwabuchi explores how Japanese popular culture circulates in Asia. He situates the rise of Japan’s cultural power in light of decentering globalization processes and demonstrates how Japan’s extensive cultural interactions with the other parts of Asia complicate its sense of being "in but above" or "similar but superior to" the region.Iwabuchi has conducted extensive interviews with producers, promoters, and consumers of popular culture in Japan and East Asia. Drawing upon this research, he analyzes Japan’s "localizing" strategy of repackaging Western pop culture for Asian consumption and the ways Japanese popular culture arouses regional cultural resonances. He considers how transnational cultural flows are experienced differently in various geographic areas by looking at bilateral cultural flows in East Asia. He shows how Japanese popular music and television dramas are promoted and understood in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore, and how "Asian" popular culture (especially Hong Kong’s) is received in Japan.Rich in empirical detail and theoretical insight, Recentering Globalization is a significant contribution to thinking about cultural globalization and transnationalism, particularly in the context of East Asian cultural studies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Finite Strain Theory for Continuum Elasto-Plasticity
Comprehensive introduction to finite elastoplasticity, addressing various analytical and numerical analyses & including state-of-the-art theories Introduction to Finite Elastoplasticity presents introductory explanations that can be readily understood by readers with only a basic knowledge of elastoplasticity, showing physical backgrounds of concepts in detail and derivation processes of almost all equations. The authors address various analytical and numerical finite strain analyses, including new theories developed in recent years, and explain fundamentals including the push-forward and pull-back operations and the Lie derivatives of tensors. As a foundation to finite strain theory, the authors begin by addressing the advanced mathematical and physical properties of continuum mechanics. They progress to explain a finite elastoplastic constitutive model, discuss numerical issues on stress computation, implement the numerical algorithms for stress computation into large-deformation finite element analysis and illustrate several numerical examples of boundary-value problems. Programs for the stress computation of finite elastoplastic models explained in this book are included in an appendix, and the code can be downloaded from an accompanying website.
Pie International Co., Ltd. Sakuna of Rice and Ruin Artworks
Trans Pacific Press Globalization, Minorities and Civil Society: Perspectives from Asian and Western Cities
Royal Society of Chemistry NMR in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology
This volume focuses on solution and solid-state NMR of carbohydrates, glycoproteins, glyco-technologies, biomass and related topics. It is estimated that at least 80% of all proteins are glycoproteins. Because of the complexity, heterogeneity and flexibility of the sugar chains, the structural biology approaches for glycoconjugates have been generally avoided. NMR techniques although well established for structural analyses of proteins and nucleic acids, cannot be simply applied to this complex class of biomolecules. Nonetheless, recently developed NMR techniques for carbohydrates open the door to conformational studies of a variety of sugar chains of biological interest. NMR studies on glycans will have significant impact on the development of vaccines, adjuvants, therapeutics, biomarkers and on biomass regeneration. In this volume, the Editors have collected the most up-to-date NMR applications from experts in the field of carbohydrate NMR spectroscopy. Timely and useful, not only for NMR specialists, it will appeal to researchers in the general field of structural biology, biochemistry and biophysics, molecular and cellular biology and material science.
Trans Pacific Press Globalization, Minorities and Civil Society: Perspectives from Asian and Western Cities
Springer Verlag, Singapore Middle Molecular Strategy: Flow Synthesis to Functional Molecules
This book highlights recently discovered aspects of “middle-size molecules,” focusing on (1) their unique bio-functions on the basis of derivatives and conjugates of natural products, saccharides, peptides, and nucleotides; (2) the synthesis of structurally complex natural products; (3) special synthetic methods for π-conjugated functional molecules; and (4) novel synthetic methods using flow chemistry. Given its scope, the book is of interest to industrial researchers and graduate students in the fields of organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, and materials science.
Tuttle Publishing Sketching Men: How to Draw Lifelike Male Figures, A Complete Course for Beginners (Over 600 Illustrations)
In Sketching Men, veteran art instructor Koichi Hagawa, PhD explains how to quickly capture the dynamic male form through two distinct styles of sketching: Very rapid (1-3 minute) line drawings that capture the essence of the subject's posture and movement—perfect for recording athletic action poses in the moment More finished tonal drawings, which take a bit longer to render (7-10 minutes), but fill in lots of interesting texture and wonderfully realistic details and nuances, including the play of light and shadow, three-dimensional form and a sense of mass and balance Learn to sketch the following: Individual body parts and their bones and muscles Objects held in the hands and with both arms Standing and sitting poses Transitions from prone and sitting poses to a standing pose Bending, reaching and leaning poses Pushing, throwing and dancing poses Folds, gathers and drape of clothing This book contains hundreds of detailed studies and helpful examples. Your sketches will improve rapidly as you learn all about how human anatomy—the skeleton, muscles and posture—all come together to express the uniquely male form. When you hone your line and tonal drawing skills with this book, all of your artwork will improve as a result, no matter the application: storyboarding, cartooning and graphic novels, illustration, formal drawings, painting and more!
