Search results for ""Author Keishi Ayasato""
Little, Brown & Company Torture Princess: Fremd Torturchen, Vol. 3 (light novel)
The Grand King has been vanquished at last, but her death comes at great cost. Hina's long slumber, Kaito's contract with the Emperor, and the death of Godd Deos will have lasting consequences in ways they have yet to realize. With three demons left to vanquish, and a long road of uncertainty before them, how will Elizabeth and Kaito face what lies ahead?
Little, Brown & Company The Bride of Demise, Vol. 1
Years ago, mysterious beings only known as kihei appeared without warning andoverran the world. To confront this strange menace, the Twilight Academy wasestablished to train students in black magic and how to battle the otherworldlyinvaders. Graduates of this school are no strangers to death and many meet theirdoom while fulfilling their duty to protect humanity. Kou is just one more casualty inthis war for survival...or so he thinks. Before he can even appreciate the fact that he’sstill alive, a kihei pledges her loyalty to him and vows to stay by his side until the endof days, setting off a chain of events that can only lead down the road of madness andchaos.
Little, Brown & Company Torture Princess: Fremd Torturchen, Vol. 4 (light novel)
"I shall grant you a quick death." Such were the words uttered by Elisabeth, having been ordered eliminate to Kaito, the fifteenth demon contractor, host of the Kaiser, and enemy of all mankind. Elsewhere, Kaito and Hina receive some unexpected aid from a person who "welcomes the enemy of humanity as a guest."
Little, Brown & Company Torture Princess: Fremd Torturchen, Vol. 8 (light novel)
Life for a life. With nowhere left to turn, the people of the realm beseech Elisabeth to sew chaos far and wide. And if she does not comply, Kaito, the hero of the realm will be offered up in sacrifice. Finding her path blocked by Jeanne and Elisabeth, Elisabeth receives aid from an unlikely source...her father figure, Vlad.
Little, Brown & Company Torture Princess: Fremd Torturchen, Vol. 9 (light novel)
After losing her beloved father-figure Lewis, Alice wishes to drag the whole world withher to the grave, while Elisabeth, now without Kaito, strives to protect it. Twoirreconcilable paths, both shaped by the last wishes of those they love. Twopossibilities for the future-and only one will prevail.
Little, Brown & Company Torture Princess: Fremd Torturchen, Vol. 1 (light novel)
In this dark, gothic fantasy, a boy is summoned to another world where he meets a beautiful and terrifying girl who offers him a choice-to be her servant, or to be tortured!
Little, Brown & Company Torture Princess: Fremd Torturchen Omnibus
Kaito has had a rough life, but it only gets worse after he dies. When he's summoned to another world, he meets a beautiful and terrifying girl who offers him a choice-to be her servant and help her slay demons, or to suffer at her hands!