Little, Brown & Company Honey Trap Shared House, Vol. 2
From clumsy-yet-cold Seraphy, to freewheeling and voluptuous Maria, to immature and mischievous Emily, can first-class secret agent Hayato Kiriyama endure the amorous advances of the three alluring rival spies he’s rooming with?
Lean Enterprise Institute,US The Birth of Lean: Conversations with Taiichi Ohno, Eiji Toyoda, and Other Figures Who Shaped Toyota Management: 1.0: 1.0
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Ageing and the Labor Market in Japan: Problems and Policies
This book is a concerted attempt by economists to investigate and offer remedies for some of the difficulties associated with an ageing labor market. The economic problems of ageing combined with a declining population manifest themselves most acutely in the present Japanese economy. Demographic trends present serious social and economic problems for Japan, and the rest of the global community is affected by the ways in which it copes with these difficulties. The contributors to this book study Japan's experience, which is crucial for understanding the nature of ageing problems and for developing feasible policies to address them. Ageing labor markets could distort the employment mechanism, create youth unemployment, and disrupt incentives for human capital formation in younger workers. Though an economic approach is the core methodology in the book, it also encompasses diverse perspectives including sociological considerations of labor markets and negotiating behaviour within households. The international implications of the problems are emphasized in the chapters that deal with immigration and capital markets.This book will be an indispensable tool for economists, policy makers and students concerned with the effects of ageing societies throughout the world.
Little, Brown & Company Honey Trap Shared House, Vol. 1
As a child, Hayato promised to marry his first love, Seraphy. Fifteen yeers later, he has become one of the world’s greatest spies, all while never falling for the temptations of enemy agents. A mission to expose rival operatives turns chaotic when Hayato reunites with Seraphy, and each realizes the other is a spy. Now the pair must live together, torn between love and duty. The question is…who will break first?
Springer Verlag, Singapore The Science of Soft Robots: Design, Materials and Information Processing
The goal of this textbook is to equip readers with as structured knowledge of soft robotics as possible. Seeking to overcome the limitations of conventional robots by making them more flexible, gentle and adaptable, soft robotics has become one of the most active fields over the last decade. Soft robotics is also highly interdisciplinary, bringing together robotics, computer science, material science, biology, etc. After the introduction, the content is divided into three parts: Design of Soft Robots; Soft Materials; and Autonomous Soft Robots. Part I addresses soft mechanisms, biological mechanisms, and soft manipulation & locomotion. In Part II, the basics of polymer, biological materials, flexible & stretchable sensors, and soft actuators are discussed from a materials science standpoint. In turn, Part III focuses on modeling & control of continuum bodies, material intelligence, and information processing using soft body dynamics. In addition, the latest research results and cutting-edge research are highlighted throughout the book. Written by a team of researchers from highly diverse fields, the work offers a valuable textbook or technical guide for all students, engineers and researchers who are interested in soft robotics.
Humana Press Inc. Zebrafish: Methods and Protocols
This second edition details new emerging areas of zebrafish research focusing on genetics and genomics, techniques for developing and analyzing zebrafish disease models, and methods for neuroscience. Zebrafish: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition guides readers through methods for mutagenesis and genome editing in zebrafish, applications of GFP-expressing transgenic fish, techniques for cancer models, imaging of infection and host-pathogen interactions, metabolism and transport of lipids, and the structure and function of neural circuits and their role in generating behavior. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical Zebrafish: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition is a useful complement to the first book for new and experienced zebrafish researcher alike.
University of California Press Global East Asia: Into the Twenty-First Century
Home to a rapidly rising superpower and the two largest economies in the world after the US, a global East Asia is seen and felt everywhere. This dynamic text views the global square from the perspective of the world’s most important rising global center. East Asia’s global impact is built on a dizzying combination: a strong and deep civilizational self-consciousness fused with hypermodernity, wealth, influence, and power, which have made the region a beacon for the world and an alternative to the West. Short, accessible essays by prominent experts on the region cover the core of East Asian—Japan, China, and Korea—as well as Mongolia and Taiwan. Topics include contemporary culture, artistic production, food, science, economic development, digital issues, education and research, and international collaboration. Students will glean new perspectives about the region using the insights of global studies.
University of California Press Global East Asia: Into the Twenty-First Century
Home to a rapidly rising superpower and the two largest economies in the world after the US, a global East Asia is seen and felt everywhere. This dynamic text views the global square from the perspective of the world’s most important rising global center. East Asia’s global impact is built on a dizzying combination: a strong and deep civilizational self-consciousness fused with hypermodernity, wealth, influence, and power, which have made the region a beacon for the world and an alternative to the West. Short, accessible essays by prominent experts on the region cover the core of East Asian—Japan, China, and Korea—as well as Mongolia and Taiwan. Topics include contemporary culture, artistic production, food, science, economic development, digital issues, education and research, and international collaboration. Students will glean new perspectives about the region using the insights of global studies.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Anatomy for Plastic Surgery of the Face, Head, and Neck
Anatomy for Plastic Surgery of the Face, Head, and Neck details the complex regional anatomy of the face, head and neck, providing plastic surgery and otolaryngology residents with a solid anatomical knowledge base. There are many danger zones involved in operating on the head and neck, and the detailed knowledge of anatomy that readers gain from this reference will help them avoid the surgical mishaps that often result in patient disfigurement. Key Features: Complex regional anatomy of the head and neck detailed with drawings, intraoperative photos and radiologic images Online access to videos in which authors walk readers through the anatomy of the face, head and neck Covers the latest anatomical topics, including arterial supply of the facial skin and sensory nerves of the head and neck This excellent anatomical reference will be read cover to cover by young plastic surgeons and otolaryngologists, as well as residents in these specialties. More experienced surgeons will refer to it whenever they need to learn about an unfamiliar area of the head and neck.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Towards Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia
This indispensable book provides a comprehensive analysis of monetary and financial integration in East Asia. It assesses the steps already taken toward financial integration and brings forward different proposals for future exchange rate arrangements in what has now become the world's most dynamic region.With contributions from distinguished experts this timely book evaluates the economic and politico-economic arguments and conditions for monetary and financial integration in East Asia. It explores how and to what extent the countries of the region can integrate despite their heterogeneity and their underlying political tensions. Drawing on the European experiences, this book analyzes the economic logic of monetary and financial integration in East Asia and its political feasibility.This invaluable broad analysis will be of interest to academic researchers, students, policy-makers and professional economists working on matters of international economic cooperation, common currency areas, international open economy macroeconomics, and East Asian integration.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disaster Education
Education is the key to risk reduction, be it environmental management or disaster risk reduction, and is a process which needs to be embedded at different levels of management and practices to collectively reduce the risk. While school education forms the foundations of the knowledge cycle, for effective knowledge use, it is necessary to link school and community education. Education is linked to enhanced awareness and a key reflection of education is seen in terms of actions. Divided into four sections this book begins with an informative introduction to the subject of disaster risk reduction education and proceeds to highlight key places of education such as family, community, school, and higher education. It then examines approaches, methods and tools before providing a future perspective and pointing to the way ahead. This is the first book of its kind on disaster risk reduction education. A ready reference for practitioners in the field, this book describes and demonstrates different aspects of education in an easy-to-understand form with current academic research and practical field experiences included throughout.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Amorphous Semiconductors: Structural, Optical, and Electronic Properties
Amorphous semiconductors are subtances in the amorphous solid state that have the properties of a semiconductor and which are either covalent or tetrahedrally bonded amorphous semiconductors or chelcogenide glasses. Developed from both a theoretical and experimental viewpoint Deals with, amongst others, preparation techniques, structural, optical and electronic properties, and light induced phenomena Explores different types of amorphous semiconductors including amorphous silicon, amorphous semiconducting oxides and chalcogenide glasses Applications include solar cells, thin film transistors, sensors, optical memory devices and flat screen devices including televisions
Royal Society of Chemistry Polyrotaxane and Slide-Ring Materials
Polyrotaxane is a necklace-like supramolecule in which many cyclic molecules are threaded into a single polymer chain and can be cross-linked to produce functional polymeric materials. The resulting materials have movable cross-linking giving unique properties different from other polymer networks with fixed covalent bonds gaining much attention for new films, elastomers and coatings. Polyrotaxane and Slide-Ring Materials is the first book to cover the fundamentals and applications of these molecules and materials. After a general introduction, the first part of the book covers the thermodynamics of inclusion complex formation and sliding transition in polyrotaxane, followed by different synthesis techniques of polyrotaxane and slide-ring materials. The book then addresses different scattering methods for structural analysis followed by chapters on the electric and optical properties of polyrotaxane as well as the mechanical and thermodynamic properties of slide-ring materials. The final part of the book contains different chapters on their applications including gels elastomers and resins. Authored by the inventor of slide-ring materials, it will appeal to students, researchers, and engineers in supramolecular chemistry, polymer chemistry and polymer physics.